The best flowers for the home: description, names and photos, the most unpretentious species, tips from experienced flower growers

The best flowers for the home: description, names and photos, the most unpretentious species, tips from experienced flower growers
The best flowers for the home: description, names and photos, the most unpretentious species, tips from experienced flower growers

To create comfort in your home, it is not necessary to purchase exotic plants. Plain flowers with proper care will look just as good. Here are the best plants for the home that do not require special care. And they are also very useful: they will help not only to clean the air in the apartment from harmful substances, but also protect you and your family from negativity.


Despite its simplicity, it is not only decorative, but also very useful. Therefore, it is rightfully considered one of the best flowers for the home. A bunch of long, pointed leaves hanging in all directions and complemented by shoots with small “children” at the ends looks very impressive. The plant is completely green or with unusual white stripes along the leaves.

chlorophytum - the best flower for home
chlorophytum - the best flower for home

Chlorophytum loves moisture very much. With its lack, the ends of the leaves begin to dry out. If the air in the room is too dry, spray the plant with a spray bottle.

Chlorophytum is one offlowers, which are best kept at home. Its peculiarity is that it can take harmful compounds from the atmosphere, releasing oxygen. Thus, it perfectly cleans the air in the room. It can be safely placed in the children's room, as it is not poisonous, and if the baby nevertheless tries it by mouth, nothing bad will happen.


The best of flowers for the home. Unpretentious and helpful. It needs minimal care, since this plant is able to withstand everything: lack of moisture, light, heat. But waterlogged soil for aloe can cause death.

The juice of this flower has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Therefore, it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. At home, it is enough to cut a leaf from a plant and squeeze the juice out of it or use the pulp.

aloe vera
aloe vera

Aloe effectively fights skin problems. But it is worth considering that the medicinal properties appear 3 years after planting. Young plants do not have a pronounced healing effect.

There are many types of this flower. The most popular of them are aloe vera and aloe arborescens.


Grandmother's plant, which for some reason is undeservedly forgotten as a relic of the past. In fact, this curly miracle is a good indoor flower for the home: it is unpretentious in care and brings many benefits.

Geranium tolerates both drought and overwatering. Just don't overuse it. It can grow in the shade, but it is still more comfortable on the sunny side. It is not demanding on the compositionsoil, but responds very well to top dressing.

white geranium
white geranium

Many do not like the peculiar aroma of geranium that appears when touching the plant. Some even get headaches. It is believed that if you do not like this smell, then your nerves are in order.

Be that as it may, it is this fragrance that perfectly repels moths and disinfects the air. And geranium calms the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the heart. It is believed that this flower cleanses the house of negative energy and protects from adversity, anger and the evil eye.


This little one is also one of the best flowers for the home. In order for her to please with her beauty, it is enough to water her in time and remove faded buds. Well, from time to time pamper her with complex dressings. Then flowering will be almost constant.

When planting violets, be sure to put drainage on the bottom of the pot. Since the roots of the flower are small and do not germinate deeply, there is a risk of flooding the plant.

There are many varieties of violets in a wide variety of colors with simple and double flowers. They are all good in their own way.

terry violet
terry violet

There are a lot of signs related to violet. There are good ones and not so good ones. There is a belief that this flower is undesirable for young unmarried girls: it allegedly drives away potential suitors. And if the wedding does happen, then not out of love, but out of necessity.

In other sources there is a version that violet is one of the best flowers to keephouses to improve the energy of the apartment and strengthen family ties. It is also useful to put violet at the crib of a newborn baby to strengthen immunity. But at night, it must be removed, as it absorbs oxygen.

Crassula (money tree)

Don't know which flower to plant at home? Pay attention to the fat woman. It is difficult to find a more unpretentious plant. It comes from the succulent family and is drought tolerant. Excessive watering is more harmful for her. She feels great both in the heat and at low temperatures - within the apartment, of course. The only thing she is sensitive to is direct sunlight, which can leave burns on tender leaves. But the plant does not like shade.

It is also undemanding to the soil. For its planting, you can purchase a special substrate for cacti. But it is better to choose a container that is heavy and stable, otherwise a grown tree can outweigh and fall along with the pot.

Money Tree
Money Tree

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that the plant has a powerful energy that can attract we alth to the house. To do this, you must follow a few rules: put the pot with the plant on the windowsill in the southeastern sector of the house or apartment, placing a scarlet napkin under the bottom. The tree itself can be decorated with coins or red ribbons.

According to popular belief, this flower should not be bought, but asked close people for a shoot and grow a plant out of it. Moreover, this family should have a high income. And the bigger and stronger the flower, the better your financialposition. And along with money, happiness and good luck will come to your home.


Or mother-in-law's tongue, as people call this unusual plant. It is very popular because of its extraordinary appearance. And, despite the name, it is not only a decoration for the home, but also a great benefit.

Sansevieria is able to take away negative energy for itself, in return giving back positive energy. She extinguishes quarrels and squabbles in the family. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that plants whose foliage tends upward bring harmony to the house. It also stabilizes the financial situation in the family. Therefore, if there is discord in your family, sansevieria is a suitable option for flowers that are best grown at home.

pike tail
pike tail

Mother-in-law needs moderate care, this flower is unpretentious. Lighting depends on the color of the leaves. The lighter the stripes, the less light it needs, otherwise the leaves will become a normal, dark green color. And sansevieria does not like it when water gets inside the outlet when watering - this can lead to decay.


This plant is considered one of the best home flowers for beginners. It needs minimal maintenance. It can grow even in a dark bathroom. The only requirement is abundant watering. However, do not get carried away, as excessive moisture can lead to the appearance of gray rot. The roots will also rot.

Ferns help create a positive microclimate in the family, especially if someone in the household likes to flare up. They absorb carbon dioxide well and release a lot of oxygen.

ferns are the best source of oxygen
ferns are the best source of oxygen

There is still a belief that the plant protects from evil forces and witches' curses, that is, it serves as a talisman. No wonder it is found in Russian folk tales as a magical plant.


Small fluffy bush with many flowers. It is not exacting in leaving, at the same time quickly grows. One of those indoor flowers that is good to keep at home. To prevent the plant from stretching out much, the tops of the shoots must be pinched, and the branches that grow incorrectly should be removed. Regular watering is needed, otherwise the balsam sheds foliage, and its appearance becomes rather deplorable. In winter, he needs little moisture.

unpretentious balsam
unpretentious balsam

Balsam helps to improve the atmosphere in the house, but is especially supportive of boys and men. It gives them physical strength and self-confidence, makes them bolder.


Unpretentious and the best flower for the house is a cactus. Small and prickly, it comes in the most bizarre shapes and colors. Accustomed to living in the desert, he can do without water for a long time. For him, this is even better than excessive watering. There is an opinion that a flower placed near a computer absorbs harmful radiation. This has not been proven by scientists. But it is useful for the eyes to switch from time to time from the monitor to the plant. Green color relieves stress and calms. Another cactus is considered a generator of positive energy, which he willingly shares with his owners.


Together with chlorophytum, she is in first place as the bestair purifier. In addition, it brings happiness, harmony and comfort to the house. No wonder in China it is customary to give dracaena to newlyweds on their wedding day. Having lived in the same house for quite a long time, she becomes a kind of talisman for its inhabitants. Also, the flower will help timid shy people become more confident.

compact dracaena
compact dracaena

In order for a plant to feel comfortable, it needs a sufficient amount of light, heat and moisture. After all, dracaena comes from the tropics.


Chinese rose is considered the best flower for the home among those who are just starting to grow. She is unpretentious, it is very easy to grow her. It can withstand any adverse conditions. In nature, the bush reaches 20 meters in height and can withstand frosts down to -20 ° C.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with this plant, both good and bad. Hibiscus is called the "flower of death", as it is believed that it begins to bloom especially abundantly after the death of its owner. This is explained by the energy accumulated during life.

hibiscus - chinese rose
hibiscus - chinese rose

On the other hand, hibiscus is a friendly flower. It helps weak and fading plants to come back to life. Keeps happiness and well-being in the house. Refreshes and purifies indoor air. Whether or not to plant such a flower at home, whether it is good or bad, is up to you.


In the wild, it is a tree or shrub, but since ancient times man has been growing it at home. Caring for him is not difficult, but there are somenuances.

Let's start with the container that will contain the flower. The pot should not be too big. The size must be chosen slightly larger than the volume of the roots. He loves light and watering as needed. It grows quickly, so it needs regular feeding. For the same reason, you will have to regularly change the container in which the ficus flower grows.

unpretentious ficus
unpretentious ficus

This is a good flower for the home. It strengthens the family, bringing harmony to relationships. It also helps to solve financial issues. In addition, ficus purifies the air and disinfects it, saturates it with oxygen.


Very spectacular plant that pleases with abundant flowering for a long time. It does not like direct sunlight, preferring diffused light. The room should be humid and not too hot. Does not tolerate excessive dryness of the soil. Responds well to feeding. Despite the numerous requirements, the azalea is not as difficult to care for as it might seem at first glance. However, she loves being taken care of.

blooming azalea
blooming azalea

Azalea is a donor plant. It gives the energy of creation and creativity. If you constantly feel tired and walk around like a sleepy fly all day, be sure to get this flower. Azalea will help restore strength and restore vigor. It will also be useful if your home lacks warmth and sensitivity. It will bring trust and understanding back into the relationship. And for those who work mentally, the azalea will help to concentrate when the forces are running out.

It happens that a flower dies for no apparent reason. This ismeans that he took on some illnesses of the household.


The most numerous genus of the Begonia family. It has many varieties with yellow, pink, red flowers of a wide variety of shapes. But most often in our apartments you can see begonias with flowers that look like roses. This small plant looks simple and at the same time spectacular. Therefore, if you do not know which house flowers are best to choose for your home, stop at begonias.

Caring for her is not difficult, but she needs constant updating. To do this, as soon as the plant fades, cut off the shoot and root it. Then they are planted in a permanent place. This procedure is necessary so that the flower does not lose its qualities, and the buds do not become shallow.

colorful begonias
colorful begonias

For those who believe in omens, we can say that begonia protects family happiness and helps to establish mutual understanding between households. And if you are single, then begonia will surely lure your soulmate into your house.


A beautiful plant with unusual striped foliage cascading down. It looks unusual. Bright juicy greenery, from light to dark shades, attracts attention. Tradescantia prefers cool rooms with diffused light. It is better to place it on the shelves or in a planter on the wall so that the stems freely fall down.

Despite the fact that the plant does not like excessive heat, in the cold its shoots begin to stretch. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the golden mean. Watering should also be moderate, but regular.

original tradescantia
original tradescantia

And the young fluffy leaves of the flower love spider mites, aphids and thrips. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection of the plant from time to time in order to take action in time.

Tradescantia cleans the air of toxins. It also has medicinal properties. It will help cure a sore throat, accelerate the healing of minor wounds. It is used for boils, diarrhea and bloating.

Ancient beliefs say: if you take care of a plant with love and respond to its call for help, it will accumulate positive energy, which will later become a protection for you.
