Winter is the most traumatic time of the year. Therefore, anti-slip coatings are an essential element where the grip of the feet with the surface is not very good. Naturally, today's market offers a wide range of such materials, so you need to figure out how to choose the right one.
What is a cover?
Let's consider what anti-slip coatings are. First of all, these are special materials that have a rough surface. Thanks to this, you can safely walk on them, even if there is ice on the street or damp tiles indoors.
Note that these materials may or may not be abrasive. The choice of type depends on where the anti-slip coatings will be used. These products are purchased in ordinary hardware stores, so there is no shortage of materials.
Coating Advantages

Now let's look at the advantages of the presented products. So, among the benefits we can distinguish the following:
1. Ease of use.
2. High effect.
3. Bigprevalence and affordable cost.
4. Easy to install.
5. Great variety.
6. Wear resistance.
7. Safety of materials used.
8. Can be applied to almost any surface.
The main benefit is that anti-slip mats help protect you from accidental falls and serious injury.
Where is the coating used?

The presented material can be applied everywhere: both in the building and on the street. For example, anti-slip flooring can be used in a bathroom or hallway if your tiles are too smooth there. Certain materials should be glued to the bottom of the tub to prevent falling in.
This material is mandatory for the equipment of ramps and steps. Thanks to him, a wheelchair or baby stroller will be able to safely drive to a certain elevation. Often, anti-slip rubber coating is used for steps in the street or in public places where tiles or marble are used for construction.
In principle, these materials can be attached wherever there is an increased risk of injury by falling.
Varieties of products

Now consider what types of coatings exist:
1. Non-abrasive. They are characterized by high wear resistance and excellent slip resistance. Most often they are fixed in baths,swimming pools or saunas, that is, where the level of humidity exceeds the norm.
2. Elastic anti-slip coating on the porch. It may or may not have an adhesive backing. Most often laid on the floor in industrial premises.
3. Anti-slip tapes that are equipped with photoluminescent elements. They can provide security in places where there is no or very limited lighting. Such tapes are quickly and simply attached to the base, are small in size and firmly adhere to the surface for a long time.
4. abrasive coating. It is best to use such tapes in office and industrial premises, as well as in those buildings in which a large number of people accumulate daily. The material has high strength and efficiency.
5. Aluminum corners and strips. Basically, such materials are used for the equipment of steps.
6. Anti-slip systems.
7. Liquid anti-slip coating for the porch.
How to secure stairs?

Stairs are high-risk structures that are very easy to slip and fall on. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to choose anti-slip coatings on the steps. They may be different. Most often, aluminum corners or metal strips combined with rubber are used for this purpose. They are screwed to the steps with screws.
Sometimes special glue-based pads are attached to the stairs. Anti-slip coatings on steps can be whole systems that provide safety. I must say that the pads can have different sizes. For example, the tape is attached to the entire step or to its edge.
In order for the stairs not to be slippery, you can use not only rubber or PVC materials, but also carpets. Thanks to them, you will not only achieve the required level of security, but also decorate the steps.
How to equip a ramp?

Today, a ramp should be present in any public building or store so that people with disabilities can meet all their needs. However, if in the summer it is still easy to climb it, then in the winter it is almost impossible to do it, since the climb becomes very slippery. In this case, it is necessary to apply an anti-slip coating for the ramp.
The most commonly used narrow strips of aluminum and PVC, which provide good grip on the wheels of the stroller. These materials can be adhesive-based or screwed with screws. Sometimes a combined method of fastening tapes is used, which ensures high coating strength.
In some cases, the ramp is finished with rolled rubber flooring. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of this material. It can perform its functions both in summer and in winter. The advantage of this material is that it practically does not form ice. Buythis coverage is very simple, it is not a shortage.
Anti-slip ramp for safety.
How to choose a similar bath product?

In the bathroom, you also have the opportunity to fall and injure yourself. And both on the floor and in the bath. Therefore, an anti-slip coating will be very appropriate here. So, on the floor you can use special rugs that do not allow slipping. In addition, they should have a soft and warm surface so that they can be stepped on with bare feet. Such products additionally decorate the room.
The anti-slip coating of the bath will make bathing not only pleasant, but also safe. You can buy this material at any store. Keep in mind that it will often be exposed to hot water, so it must be resistant to high temperature, high humidity, as well as wear. In this case, it is advisable to buy high-quality material that will be well attached to the surface. Give preference only to well-known manufacturers who have a good reputation.
How to properly attach the anti-slip coating to the surface of the bath?

This process is time-consuming and responsible. First you need to carefully prepare the surface for work. To do this, try to completely clean the bath from rust, soap stains and s alt deposits. If you wash it with special products, thenafter the procedure, the surface should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water so that it is well cleaned.
Next, the anti-slip coating of the bathtub must be marked and cut in accordance with the required dimensions. The marking procedure must be carried out very carefully. In addition, the cut rug should be traced in the bath itself so that you glue it exactly along the contour.
The next stage of work will be fixing the cover. First you need to glue the middle of the material so that it does not budge. Next, you need to carefully stick the edges of the rug, gradually removing the protective film. Be as careful as possible in the drain area. While gluing, firmly smooth the material so that it is well fixed on the surface of the tub.
All actions must be done slowly and carefully. And one more thing: do not remove the protective film all at once, in this case the rug will attach crookedly. Also, do not touch the adhesive layer with your hands, as the product can quickly stick. That's all the advice. Good luck!