The basement in a private house is the most suitable place where you can store vegetables, as well as canned food. It is usually built by owners of country houses and country houses, as well as apartment owners, if their housing is located on the ground floor and provides the possibility of implementing this idea.
A room with this purpose has optimal conditions for storing preparations and vegetables throughout the year. If the cellar is built correctly, then a constant temperature will be maintained there in the range from +2 to -4 ° C, which guarantees the safety of products.
Varieties of cellars

Before you build a basement, you must choose one or another design, which can be made of different materials, namely:
- concrete;
- stone;
- metal;
- brick;
- wood.
You can also classify such premises according to the degree of deepening, they are:
- semi-recessed;
- ground;
- bulk;
- recessed;
- located on a slope.
There are also cellars under the house, summer kitchen, terrace, garage or balcony. However, if you plan to locate such a room under a private building, then it is better to do this at the design stage of the building. It will not be so laborious and will allow you to complete the work efficiently and quickly. In this case, the walls of the foundation can act as the walls of the structure, and the basement will become the ceiling. This approach is especially common when building garages.
Identification of design features

Before you build a basement, you must decide what parameters it will have. It is also important to determine the location of the object. It is located on an elevated site. The most suitable parameters will be 2 x 2 m. You can deepen the space by 3 m. But the structure can be made even more impressive in size, as well as deep. Everything will depend on the needs of the owners of the house.
Before starting construction, it is important to determine the level of groundwater. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a hole, delving into the soil by 3 m. A pipe is installed in it, and then they monitor at what mark the water appears. If you do not have a pipe, then such information can be obtained from neighbors. When groundwater is too close, a drainage system will be required, as well as waterproofing the walls and bottom.
Drainage pipes should be located around the perimeter, they are usuallybelow the bottom. Pipes are laid with a slope, which should be directed towards the dug hole, where water will collect. Masters can prepare drainage ditches, which are pre-filled with coarse gravel.
Building Methods

If you are thinking about how to build a basement, you should know that when groundwater is low, you can work in one of two ways: by pit or lowering. The latest technology is that a basement box made of brick and concrete is erected on the surface of the earth, and then it gradually deepens, soil is dug out from under it. This method can be compared with the construction of a well. The technology is laborious and time consuming, but does not damage the landscape of the site.
You will have the opportunity to waterproof the box from the outside at an early stage. Quite often, the owners of country houses and detached housing within the city have a question about how to build a basement. A more popular way to do this is to carry out work in a pre-prepared pit. It is necessary to use an excavator for excavation, which should go deep by 3 m.
On all sides, the dimensions of the pit should be 0.5 m larger. The bottom and walls are well aligned, while choosing the soil will have to be done manually. If groundwater is absent or lies too deep, then reinforced waterproofing is not required. The construction of the cellar is quite simple.
Construction of a basement in a pit:ground preparation

If you decide to build a basement with your own hands, then the construction of the storage facility must begin with the preparation of the base, which will be located on the entire bottom area. To do this, a hole is dug, the bottom of which is leveled and covered with a layer of sand. The next layer will be crushed stone and brick battle. Its thickness is 20 cm or more.
The next step is to heat the bitumen and fill it in so that the surface is equal. Such a base will protect the basement from moisture. A metal 6 mm wire or reinforcement should be laid on top of the rubble. After that, concrete is poured, the layer thickness of which reaches 15 cm. As soon as the mortar hardens, it is necessary to lay out a box according to the size of the basement. The width and length of the base must exceed the outer dimensions of the walls by 50 cm maximum.
Building walls

If you decide to build a basement with your own hands, then you need to follow the technology. At the next stage, it provides for the laying of the walls. Their thickness should be equal to one brick. It is necessary to work in a waste, while the spoon and tychkovy rows will alternate with each other. For masonry, a brick of the M100 brand is prepared, which is fastened with cement mortar. Before laying, the material is moistened.
With the help of 4 mm metal wire, the masonry must be strengthened every fourth row. Particular attention must be paid to the corners, it is therereinforcement is laid. The wire is located on both sides of the masonry with a deviation from the edges of 5 cm. It is important to remember that the strength of a brick wall is extremely important. Reinforcement should not be spared, brickwork must be strengthened to the maximum.

If you are faced with the question of how to properly build a basement, then you should know that brick walls must be plastered with cement-sand mortar. It must be applied not only inside, but also from the outside. Wasted laying is required in order for the cement mortar to hold well. The plaster should be allowed to dry. This will take about a month, during which time the solution will gain strength.

If you are thinking about how to build a dry basement, you should become more familiar with the features of waterproofing. To do this, dry plaster is covered with hot bituminous mastic in 2 layers and pasted over with roofing material, which is impregnated with resin. The roofing material is glued with an overlap. Horizontal and vertical layers must be alternated. The roofing material is glued with molten bitumen.
Special attention should be paid to insulation in those places where the walls meet the base. The roofing material is glued in such a way that the sheets go onto a horizontal surface. At the next stage, you can start backfilling the pit. The walls are pre-lined with oily clay. The thickness of the formed layer shouldmake up 10 cm. The rest of the space is covered with earth.
Interior decoration
Quite often home masters wonder how to build a basement. The technology of work provides for the need for interior decoration. It is convenient to carry out these works until the flooring is laid. You can use different materials, for example:
- tile;
- whitewash;
- plaster;
- moisture resistant materials.
An alternative solution is asbestos-cement flat slate, which is laid on a wooden crate. For bottom devices, roofing material is used, which is laid on a concrete surface in two layers. You need to use hot bitumen. The material should go onto the walls by 30 cm. A screed is made along the roofing material, and then you can start laying the tiles.
If you are thinking about the question of how to properly build a basement under the house, you should also take care of the need for a floor device. The basement is covered with a slab of reinforced monolithic concrete, timber, concrete floor slabs, slabs, logs or thick boards. Your choice will depend on the budget allocated for construction, as well as the availability of certain materials.
The easiest option would be to cover with thick boards. The boards should first be impregnated with hot bitumen and covered with roofing material. Along the perimeter, a channel frame is laid on the walls. But you can use corner No. 65. At the next stage, you can proceed with the installation of the log orbeam, the distance between the elements is 0.6 m.
In the ceiling there should be a manhole, the size of which is 0.75 x 0.75 m. However, you can increase the parameters to 1 x 1 m. The frame of the manhole is welded from a metal corner so that it is possible to install two covers. The first will be located at ceiling level, while the other will be at ground level. This will provide additional thermal insulation in winter.
The lid can be made hinged, it can be removable or on wooden hinges. It is insulated with appropriate materials. If you are faced with the question of how to build a cellar or basement, then you need to act according to a certain algorithm. It provides for the installation of stairs at an angle of 45 °. As for thermal insulation, it can be made of a clay-straw layer, which is laid with a thickness of 30 cm or more. Sometimes a 50 cm layer of earth is used for this.
Ventilation system device
In order for the basement to function properly, it is necessary to install exhaust and supply ventilation in it. To do this, two pipes are installed in opposite corners of the room. The end of one should be located closer to the bottom of the cellar. It is necessary to remove it from the bottom by 50 cm maximum. The other end should be closer to the ceiling. This will ensure air circulation.
Pipes must be asbestos-cement, metal or plastic. When choosing products, you should pay special attention to their diameter, which will provide good air exchange. If you decide to build a basement for storing vegetables, the areawhich will be 6 m2, then pipes with a diameter within 12 cm should be prepared.
In winter, ventilation is covered with burlap outside and inside. Indoors, it is recommended to hang an alcohol thermometer that will monitor the temperature level. You can also equip the room with a psychrometer, which will help the user monitor the humidity.
Basement cellar
In those regions where the soil freezes up to 2 m deep, as well as for landscaping the area above the cellar outside the house, you can additionally install a cellar. It is a four-pitched or gable roof that will cover the cellar over the entire area. Additionally, an entrance door should be installed on one side.
The roof is usually covered with insulating materials, it can be:
- bulrush;
- reed;
- clay.
Partially or completely the structure is covered with earth, which will ensure a normal microclimate inside and decorate the site.
Building a basement in an existing home
If you want to make a basement in a built house with your own hands, then you need to make sure in advance that when you dig a foundation pit under it, you will not run into water. This requirement is due to the fact that sometimes when digging a hole with a depth of up to 2 m (which is an acceptable minimum height), water is already found through a meter even in the dry season.
This outcome will not allow you to arrange a room under the house - you will have to backfill the soil, otherwise the water is constantly or periodicallywill stagnate, which will entail the corresponding inconvenience in the form of constant humidity under the floor.
If you decide to build a basement under the house and did not find nearby groundwater, then work can be continued further. It is better if they are carried out even before the floor of the first floor is closed. Otherwise, it will be necessary to work crawling, and then continue manipulations in a limited space. The basement in this case will not be located under the whole house, but indented from the foundation for a certain distance. Otherwise, you may experience soil shedding to the point that niches form under the base through which the street will be visible.
A drawdown of the capital foundation may also occur. After that, you will also have to fill in the dug trenches, as well as fill them with concrete and reinforce them to prevent the collapse of the entire building. If you are thinking about how to build a basement in a private house that is already in operation, then it is important to evaluate many factors. It is better if the dimensions of the pit are not more than 2 x 4 m. The first value is the depth. The distance from the foundation should be 2 m, and the room itself will be located in the central part of the house. If the supports of the floor logs or the inner wall are located in this place, then you should think about how to move them or redistribute the load.
An alternative solution is the restoration of supports after the construction of the basement. Some inconvenience in this case is that the hole inside will not be located against the wall, but with someoffset to the center of the house. If, nevertheless, you want to place the entrance in a corner, then you will have to carry out additional work to deepen and remake the foundation in this corner. For some types of soil, it is necessary to use formwork from boards so that the edges of the pit do not crumble. In this case, it is necessary to act according to the principle that is used when digging wells.
In a wooden well, crowns of logs or timber are laid out, and after the digging is carried out under the lower crown, and the upper ones are built up. The same should be done in the case of the basement. However, instead of timber or logs, a cut board should be used, the thickness of which is 30 mm. Additionally, vertical racks in the form of bars are used, which are located inside the pit and grow as the formwork lowers.
If you were also among those who thought about the question of how to make a basement in a built house, then after earthworks are completed, vertical reinforcement is installed at the planned depth and driven into the basement floor with its lower ends. The bundle must be carried out around the entire perimeter. Next, proceed to the installation of the internal formwork. At the beginning, the lower boards are installed, concrete is poured, and then the upper rows are built up. After that, you can continue pouring the solution. If the formwork is not set to its full height, then pouring concrete from above will be quite laborious.
House with cellar
If you decide to build a house with a basement, then after completing the marking work, you need to dig a trench and form a formwork. Shields are fixed at the edges, and then you can gofor reinforcement and filling. The base is aged for 4 weeks, the formwork is removed, and a foundation pit is dug inside for the basement.
At the next stage, the base is prepared according to the scheme described above, the walls are waterproofed, and drainage and runoff work is necessarily carried out. If you are faced with the question of how to build a house with a basement correctly, then you need to act according to the algorithm that was described in the article above. As soon as the base and cellar are ready, you can proceed with the installation of the ceiling and the construction of walls.
It is better to provide for the laying of the basement at the design stage of the house. Its device is carried out at the time of construction. This requirement is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to carry out such work in an operating building, because they are labor-intensive and can create the likelihood of a collapse of the house.