The convenience of people living in the house and the durability of the building structures directly depend on how well the roof overlap is arranged. There are many materials intended for sheathing the roof frame. Installation of each of them is carried out in compliance with certain technologies. Most often, the roofs of houses are finished with slate, metal tiles or corrugated board.
How to roof a roof
There are two main ways of sheathing a roof frame - with or without insulation. The second option is usually used in small country houses with small attics. The roof of cottages is most often insulated. This allows you to equip a comfortable attic, thus increasing the living area of the building.

When assembling an insulated roofing system, the following materials are commonly used:
- vapor barrier;
- interior lining material;
- insulation (most often mineral wool);
- waterproofer (technical polyethylene film);
- the actual roofing sheets themselves.
All of these materials mustinstalled in a specific order. When assembling the roof slab in a cold way, only a waterproofing agent and roofing sheets are used.
What you need to know
Whatever method of sheathing the roof frame is chosen, a ventilation gap is necessarily arranged between the waterproofing material and the roofing material. You can make it by mounting a counter-lattice from a bar.
Fix the sheets on the roof frame using fasteners designed specifically for this type of roofing material. Before starting the sheathing, all wooden elements of the truss system should be treated with antiseptic and fire-resistant compounds.

Installation of a cold roof: features
If the attic in the house is supposed to be made unheated, the roof covering is equipped in several steps:
- a waterproofing film is attached to the rafters;
- mount the crate;
- sheathe the roof with the selected roofing material.
The film is supposed to be fixed with a sag of about 2 cm (the only exception is some modern expensive waterproofing materials). The overlap between the strips should be at least 15 cm. To ensure tightness, they should be additionally glued with adhesive tape. It is recommended to fasten the film with bars with a thickness of at least 2.5-3 cm. Thus, the necessary ventilation gap is arranged.

The crate is mounted with a step provided for a particularroofing material. The boards under it should be taken strong enough. The lumber should not be too wide and not too narrow. A thick beam or very wide boards will definitely warp during the operation of the roof. Lumber that is too narrow or thin may not support the weight of sheets and snow in winter.
Insulation cake assembly
In residential buildings, a more thorough roof covering is usually arranged than in country houses. Roof insulation, as already mentioned, is worth doing if there is a desire to equip a comfortable attic in the house. The procedure in this case will be the same as when assembling a cold roof. The only thing is that when installing a warm roof, mineral wool slabs are installed between the rafters before fixing the waterproofing.
In order for the insulation not to fall out into the attic, it is supported with boards or just a wire stretched between the rafters. Mineral wool should be installed by surprise. The vapor barrier and inner lining are mounted after the roof is covered with sheets. In this case, the film is also attached to the rafters with bars to provide a ventilation gap.
Proceed to install roofing material immediately after assembling the "pie". Otherwise, the waterproofing film may be damaged by wind or accidental mechanical impacts.
Features of mounting slate
This material, despite the fact that it does not differ in a particularly attractive appearance, is quite in demand on the market. Equip the roof with slatemany owners of country houses. It's all about its very low cost. A slate roof usually costs 1.5-2 times cheaper, for example, the same metal roof.

In order to make the roof sheathed with this material look more attractive, the sheets can be pre-primed and painted using a special coating.
Work with slate when covering the roof should be as careful as possible. After all, the material is quite heavy and at the same time also fragile. On tall houses of 2-3 floors, it is worth building scaffolding in front of the roof sheathing. Slate can only be used to cover slopes with an inclination angle of at least 22 degrees. Too frequent crate for this material is usually not done. Under each sheet, in most cases, three beams are laid - along the edges and in the middle.
This material is mounted to cover the roof from right to left and from bottom to top. On roofs with a slope angle of less than 30 degrees, the vertical overlap is at least 12-14 cm, and the horizontal overlap is two waves. On roofs steeper than 30 degrees, the first indicator can be 10-12 cm. Horizontal overlap in this case is usually done in one wave.
The order of laying asbestos-cement sheets
Actually, the installation of the slate itself is carried out in the following order:
- mount the three sheets of the bottom row;
- set two - next row;
- three sheets of the lower one are mounted again.
According to this algorithm, the roof is covered up to the very ridge. Attach slate sheets tospecial nails. In this case, holes are pre-drilled in the material. Each sheet usually takes 4 nails. Under them, be sure to use a rubber gasket. Slate sheets are fastened to prevent the destruction of the coating due to temperature fluctuations with a slight backlash. Nails should be driven into the top of the wave.
After all the slate is laid, a ridge element should be installed to ensure the tightness of the roof. You can make it from tin or painted boards.
Euroslate (ondulin and other varieties) is mounted using approximately the same technology. The only thing, in this case, you should carefully read the manufacturer's instructions. It may describe some installation details.
Roof covering with metal tiles: basic rules
This material is more expensive than slate, but it also lasts much longer. In addition, the metal tile looks much more attractive. It is possible to mount such sheets on roofs with a slope angle of 14 degrees. The step of the crate in this case depends on the wave width of the material. Boards should be stuffed so that they fall under the crest of the wave.

Install sheets
Actually, the very order of laying sheets of this variety is about the same as that of slate. This material is usually supplied with a large number of various additional elements. Before proceeding with the actual sheathing of the roof with sheets of metal tiles, a drainage system should be installed.
Do it, includingindependently, it's easy. Previously, a cornice strip is installed on the lower edge of the slope. They fix it using self-tapping screws, placing them in increments of 25 cm. Actually, the receiver chute itself is fixed using arc-shaped brackets installed at a distance of 1-1, 2 m from each other. The downpipe is fixed to the wall with special clamps.
At the next stage, lower valley carpets are mounted (if required by the roof structure). Roof coverings assembled using metal tiles are also reliable if the chimney waterproofing apron is pre-installed. Only after installing the latter, you can proceed to fixing, in fact, the sheets of roofing material themselves. Cut metal tiles exclusively using simple scissors for steel or electric. A grinder cannot be used to cut this material. When installing the sheets themselves, you need to monitor the coincidence of the capillary grooves.
After the roof is sheathed with sheets, the gable end strips, the ridge element, the chimney apron and the upper valleys are mounted.

How to install corrugated board
The principle of mounting sheets of this variety is similar to the technology of roofing with metal tiles. Overlapping the roof with corrugated board, however, can also be done if its slopes are inclined by less than 12-14 degrees. This material weighs a little more than a metal tile. It costs less, but it is more difficult to lift it onto the roof. However, in fact, the installation of corrugated board itself is easier thanmetal tiles. The fact is that in this case it is not necessary to monitor the capillary grooves and the safety of the upper protective layer. You can also cut corrugated board with a grinder.
How to make a roof slab using other materials
In addition to metal and asbestos-cement sheets, roofing material, as well as flexible or clay tiles, can be used to protect the roof. Rolled soft materials are usually used on sloping roofs (up to 15 degrees). The crate for roofing material is arranged solid - from plywood or chipboard. Stick strips in 2-3 layers on molten bitumen. They also coat the seams.
When using flexible tiles, a lining carpet is pre-mounted on a continuous crate. The roofing material itself is simply glued to it in a certain order with a sticky layer down.

Under clay tiles, since the material is heavy, they equip a solid crate of timber with a step corresponding to the size of the tile. This material is fastened to the roof frame by means of screws through special holes (with play). A staple is applied to every third tile.