"Stitched and numbered x number of sheets" is perhaps the only thing that comes to mind when it comes to the need to staple documents. How to stitch documents? The newcomer immediately imagines piles of papers, tightly fastened with bank twine, covered with caustic dust, somewhere in the corner of an accountant's or personnel department's office.

However, not everything is as simple and superficial as it seems at first glance. What you need to know in order to avoid mistakes in this difficult matter? How to sew documents with threads according to a photo? These questions will be discussed in detail in the step-by-step instructions.
Why do old-fashioned staples?
There are many government agencies that may require documents sewn not in a factory way, but manually, using threads. This is, first of all, the tax inspectorate, the archive, they ask to sew documents with threads during the acceptance of papers forregistration of individual entrepreneurs, registration of a legal entity or paperwork for a tender. How to properly staple documents, photo number 2 shows. Usually use thick thread and a thick needle.

It is believed that securities bound in this way are more difficult to lose, counterfeit or replace sheets. Some organizations, precisely because of this, use such a “grandfather” form of fastening important documents. There is another argument - sometimes papers are strictly confidential, and managers, fearing publicity or the influence of competitors, entrust such work only to a trusted person, respectively, refuse the help of specialized firms.
Incorrectly stitched documents can cause refusal to register or re-register an enterprise, accept papers in the archive, lead to the removal of the organization from the competition for a tender, affect the decision of the regulatory authority in the event of an audit of the organization.
Are there uniform norms?
To date, there are no clear rules on how to stitch documents with threads according to a single pattern. There are only recommendations and instructions. Basically, enterprises use the methodological developments of Rosarkhiv, which were approved by order number 76 in 2009, the requirements of GOST "Office work and archiving", as well as instructions from the Central Bank of Russia.
Preparatory stage
All documents to be stapled must be previewed, if there are pencil marks, erase them. Importantcarefully consider each page, exclude them from sticking to each other, ensure a logical and correct sequence of documents in a stack. Remove sharp objects, pins, staples, or paper clips, as they may damage the binding thread and result in loss of the document. It is necessary to number the pages with a simple black pencil, in the right corner, the use of ink, including color, is not allowed. You can not number too close to the text of the document, the more overlap it. Only the front side of the sheet is numbered. The total volume of the stapled document must not exceed 250 sheets, and the height of the bound and numbered document must not exceed 4 centimeters. An example of how to sew documents with threads is shown in the photo.

The next stage of preparation is the selection of tools. To properly sew documents with threads, you will need: an awl, special threads, a cardboard cover, as in the photo. In some cases, a hole punch is used. How and with what to stitch documents, each specialist decides for himself. It is most convenient to use harsh threads or bank twine, in some cases woolen threads or laces are used. Most often they carry the function of decoration. Usually serious reports use a more strict style. Prepare the documents yourself and the form for the inventory.
Some subtleties
- Large format sheets, for example, A3 or A2, must also be numbered. To do this, it is fully expanded and numbered according to general rules. Then folded and carefully glued behindcorner.
- If it is necessary to file a letter, it is opened, first the envelope itself is numbered, then the pages of the letter in turn.
- Document cover is not numbered. Also, the title page is not numbered if there is no cover. However, the second sheet is already numbered with the number "2".
- If the number of sheets is more than 250, then they are divided into volumes. This practice is common in the courts. Each volume must be numbered separately.
- How to staple documents if it is not possible to indicate the sheet number on the top right or the entire sheet is occupied? This often occurs, for example, when numbering a photo, in which case numbering from the back is allowed.
- In case of erroneous numbering, you can cross out the number. However, the correction must be confirmed with a signature.
- If no more than two sheets are skipped, then it is allowed to use a letter designation for skipped pages. The digital numbering of the main document does not change, but the number of sheets increases. In this case, it is necessary to warn the person who will receive the documents about this.
- If it is necessary to number a document that is already numbered or has numbering, then it will be numbered again.
- If the sheets in the documentation cannot be separated or they are glued together, they are numbered as one sheet. This happens if a document, for example, has a check, a photograph or a newspaper clipping pasted on it. But at the same time, it is necessary to draw up an inventory, and in the “Note” column or in the certification inscription, it is imperative to clarify which documents were pasted, on which page and what they contained.
Which documents are most often sewn together with thread? First of all, constituent and incorporation documents. They most often have a small volume, they are easier to pierce with an awl, and stitching is easy. There are several technologies for stitching, you can make two punctures, three or five. Three holes is the most common option. Five holes will come in handy when some documents are smaller than others, the connection of five holes will help to fix them better. Five-hole stapling is used if the documents are of high value, this will reduce the risk of their substitution.
How to properly sew documents with threads: step by step instructions
- Stack the sheets, align the edges.
- Check sheet order.
- Mark with a pencil the places of future punctures symmetrically in the center on the left side of the sheet. This can be done both on one sheet and on all.
- It is necessary to deviate from the text at least 1.5 centimeters.
- The marks must be strictly vertical, a distance of up to three centimeters from each other is allowed.
If the document is large enough, it is more convenient to pierce it with an awl. Usually start from the top hole.

If it is not possible to use the factory cover, as in the picture, then the first and last sheet can be glued with a thin strip of cardboard to prevent damage to the pages. It is important to choose the correct thread length, usually between 50 and 80 cm.
Classic stitching with thread - three holes
Let's analyze the option of how to sew documentsstep by step in three holes. This is the classic and most common option for filing papers in the archive or for verification. How to properly sew documents with threads in this case is better seen in the photo.

Bring the needle and thread down under the stack of documents, bring it out through the hole at number two. We must not forget about a small "tail" 7-8 cm long, it will still come in handy. On the front side, we direct the needle into the upper hole, then return the needle to the lowest hole No. 3. Next, the needle “dives” into the central hole, as a result, both threads remain below. Now they can be knotted.
Further, the document must be certified, a sheet of paper is glued, a seal and signature of the responsible person are put on top. How to properly sew documents and secure the knot with threads, you can see in the photo.

In addition, an inventory is glued on the back of the last sheet. The inscription can be done by hand or use ready-made templates, as in the photo.
How to staple documents in four holes?
Four-hole piercing technology is almost identical. The only difference is that the document is stitched from top to bottom. It looks like a sewing basting. Only in this case it is repeated in reverse order, first from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. Thus, the ties are homogeneous without gaps, as if sewn on a giant sewing machine.
Special occasions
Sometimes it is allowed to connect documents not vertically, but on the corner. ATthese are mainly financial reporting papers, involving the fastening of cash tapes, checks on the right side. Such documents are sewn on the corner. The steps are the same as for the standard assembly of documents, only the holes are pierced at the corner. Usually there are two. The sheet is glued exactly to the corner. Further, the procedure is similar - it is certified, a seal is put.

In the process of preparing and stapling a document, it is important to think in advance how to staple documents in order to avoid all sorts of force majeure. For example, sometimes you need to make a copy of documents already bound and archived. It is worth worrying about such moments in advance. Usually, HR or accounting specialists can guess in advance which document must first be run through a copier. This greatly simplifies the work and saves time.