Many people ask what a clementine is. Today we will not only try to answer this question, but also talk about the properties and calorie content of this fruit.
What is a clementine?
Clementine is considered to be a hybrid of mandarin and orange. This fruit got its name from a breeder and a priest rolled into one by Clement. He first developed this fruit at the beginning of the 20th century in Algeria.

Outwardly, clementine practically does not differ from tangerine. The only difference is that the former has a richer orange color. As for taste, clementine is the fruit with the most pronounced sweet taste and bright aroma.
Where does clementine grow?
This hybrid grows on tall trees with a dense crown (up to 5-6 meters) in the Mediterranean countries: in Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Turkey. Due to the persistent and very pleasant aroma, its leaves are often added to tea. They have an oblong shape, pointed at the ends. There are small thorns near the branches.
What is a clementine and how does it differ from tangerines? Compared to the latter, clementine is more resistant to frost and yields much earlier. Peelthis fruit is very thin, tightly attached to the pulp. As a rule, clementine appears on store shelves in Russia in October-February, and is in greatest demand during the New Year holidays.

Types of clementine
The following types of fruit are distinguished:
- Corsican. This type of orange is considered royal. In such fruits, there are no seeds at all, and they have a brighter aroma than all other tangerines. Corsican clementines appear on the markets of our country in November-February and are distinguished by their rich red color. The main distinguishing feature is the sale of fruits on a branch with leaves.
- Spanish. This hybrid has approximately 10 seeds. It can be both large and small. Spanish clementines have their own subspecies.
- Montreal. Clementines of this species are bred very rarely, usually in Algeria or Spain. The fruit is medium in size, has the largest number of seeds compared to the first two types. Montreal clementine is imported to Russia already in October.
Clementine calories
We have already considered what a clementine is. Now let's talk about what useful properties it has, what is its calorie content.
So, this hybrid is so rich in vitamins (C, E and group B) and trace elements (zinc, manganese, selenium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, copper) that long-term intake of one or another the number of fruits can almost completely replenish your body with the necessary for lifesubstances.
It's no secret that tangerines are considered one of the lowest-calorie fruits. Clementines are also one of them. They contain no more than 48 calories. Therefore, these fruits are often consumed during diets or to maintain tone.

Useful properties
Due to the content of useful trace elements and vitamins, clementines are recommended for those who have problems with digestion and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this fruit is used to improve metabolism in the body, strengthen the immune system, and also to increase appetite.
Like any variety of tangerines, clementines promote hair and skin renewal. It is worth noting that citrus fruits of this kind improve visual acuity, and freshly squeezed juice from them helps prevent colds (ARI and flu).
Clementine essential oil is often used as one of the most effective remedies for depression and insomnia. In addition, it is used in cosmetology. The oil of this fruit helps to get rid of warts, cellulite, acne, scars and stretch marks, and allows you to keep your skin young longer.

Contraindications to the use of clementine
Like tangerines (virtually all varieties), clementine has many he alth benefits, but it can also be harmful to human he alth. Let's look at these cases.
First of all, everyone should understand that citrus fruits cannot be consumed in large quantities. Otherwisethere is a high risk of allergic reactions. It is also worth using them carefully for those who suffer from gastritis, enteritis, nephritis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers and colitis. You need to eat them only in the amount recommended by the doctor.
In addition, all lovers of aromatic oils need to know: after using clementine oil as a moisturizer for the skin, in no case should you sunbathe for 1 hour. This is because the oil is phototoxic. And expectant mothers should be wary of this remedy (especially for the first three months of pregnancy).

What dishes can be prepared with clementine?
Clementine is a fruit that can be added to almost any pastry, desserts, some salads, as well as snacks. Here is an example of the dish "Clementine Salad with Chocolate", the main ingredient of which is this particular fruit.
For its preparation you will need: a handful of almond flakes, 5-6 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 100 gr. dark chocolate (black or milk - for an amateur), 8 pieces of clementines, fresh mint, 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of water, a little vanilla.
Peel the citrus fruits, remove the pits and cut the fruit crosswise. Cut the mint leaves, chop the almonds. Arrange the chopped clementines on several plates and sprinkle the mint and nuts on top. After that, bring the water to a boil, add sugar and vanilla to it. Boil a little to make a syrup. We will sprinkle them with fruits laid on plates. Sprinkle on topchocolate. This salad is very he althy and tasty, your family will definitely like it.

What drinks can be made with clementines?
Often a hybrid of mandarin and orange is used for liquor. The name of this drink may be different, but the recipe is almost the same.
In order to make a quick clementine liquor, stock up on products such as clementines (about 1 kg), vodka or moonshine (500 ml), sugar (300 g).
Rinse the fruit, dry and cut into slices without peeling them. Place chopped clementines in a glass jar, add vodka to it and close with a plastic lid. The liquor must be infused for at least two days in a dark place at room temperature. After it is infused, add sugar, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil, boil for 7-8 minutes, systematically removing the foam. Cool the liqueur and strain it through a very fine strainer or cheesecloth. Then bottle and refrigerate.
What is a clementine? This is a godsend for hostesses! It turns out that this fruit is not only useful, but also very tasty. It can be used to make wonderful dishes and drinks.