Do-it-yourself country decor: ideas, materials, tips

Do-it-yourself country decor: ideas, materials, tips
Do-it-yourself country decor: ideas, materials, tips

In order to create a fabulous, enchanting atmosphere in their summer cottage, many people try to make some kind of country decor on their own that will look unusual. Recently, do-it-yourself crafts for your yard have gained great popularity. At the same time, many decorations can not lose their attractive appearance for a long time, and also fit perfectly into landscape design. It is worth taking a closer look at some examples of country decor that can decorate a country yard.

Cat and mice in the garden
Cat and mice in the garden

What not to use?

As for the materials that will be used to make these crafts, there are many. However, not everyone can look spectacular against the backdrop of the courtyard and retain their original attractive appearance for a long time. The experience of creative gardeners indicates that it is best not to use the following materials for making country decor:

  1. Waste plastic bottles. First of all, when making country decor, bottles rarely look attractive. A variety of elephants, dogs, palm trees, bunnies and bells made from a cut plastic container look too clumsy and miserable. With the help of these elements, you can rather create a mess than the decor of a summer cottage. In addition, plastic bottles quickly lose their attractive appearance. The paint that covers the container quickly fades under the influence of direct sunlight. After the rain, the bottles are covered with mud, which is rather difficult to wash off. And under the influence of the wind, such a dacha decor, made with your own hands, disintegrates very quickly.
  2. Unnecessary shoes. Currently, it is quite common to find decorations made from unnecessary shoes in the yards. But this craft has many disadvantages. Country decor made of shoes in the garden mainly creates clutter. In addition, leather or woven shoes become very limp in the rain, so the fake quickly fades and unstuck. But multi-colored rubber boots or galoshes are excellent improvised material for making decorations.
  3. Other unsuitable materials. To create the decor of a country house or plot, it is recommended to avoid those materials that are completely unsuitable for this. These include, for example, an old unnecessary iron bed, pots. But the decor in the summer cottage from an old bicycle sometimes looks very unusual.

The best crafts for your suburban area

Beforedecorating your summer cottage, you need to remember that it is best to get by in this case with decorations that are less stylized and more versatile. To do this, consider a few successful examples of making so-called country furniture for your garden and yard.

Ladybugs made of stones
Ladybugs made of stones

Use of car tires

If fruit trees are planted in the garden, then beautifully designed flower beds with bright flowers will look original among them. The use of old unnecessary car tires is considered quite popular. To create such a craft, a country decor, you can do without a detailed description, since it is quite simple to manufacture. One option is to paint a car tire in bright colors and arrange a flower bed inside.

Also, you can make an alpine hill yourself from these materials if car tires are placed inside each other. However, you should pay attention to the fact that this will require tires of various sizes.

The idea of car tire crafts is to create an unusual oasis in the middle of the yard or garden. Near the summerhouse, the decor in the form of such an oasis will look very handy.

You can also make beautiful white swans out of car tires. However, to do this, you will have to cut the tire, and then paint it white.

Old car or bicycle

As mentioned earlier, a very popular idea for decorating a summer cottage is an unnecessarybike or wheelbarrow. First of all, the product must be painted in a bright color, after which it is used for decoration. You can install baskets on the front and back of the bike, where the earth is poured, and flowers are planted in it. For the manufacture of such country furniture, you can also use a children's tricycle, which can also be decorated with small flower beds planted in baskets.

Flower bed from a bicycle
Flower bed from a bicycle

Unnecessary containers

To decorate your garden, you can make attractive crafts using old barrels, buckets, kitchen utensils or a watering can. With the help of these fakes, you can organize the decor of the country path. If you paint the container in a bright shade, it will acquire a well-groomed and attractive appearance.

It looks very unusual if a large barrel or bucket lies on its side, and the flowers are planted in such a way that they flow from the container.

Stones for decor

If the owner of a suburban area has the ability for artistic creativity, then you can easily create a unique interior in your garden. To do this, you just need to pick up a large smooth stone, which should be decorated with bright paint. In this case, you just need to show a little creativity and imagination. Even and smooth stones make beautiful strawberries, bees, ladybugs. After the stones are painted, they must be laid out in a flower bed or lawn in your summer cottage.

Beautiful shop

It will be very practical to build a bench with your own hands, which should be placedin your garden. Thanks to this, it will be possible to relax pleasantly in the shade of garden trees. But if this product is interesting to decorate, then the resting place will turn into a magnificent element of decor. If the owner of the suburban area has the ability to process wood, then the bench can become an unusual garden decoration without the use of paint.

Unusual wooden bench
Unusual wooden bench

Stumps from trees

If there are stumps from cut down trees in the garden, then they can be used to decorate your site. For example, flowerpots with beautiful flowers are installed in them. In addition, flowers can be planted directly in the recess itself, which should be made inside the stump. You can simply paint a rotten stump with bright colors so that it looks unusual against the backdrop of a blooming flower bed.

Add some color

In addition to making crafts that will decorate the garden or yard, you can also put into practice landscape design ideas for your site. For example, a country house will look very original if some of its fragments are painted in bright colors. In the courtyard, you can highlight the gazebo by painting it with a bright shade. Even a bright fence will be an interesting solution when decorating your suburban area.

However, in this case, it must be remembered that moderation is important when using bright colors. It is better not to use colors that can irritate the eye. If you plan to simultaneously paint the fence, gazebo and house, then in this case you should pay attention to the compatibility of tones.

Flowing flowers inbackyard

If the main task of decorating your yard is to attract admiring glances from passers-by, then this can be achieved by planting several varieties of vines. As a rule, these flowers curl well along the walls of the house, gazebos, fences and pillars. In addition, there is currently a wide range of these plants. Among the vines, there are both annual varieties and perennial varieties that can withstand even severe frosts. The following types of climbing plants will look very impressive:

  1. Ipomoea. Ipomoea blooms with beautiful pretty "megaphones". With their attractive appearance, these flowers are ready to please the eye for about 3 months a year. The maximum length of the vine in this case is about 1 m.
  2. Kobey. This plant is very often used by landscape designers, as it has a spectacular appearance. Liana experts recommend growing from seedlings so that it can bloom in July. Flowering in this case lasts from mid-summer until the onset of the first cold weather.
  3. Sweet peas. This weaving plant will look very unusual on a fence or wall of a house. Thanks to its long flowering, sweet pea is a popular favorite. In addition, the plant has a very pleasant aroma.
  4. Actinidia. This vine is a perennial plant. In height, the flower can reach about 15 m. The plant blooms very beautifully and densely. During flowering, actinidia emits a pleasant aroma. Some varieties produce edible fruits after flowering.

Using sculptures in landscape design

To beautifully decorate your yard or garden, you can use various sculptures. Unusual fabulous little animals, gnomes are currently presented in a wide range in specialized stores. And if the owner of the summer cottage knows how to sculpt from clay, then he will be able to independently make such a sculpture. Only they will have to be placed under a canopy or in a gazebo.

flowerbed cat
flowerbed cat

Beautifully designed walkways

An originally designed path in the yard can be the main pride of the suburban area. In addition, such paths create an incredibly cozy atmosphere. As a material for the manufacture of such alleys, you can use large stones, pebbles, broken tiles, wooden cuts and much more. In this case, you just need to show a little imagination and creativity.

Walkway in the yard
Walkway in the yard

Unusual ponds in the yard

The unconditional highlight of a yard or garden can be a self-built pond. There are many different design options for such reservoirs. To choose the most suitable version of this structure for your suburban area, you should take into account the basic design of the garden and the house. An artificial pond can be additionally decorated and ennobled by planting real water lilies in it.

Pond in the garden
Pond in the garden

Tree decoration

A very unusual landscape idea is to create a flower bed near the trees growing in the garden. This requires abouteach tree at a distance of 1 m, make a rocky mound, and add soil in the gap, where various ornamental plants and flowers will be planted.

Some tips for making country decor and yard design

As mentioned earlier, experts recommend not using plastic bottles, old shoes and other unsuitable materials at hand. But in parallel with this, other tips regarding the manufacture of country decor and the design of your suburban area should also be taken into account. These practical tips include the following:

  1. Don't do art if you don't have talent. It is best in this case to ask for help from an experienced person in this matter.
  2. Don't clutter up your yard with lots of crafts so it doesn't look unkempt. Otherwise, only the feeling of a mess in the garden is created.
  3. If there is an orchard on the territory of a suburban area, then you do not need to create a kindergarten from it yourself. This can happen if a large number of different sculptures in the form of cats, bunnies and other fabulous animals are placed on the territory.
  4. You only need to do crafts that can truly decorate the yard.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the design of your suburban area can turn into a very pleasant and exciting experience. In this case, you just need to show a little imagination and put your plans into practice.
