Roof covering, types of coverings

Roof covering, types of coverings
Roof covering, types of coverings

Covering the roof is the first task that the developer faces after the foundation and walls of the house have been erected. And here it is important to decide on the type of roof, since the service life of the entire building largely depends on this decision.


Types of coatings

To date, the most popular coatings can be considered:

  • metal tile;
  • profiling;
  • flexible tiles;
  • ondulin.

Metal tile

Roof covering with metal tiles is widely used throughout the world in the construction of private houses. Distinctive features of this coating are the ability to adapt to sudden changes in temperature, resistance to sunlight, and smoothness. A wide range of this product on the market allows you to model roofs of various shapes and textures, and installation is easy due to the ease of construction. The disadvantages of metal tiles can be considered low thermal insulation and sound insulation.

metal roof covering
metal roof covering


Covering the roof with corrugated board today enjoysespecially popular in the construction of buildings. Decking is made in the form of metal corrugated sheets of corrugated, trapezoidal or rectangular shape. The protective coating is plastisol, pural, polyester. Decking is relatively inexpensive, and its service life is 30 years or more. Disadvantages - high noise and low thermal insulation. This roof covering is successfully used in the construction of shops, warehouses, mini-factories.


This is a unique facing material made from cellulose fiber and bitumen. The main characteristics include a rich color range, resistance to mechanical stress, durability and lightness. Proper installation of the crate and compliance with technological standards during installation increases the service life of ondulin up to 50 years. The disadvantage of this coating is flammability.

Flexible tile

corrugated roof covering
corrugated roof covering

Covering in the form of a soft roof gives the appearance of the building an original look. Such a roof covering as a flexible tile is widely used in the construction of mansions. It is much lighter than ceramic and almost 70% cheaper. The main component in its manufacture is fiberglass, which is impregnated with high-quality bitumen and sprinkled with artificial or mineral chips. It is this dressing that protects the coating from the effects of the external environment. This coating is almost devoid of flaws.

Roll roofs

This roof covering is ideal for flat roofs in residential and industrial buildings. Advantages - high waterproofing and quick installation. Disadvantages - combustibility and the need for frequent maintenance.

Soft membranes

This is one of the most popular types of roofing. To connect the membranes, a special technology is used, which allows maintaining a sufficient level of waterproofing of both individual joints and the entire coating. Membranes are commonly used for pitched and flat roofs. Installation should be carried out exclusively in summer or in warm weather.

Where to choose?

It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand the variety of roofing materials offered on the market. Taking into account financial possibilities and individual preferences, it is much easier to make a choice. Competent specialists will help you figure it out and suggest the right solution.
