Snowflower virginian: description with photo, distribution area, breeding nuances, care features and breeding rules

Snowflower virginian: description with photo, distribution area, breeding nuances, care features and breeding rules
Snowflower virginian: description with photo, distribution area, breeding nuances, care features and breeding rules

Snowflower is an attractive ornamental plant called by Russian gardeners. The Germans, the French, the British called it the snow tree. But at home, this plant is called fringed. But in fact, the shrub tree is called Chionanthus (Chionanthus).

The eastern regions of North America are considered the birthplace of this plant. In the wild, it can be found in the subtropics, tropics, some species grow in latitudes with a temperate climate in East Asia. The shrub can be either deciduous or evergreen. Everything directly depends on the region of its growth.

In Russia, the plant appeared at the end of the 19th century. It was brought from Europe. Today the virginian snowflower is an excellent decoration of the southern botanical gardens and parks.

snowflower virginian
snowflower virginian

Description of Chionanthus

Snowflower belongs to the Olive family. Today, about 147 species of this plant are known. Botanists combined evergreens into a separate species - Linociera. But deciduousrepresentatives are divided into 2 subspecies:

  • Retusus;
  • Virginicus.

Bushy plants reach 2.5-3 m in length.

The unique decorative appearance of this plant is given precisely by large hard leaves of a simple shape, with an opposite arrangement. Their length is from 8 to 20 cm. The shape is oblong, correct. In autumn, the leaves take on an attractive bright yellow hue.

Plants are dioecious, that is, there are female and male representatives. Therefore, gardeners who want to get fruits must definitely plant several plants at the same time. Single-seeded drupes-fruits are formed on female trees.

In the southern regions, Chionanthus virginicus blooms in the second half of May, and in the middle lane - in mid-June. Inflorescences are in the form of feathery panicles, pinkish, white or pale in color. Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks.

Attractive appearance of the plant is given by flowers that exude a light pleasant aroma. White narrow petals reach 3 cm in length. They resemble ribbons that twist a little. And with a slight wind, the petals sway, becoming like silky hair. The flowers form openwork inflorescences that reach 25 cm in length.

Chionanthus variety

snowflower virginian planting care
snowflower virginian planting care

As mentioned above, the Chionanthus genus is divided into two main species that can grow in temperate climates. These species are great for growing in Russia:

  • Chionanthusvirginicus (Virginian).
  • Snowbloom dull.

Chionanthus blunt mainly grows in China. This is a small tree or shrub that reaches 6 m in height. When cultivated, this plant does not exceed 2.5 m. White flowers are located in inflorescences 9-10 cm long. They resemble a brush in structure. Flowers are characterized by a pronounced pleasant aroma.

This plant thrives in sheltered locations.

Growing a snowflower in the middle lane, it is imperative to cover the plant for the winter.

Dull Chionanthus is grown only in the southern parts of Russia. In terms of its decorative characteristics, it is inferior to the Vingir snowflower. Often grows up to 2 m in height.

Gardeners love this shrub for its pleasant fragrance.

In the first years of growth, this plant often freezes off the tops of the branches. For this reason, the plant may not bloom the next year. This is due to the low winter hardiness of the plant, so it must be covered for the winter. Over time, the blunt snowflower will acclimatize and its frost resistance will increase significantly.

Snowflower virginian

Where does the flower grow? In the wild, virginian snowflower grows in North America. His home can be called the banks of rivers in the states of Texas, Florida, Virginia. As already mentioned, this tree is often called fringed here.

This is a tall shrub that consists of a large number of trunks. Also virginian snowflower may look likesmall tree. In the wild, it reaches 7-10 m. When grown in gardens, the plant reaches 3 m in height.

This plant attracts everyone with its pleasant, faint aroma and graceful ribbon-shaped flowers. All of them are collected in attractive inflorescences, the length of which can be from 20 to 30 cm. The period of abundant flowering falls at the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

chionanthus blunt or snowflower
chionanthus blunt or snowflower

Russian gardeners prefer this particular type of snowflower. It is characterized by good frost resistance, tolerates calm winter frosts down to -34 0С.

This shrub is especially widespread in the southern parts of the country, but many gardeners claim that it grows well in the middle lane. With proper care, the annual growth of shoots is 15 cm.

Chionanthus virginus or snowflower on the territory of our state does not grow more than 3 m in length. Its crown reaches 1.5 m in volume. The leaves of this plant are decorative, large, dense, have a dark green color.

The shrub blooms once a year with oblong tubular inflorescences of white or yellowish hue. Thanks to the interesting shape of the petals and abundant flowering, chionanthus got its second name. The photo of the virginian snowflower during flowering is striking in its beauty. It looks like a tree in the middle of summer is covered with snow.

Often there are about 4 flowers in one inflorescence. Each of them has a pleasant, but weak aroma. Flowering is almost always abundant. In the southern regions it beginsa little earlier - at the end of May.

The fruits of the virginian snowflower ripen in autumn (early October). Visually, they resemble olives. The fruits are formed on female plants, have a blue or dark blue tint.

snowflower virginian: photo of seeds
snowflower virginian: photo of seeds

Features of reproduction and cultivation

In Russia, the Virginian snowflower is considered quite common. Planting, care, reproduction, growth characteristics - everything must be taken into account in order to get a lush tree with voluminous, large, bright inflorescences.

This exotic plant requires special care. You should also properly approach the reproduction of the snowflower. For example, the main method of reproduction is seeds. But they germinate long and hard. Before the appearance of the first shoots, 1-2 seasons may pass. This process can be accelerated by seed stratification.

This plant can also be propagated by layering. To do this, it is enough to dig a new shoot into moist, fluffy soil. It is necessary to ensure that this place is always dug in the ground and moistened. If everything goes well, then in a year you will be able to separate a new seedling with a root system from the mother plant.

Some gardeners believe that the snowflower can also be propagated by green petioles. But this method is ineffective.

Chionanthus virginicus
Chionanthus virginicus

The description states that Chionanthus can withstand frosts down to -15 0C. But when growing this plant, it should be remembered that adults can tolerate severeRussian winters. But young seedlings need additional warming during the frost period. This is especially true of the root system.

Some gardeners claim that it is possible to graft the snowflower to other plants. But the implementation of this procedure requires a lot of experience in this area. After all, culture is quite capricious. Grafted imported seedlings are often found in nurseries. But domestic experts do not recommend purchasing such plants. After all, almost everyone cannot adapt to the cold Russian winters, even if good shelter is used. But you can try to grow a hybrid in the southern regions of Russia.

Selecting planting material

Gardeners recommend purchasing seedlings only in nurseries. Indeed, for our country, such a plant still belongs to the category of exotic. For this reason, only a few gardeners have all the skills to grow it.

The downside of buying a seedling in a nursery is foreign planting material. But in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the country from which this seedling came. It is desirable that its climatic conditions coincide as much as possible with domestic ones. Otherwise, you can simply throw money away.

When choosing a seedling, carefully inspect it externally. It must be he althy, without damage to the root system or crown. Ideally, there should be an earthen clod on the root system. This ensures the viability of the plant.

Snowflower seeds should also have an attractive appearance, without damage. Preference is bettergive to the seeds collected last year. It is desirable that the plant from which the seeds were collected also grows in regions with close climatic conditions to the local ones. The winter hardiness of the virginian snowflower directly depends on this.

bright snowflower
bright snowflower

Rules for choosing a landing site

Chionanthus grows in the wild on the banks of rivers, small hills or mounds, where groundwater is close enough. This shrub thrives in rocky, sandy, fertile soils.

Snowflower is best planted in humus-rich soils, loam would be ideal. The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic, moderately moist.

The landing site must be chosen in such a way that it is protected from the winds, but well lit by the sun. The ideal region for this plant would be a place with long and warm summers.

In temperate latitudes, the bush often wakes up later - in May. Flowering occurs only in June.

Features of care

Remember that the plant is very fond of moisture, so it needs regular and frequent watering. Be careful during periods of extreme heat and drought. Such periods are difficult for the plant to tolerate. With insufficient watering, it may even die.

Like any other plant, the snowflower responds well to the application of organic fertilizers to the soil. But if the landing took place in fertile, good soil, the tree can spend a long time without top dressing.

snowflower virginianautumn
snowflower virginianautumn

Experienced gardeners recommend frequently weeding the ground around the stem of the plant and loosening it after each watering.

The plant does not need pruning and crown formation.


There are several types of Chionanthus. An indisputable advantage is the attractive appearance of the inflorescences and the winter hardiness of the virginian snowflower. Reviews of gardeners say that this plant looks attractive on lawns in both single and group plantings. The distance between the trees should be about 2-3 m.

The ideal neighbors for the snowflower will be spireas. Shade decorative trees can dwarf coniferous shrubs. These trees will be a great decoration for your garden.