Ostrich fern is the most beautiful species of the family. The genus includes 4 species, 2 of them grow in Russia. The most famous fern is the common ostrich. Its spore-bearing leaves are very similar in shape to ostrich feathers. Hence the name - ostrich. The photo shows this similarity well.

Ostrich fern is undemanding and can grow anywhere: in the forest, on the edge of the forest, on the banks of the river, in the swamp. But prefers damp forests of the temperate zone of Eurasia and North America, where it forms thickets.

Description of the fern
Ostrich fern is the largest among its genus brethren. It can reach 1.5-2 meters in height, and with a lack of moisture - 40-60 centimeters. Each year, its rhizomes grow by 25 centimeters. Cirrus light green fronds (the so-called leaves of ferns) are collected in a glass-like funnel, similar to a vase, and reach 1.5 meters in length. They appear at the end of spring when steady heat is established.

First, the fronds are wrapped inside, but by the beginning of summer they straighten out. By autumn they turn yellow and disappear. Unlikethe rest of the ferns, which have sporangia on the underside of the leaves, the ostrich has spore-bearing leaves called sporophylls. They are short, not exceeding 60 centimeters in length. Sporophylls (1 or 2) appear in August in the center of the funnel. When the spores mature, the leaves turn brown. It is at this time that they are cut for dry bouquets (they last for several years). In spring, the sporophylls open and the wind disperses the spores. At this time, the fronds are very much like ostrich feathers. They stay on the bush for several years, but you can’t make a bouquet from them, as they constantly pour out pores.
Ostrich fern is resistant to cold, undemanding to the composition of the soil, but very demanding to moisture. Grows only in damp places. Prefers shade but can grow in full sun. The ostrich fern needs to be thinned out every three to four years so that it does not grow too much.
Ostrich breeding
Reproduction occurs with the help of segments of rhizomes. Ostrich fern easily tolerates transplanting. But it is better to do it in spring or late summer.
Ostrich fern is used as an ornamental plant. It is considered the most attractive plant in the genus. Sporophylls are added to bouquets and floral arrangements because of their peculiar appearance. Since the plant wakes up late in spring, primroses can be planted between ferns. Ostrich fern looks great both in single plantings and in group plantings. It can be used to form alpine slides. In Norway, ferns were fed to goats,beer was made from it. Residents of some countries use young fronds for food because of the high content of complete proteins, sugars and dietary fiber. The leaves taste like cauliflower.
Medical applications
Ostrich fern has bactericidal, anthelmintic, hemostatic, sedative, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties that are used in folk medicine. It heals burns and frostbite, heals wounds, relieves spasms and relieves epileptic seizures. In Russia, with the help of it, worms were expelled.

If your garden does not yet have this amazing plant, then hurry up to buy an ostrich.