Today, it is generally accepted that the crossbar is a part of the lock, with the help of which the door is locked and then kept closed. However, this opinion is only partially true, since it would be more correct to say that this element is a metal cylinder that extends from the lock shell in the direction where the door frame is located. Since this comparison is just a particular example, let's turn to the "Architectural Dictionary", which will help to give a competent definition of the term in question.

So, every civil engineer knows that a crossbar is a load-bearing linear component, which is a rod (beam). The bolt itself is located horizontally and is used in the construction of various structures, structures and buildings. It can connect various vertical parts of structures, columns, racks in a hinged or rigid way. Also, this element is a support forslabs installed in the ceilings of buildings. Nowadays, reinforced concrete crossbars are actively used in the construction of bridges. In fact, no bridge can do without it.
In addition to reinforced concrete, there are wooden and metal crossbars. They are used, as already mentioned, to stabilize the foundations of power lines, increase the strength of the foundations of buildings and structures, as well as to strengthen any structure that is subjected to a horizontal load.

Thus, the crossbar is an element of the building structure, the task of which is to ensure maximum bearing capacity even under huge loads. So this part is indispensable in construction and is found almost everywhere.
For example, let's consider a post-transom structure. In most cases, they are used to build a profile facade, the main elements here are the supporting vertical posts and horizontal reinforced concrete crossbars attached to them. Thus, the load-bearing structure in this design is on the inside of the wall.

It should be noted that the connection of crossbars and racks can be done in different ways. For example, overlapping (profiles half overlap each other). So, the crossbar is attached to the rack by means of an aluminum connector installed in it with clamping screws. Then this connector is attached to the supporting vertical profile with screws, and the junction is sealed. These measures providestability of the entire structure.
Horizontal and vertical profiles can be connected by recessing the crossbar into the grooves made in the vertical profile. Special plastic parts are glued into the places of their connection, which serve to remove moisture to the outside, which makes it possible to seal the joint.
Thus, the crossbar is the most important part of any structure that allows you to connect supports, racks, rafters and more. Probably, not a single building can do without this element, because the stability and strength of the entire building or structure depends on it.