Various anti-mold products

Various anti-mold products
Various anti-mold products

Mold is a special form of life that arose long before the appearance of man. It has dominated the earth for many centuries, and today it is not going to give up its positions. Even in the modern world, when mankind has accumulated a large amount of knowledge in the microbiological field, mold remains a mysterious form of life. It belongs to the class of marsupial mushrooms.

mold repellents
mold repellents

Mold can exist everywhere. Often it grows on stone and wood, concrete, you can also see it on food products. The spores of these imperfect fungi are found in the airspace of any room. When breathing, they enter the lungs of a person, then penetrating into their tissues. Certain types of mold cause allergies, which then turn into asthma. In young children, these fungi contribute to the occurrence of diathesis. In addition, getting into the human body, mold activates oncogenes. The spores of these fungi cause bronchitis and otitis, migraine and rhinitis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They provoke andfood allergies.

What are the remedies for mold? In this matter, you can turn to grandmother's advice. Remedies for mold on the refrigerator or in the bread box are in every home. The surfaces of these items, in order to prevent the spread of fungus on them, are wiped with a solution of baking soda, prepared in a proportion of 1 tsp. for 200 g of water. Then it is necessary to treat the breadbasket or refrigerator with vinegar solution.

Means for mold for wood - this is Bishofit s alt and natural drying oil. You can also use bleach. However, it has a destructive effect not only on the structure of the mold, but also on the tree.

Bread can also be protected from the hated fungus. To do this, five to seven drops of iodine are applied to a cotton swab, which is then placed in a clean vial. A test tube is also suitable for these purposes. The container is sealed with a clean cotton swab and placed in a bag containing bread. The package is tightly tied. In this form, the bread can lie for a week - the fungus does not threaten it.

Means for fighting mold in the wardrobe - camphor balls. They perfectly absorb moisture loved by fungi. The only downside to camphor is the pungent smell.

mold control products
mold control products

Means for mold that have damaged the surface of materials are blue vitriol, stationery glue or urine. In the event that the furniture has suffered from the fungus, it is treated with a solution that is poisonous to it. To prepare this remedy, they take a liter of water, twenty-two grams of iron sulfate, forty-four grams of potassium alum, andalso eighteen grams of table s alt. Mold can be removed from books with a cotton swab dipped in formalin solution.

mold remover in the bathroom
mold remover in the bathroom

All of the above remedies for mold will give a positive result. However, science does not stand still. For a long time to eliminate the hated fungus will help the drug "Teflex". It is an environmentally friendly and safe solution that does not harm either humans or pets. The remedy for mold in the bathroom, pool, sauna and other rooms where the surfaces are finished with plastic, tile or stone is the Mellerud preparation. It easily destroys damp stains, fungus and algae.

In order to limit the growth of mold, it is recommended to ventilate the room, do not dry clothes in it, and heat the home well.
