Adjacent rooms in houses of various series and in individual construction

Adjacent rooms in houses of various series and in individual construction
Adjacent rooms in houses of various series and in individual construction

Over time, a professional re altor ceases to be surprised by the questions of his clients. In fact, many people do not understand the series of houses, layouts, area standards and much more. And they often ask: "What are adjoining rooms?"

Smart layout

Among the many characteristics of residential real estate, it is the layout that can significantly change its market value. The price of an apartment or a house will be higher if the location of the premises is thought out, rationally and meets all the needs of a modern person, there is a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, a dining room in the form of a zone or a separate room. Adjacent, for example, the nursery and the hall are two separate rooms that have one common wall, in the middle of which there is a door.

adjoining rooms
adjoining rooms

Is it always about "Khrushchev"

Soviet people still have negative associations regarding this arrangement of living rooms. Therefore, when selling or changing an apartment, he will try to find something "more modern". Certainly will not be considered as a variant of "Khrushchev" - multi-storey brick houses built under Khrushchev. In all their apartments, the rooms are adjacent or, asmany are expressed, "wagon" (from one to another). However, to their great surprise, they find the same location in the houses of other series:

  • in three-room apartments of the Brezhnevka series - more footage, panel walls, which means cold houses with a separate bathroom;
  • in two-room apartments of the Pentagon series - nine-story panel buildings;
  • in "Stalinka" apartments (a series of "full footage" built in the 30s) - with high ceilings, brick walls and spacious rooms.

Adjoining rooms are not found only in the "improved layout" series (121 and 141), as well as in special projects - multi-storey buildings built on an individual project, often elite, which occupy no more than 7% of the housing market.

what are adjoining rooms
what are adjoining rooms

How comfort is created

Specialists assure that the series of the house is not as important as its location, distance from large shops and bus stops, kindergartens and schools, as a clean entrance and friendly neighbors. But the main role in the choice is always played by the feeling of comfort inside the apartment. Therefore, you can make a "Khrushchev" hated from childhood, and a new house built according to an individual project, sweet to your heart. Everything is in the power of details: paints, furniture, appliances, decorative accessories and a single style. Against the background of all this, it does not matter at all whether the rooms are adjacent or each of them has a separate entrance.

In a modern way

Oddly enough, but in an individual project often roomsarranged so that you can move from one to another. It can be a large living room, on opposite sides of which are the parents' bedroom and children's rooms, as well as dad's study, mom's workshop. At the same time, the dining area can be located in the hall, and the kitchen itself can be skillfully hidden from prying eyes in a separate room. In multi-apartment buildings, more often than not, there are only two adjacent rooms in one apartment.

two adjoining rooms
two adjoining rooms

Saving the situation with redevelopment

Thus, in contrast to the prevailing negative attitude towards the "Khrushchev" layout option, adjoining rooms never interfered with the creation of comfort in the house. But… you can always go to extreme measures: redevelop, as many owners who do not want to move did.

To do this, first of all, you will need to coordinate the finished project with the technical inventory bureau, otherwise your redevelopment will be illegal. The same applies to private houses in the settlement land sector. This rule does not apply to summer cottages and houses in garden plots. In their work, re altors often face a situation where they need to sell an apartment, and an illegal layout has been made in it, which, of course, complicates the process. Moreover, current residents are not always aware of the changes.
