Garden wheelbarrows two-wheeled universal

Garden wheelbarrows two-wheeled universal
Garden wheelbarrows two-wheeled universal

Two-wheeled garden carts are indispensable on any private plot. They make it easy for you to move compost, manure, soil and fertilizer bags, seedling pots, water containers, garden tools, decorative stones, sand, paving stones and shaped tiles for making garden paths and paths from place to place. And this is not all the possibilities that simple-looking two-wheeled garden carts can provide you with.

garden wheelbarrows two-wheeled
garden wheelbarrows two-wheeled

They are especially useful during construction work. A two-wheeled garden wheelbarrow is capable of carrying out the process of transporting building materials such as crushed stone, clay, sand, gravel, bricks, cement and much more. Such a unit will save you time and effort.

Two-wheeled garden carts. Construction

Two-wheel garden carts are very simple in design. They consist of only three important elements:

- body;

- comfortableknobs;

- wheels.

Manufacturers are trying to improve this set of standard structural components, and they are doing something. In the photo - modernized two-wheeled garden wheelbarrow.

garden wheelbarrow two-wheeled
garden wheelbarrow two-wheeled

Modern designs of two-wheeled wheelbarrows have an ergonomic design and are able to withstand large loads. In this case, you do not have to make great efforts. The modernized two-wheeled garden wheelbarrows are equipped with a trough-shaped cargo compartment, which has become more capacious and roomy.

The body support frame smoothly transitions into comfortable handles. Previously, they were attached to the body. The wheels are spoked rims, rims and tires. Modern garden carts are made from steel and high-strength plastics.

Two-wheeled wheelbarrows can be garden, construction, agricultural, multi-purpose. However, this classification refers only to the design features of devices. That is, on a construction wheelbarrow you can transport both seedlings and manure. It's just that each type of two-wheeled carts is designed to carry a certain type of cargo (different in weight and dimensions).

garden carts
garden carts

In particular, a two-wheeled garden wheelbarrow is designed to carry goods weighing no more than 130 kg. The frame of such devices can be welded or assembled with bolts (consists of two parts). The body is made of metal sheets with a thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm, with a volume of 60-90 liters. The total weight of the "conveyor" does not exceed 13kg.

Construction cars have a more massive, stable design. The frame is necessarily bent and able to withstand extreme loads without changing its original shape. Such devices are designed to carry heavy loads weighing up to 250 kg. Modern models of construction wheelbarrows are equipped with "built-in" wheel lubrication.

The development of industrial technology has almost no effect on this versatile thing. No one will dispute the fact that two-wheeled garden carts are still the most indispensable at summer cottages and construction sites.

garden wheelbarrows two-wheeled
garden wheelbarrows two-wheeled

Garden wheelbarrow will find work everywhere!
