How to properly install the hood?

How to properly install the hood?
How to properly install the hood?

Air circulation is a very important and responsible process in the life of every person. Not only labor efficiency, but also human he alth depends on it, therefore, attention is paid to the hood not only at various enterprises and hazardous industries, but also in everyday life, mounting it in kitchens and bathrooms. Moreover, in many apartments, it has developed so structurally that the installation of a kitchen hood is the main measure for establishing ventilation for the entire apartment as a whole. Therefore, this process needs to be given increased attention.

Installing the hood
Installing the hood

Initially, you need to purchase a hood. In this case, you should pay attention to its performance, overall dimensions and noise level. It is also worth paying attention to the absence of damage to the main parts, and if such are found, then the device should be exchanged. If you plan to install a built-in hood, then you need to check with the seller the installation methods and check the availability of all necessary fastening materials.

When purchasing a specific device, you need to take into account the area that it will have to serve. If you plan to organize complex ventilation, then you should purchase several additional fans that can bemount in the bathroom or toilet.

Usually installing the hood does not take much time, but requires good preparation and certain skills. Moreover, the preparation process includes the cleaning of all horizontal ventilation shafts, and if it is possible to clean the vertical shafts, then this should also be used. Since the quality of the device will depend on their purity.

Installing a built-in hood
Installing a built-in hood

When the hood is installed, the whole process is divided into two parts. The first involves the installation of the device itself, and additional fans. Moreover, it is produced in compliance with the instructions and safety standards. Since you will have to work with both electricity and power tools.

The second process, which involves the installation of the hood, is the installation of additional devices and connecting sleeves. Usually, the standard delivery does not provide for the presence of connecting elements. This is due to the fact that the distance between the device and the entry into the ventilation shaft is different, and the manufacturer cannot know all the dimensions. Therefore, these items must be purchased separately.

Installing a kitchen hood
Installing a kitchen hood

There are two main types of connecting ventilation shafts. One of them is a special box made of galvanized or tin, the other type is a corrugated pipe.

If the hood is installed in a room where there is free access to the mine, then it is best to usebox It is less prone to clogging and better breathable. If access to the ventilation shaft is difficult or there are obstacles between it and the hood, then it is better to use a corrugated tube. It will provide a gentle contour, and will not create difficult areas for airflow.
