Today, in most cases, buyers buy acrylic bathtubs. They differ in a number of positive characteristics. However, in order to choose a worthy product, you need to know several features of this type of plumbing. You should consider what an acrylic bath is, what are its main features. Next, the characteristics of such products will be considered in detail.
General characteristics
What are acrylic bathtubs? Many have come across this concept, but it is not always possible to fully learn about all the features of this type of plumbing. Buyers know that the presented variety of bathtubs has a lot of advantages. Therefore, acrylic bowls are taken more often than other varieties.

However, such products have a number of disadvantages. Therefore, discussions on the topic of which bath is better do not subside to this day. It all depends on requirementsbuyer, operating conditions. In most cases, acrylic bowls become the only option for installation. For this reason, they are installed everywhere.
When deciding which bath (steel, acrylic or cast iron) is more suitable in a particular case, you should take into account the features of the bathroom, the dimensions and configuration of the room, as well as other operational requirements.
Acrylic allows you to make bowls of almost any size and configuration. Therefore, each owner of a private house or apartment will be able to choose a worthy option for himself. Acrylic is a special polymer. It costs less than cast iron or steel. You can buy a similar product in Moscow at a price of 5.5 thousand rubles.
Acrylic bathtubs are made from a special polymer. This material may have some differences, depending on the composition and method of creating the bowl. The quality can also vary greatly. Therefore, when choosing a bath, you should not save. Acrylic may vary. In order for it to serve for many years for the benefit of its owners, you should not save on its quality.
Production of acrylic bowls
To understand what acrylic bathtubs are, it is necessary to consider the technology of their production. Today, the vast majority of bathtubs are made from polymethyl methacrylate. This is a modern polymer, which is simply called sanitary acrylic. It is widely used in the manufacture of not only bathtubs, but also showers.

The material has a lot of advantages. Products that are obtained from it are durable, andalso ease. Installation is not difficult. Acrylic is a plastic material. From it you can create products of almost any configuration. The size of the bowl can also be any. One of the most popular in our country is an acrylic bathtub 170x70 cm.
It is worth noting that the acrylic layer covers the product only from the outside by 1 mm. Preferably the rest of the article is comprised of acrylonetributadienetyrol. This is a special kind of plastic. The bath can be made in one of 2 ways - extruded or cast. The first option is also called "fake" bathrooms. This name fully reflects the attitude of consumers to similar products.
Cast bowls are created from a layer of acrylic, which is reinforced on the reverse side with fiberglass, as well as polyester resins. The bottom of the cast structure is reinforced with special embedded chipboard sheets. In this case, a frame for an acrylic bath is used. Cast baths are of high quality. They are able to last more than 20 years.
Extruded varieties of plumbing are more often purchased for summer cottages, where the bath will not be used often.
To understand which bath is better, acrylic or steel, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of such products. Acrylic bathtubs have a number of positive characteristics. They can have the most unusual design. You can refuse the standard type of bowl. Even rectangular acrylic bathtubs 150x70 cm can look interesting and unusual. Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of products that can decorate anyroom.

Acrylic color can also be any. However, white options are more popular. But there are different options for adding to the existing design. You can make inserts from impact-resistant glass, install an aeration and hydromassage system. The backlight mounted in an acrylic bowl looks very impressive. The water changes color because of it. This has a relaxing effect. The nervous system under the influence of additional systems installed in the bath, relaxes. A person can relax, recharged with energy and good mood.
Acrylic bathtubs weigh relatively little. Therefore, they are easy to transport home, as well as install in the right place. It is worth noting that a cast iron bath with standard dimensions weighs about 120 kg. Acrylic bath weighs around 25 kg.
Acrylic is a quiet material. It retains heat well, so the water in the bowl does not cool quickly. With proper installation and the choice of a cast structure (not extruded), the bathtub can last more than 2 decades. At the same time, if you want to install an acrylic bath with your own hands, it will not be difficult.
When choosing acrylic bathtubs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Ufa or other cities of Russia, you should pay attention to some of the disadvantages that such products have. Immediately it should be noted that the material is quite flexible and fragile. Therefore, not every model is suitable for a person with a large body weight. Acrylic bath 150x70 cm in this case is quickly deformed, on itcracks are formed. Only angular, spacious models should be chosen for people with a lot of weight. The fragility of the material requires proper installation. The fixation of the bowl should be quite rigid. This will avoid deformation during the operation of plumbing.
Cracks may appear on the acrylic surface if a heavy object (such as a heavy soap dish, etc.) falls into the bowl. In this case, a hole in the material may even be observed. You will need to purchase a new bowl. To avoid this, do not use heavy objects inside the bath. Only tubs made from special acrylics (Methacrylic and Quaryl) can withstand impact.
In addition, acrylic does not withstand high temperatures. The material starts to melt. This process becomes noticeable at a temperature of 150ºС. Of course, no one will draw such water into the bath. However, when choosing a cheap product from a little-known manufacturer, deformations were also observed at lower temperatures. If the walls of the bath are thin, do not fill it with hot water or pour boiling water.
Many varieties of acrylic bathtubs are sensitive to household chemicals. If plumbing is purchased from the medium or low price category, do not use abrasive or chemically active substances to clean the surface. This will require the purchase of special substances.
Tips for choosing
When choosing acrylic bathtubs in St. Petersburg, Moscow or other cities of Russia, you should pay attention to a number of recommendations. This will avoid selection errors. You should not buy such plumbing insmall shop. The choice here will be smaller and prices likely to be higher.

When choosing bowls with a complex configuration, you should not purchase models with a large number of small elements. This is a sign of poor product quality. To get a high-quality bowl with a large number of elements, acrylic goes through a complex processing process. Modern manufacturers do not have such an arsenal of technical means to create a quality bath of this kind.
When buying, consider the inside of the bowl. It should not have bumps, any other defects. The presence of even slight roughness indicates the low quality of the material. In addition, there should be no stains on the acrylic surface. The color must be uniform.
It is advisable to pay attention to 2 types of product thickness. The first one is the thickness of the acrylic. This is the top layer of the product. Bathtubs are considered the highest quality, the thickness of the upper layer of which is at least 5-6 mm. The second thickness parameter is defined in the reinforcement area. This layer can be seen at the end of the side. The thicker this layer, the better the product.
You can tap on the surface of the tub. The sound must be muffled. The presence of vibration gives the material of poor quality. Also, an unpleasant chemical smell should not come from acrylic. If it is present, it may not be safe to operate the bath.

A large number of differentacrylic bathtubs. They may differ in configuration. There are the following varieties:
- oval;
- round;
- rectangular;
- asymmetric;
- corner.
A wide variety of shapes will allow each buyer to purchase the right option. One of the most popular varieties is a rectangular acrylic bathtub 170x70 cm. It looks decent in standard bathtubs. However, if you have a very small bathroom, it is better to consider other options.
Oval bowl looks stylish in different interiors. Rounded shapes are reminiscent of natural motifs. However, many have already become bored with the rectangular and oval bathtubs that were popular in Soviet times.
Asymmetrical bowls look original. They can be left or right. The choice depends on the features of the bathroom.
One of the most popular varieties are corner baths. They harmoniously look in the interior, allowing you to give it a modern, stylish look. The corner baths are quite large. Therefore, they are not installed in small rooms.
Round bathtubs are installed in the center of the room. Therefore, the bathroom must have significant dimensions. For a small bathroom, this option is not suitable. Rectangular or asymmetric models would be more appropriate in it.
Manufacturer Reviews
To choose a quality model, you need to consider popular manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs. Such products have proven to be of excellent quality. Well-known manufacturers make acrylic bowls in accordance withestablished standards. Therefore, the product quality is high.
Products of domestic and foreign manufacturers are presented on the domestic market. The most popular foreign brands are:
- IDO – Finland.
- Senoplast - Austria.
- Appollo - China.
- Hoesch – Germany.
- Ravak - Czech Republic.

The cost of foreign products is high. However, these are really high-quality products, proven by years of impeccable service. A huge variety of models allows you to choose the best option. These companies are trendsetters for acrylic bowls. They manufacture products in accordance with the latest trends in bathroom design.
Domestic manufacturers keep up with foreign companies. They make quality products. At the same time, the cost will be lower than that of foreign analogues. The most popular domestic manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs are the Aquatek and Akrillan brands. If desired, a special acrylic liner can be ordered from these companies. It is installed in an old cast-iron or steel bath. This allows you to hide defects without changing the plumbing completely.
Preparing for installation
Wishing to install an acrylic bath 70x170 or a product with other dimensions, you should consider this process in more detail. This is a rather difficult task. However, if desired, even an unprepared master can handle it.
You need to choose a method thatwill be acceptable when installed in this case. An acrylic bathtub can be installed on a frame made of a metal profile. It is needed to give the structure rigidity. It will not loosen when a person goes inside the bowl.
You can also mount plumbing on bricks. They are needed for the same purpose as the frame. You can combine these two methods. The bath is installed on the frame, but a cabinet of bricks is laid out under its bottom. This will qualitatively strengthen the structure.
Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary tools for the job. You need a drill with a depth limiter for creating holes. You can use a hammer drill for this purpose. You should also prepare a set of wrenches, a level, a rule, a long ruler (more than 50 cm) and a simple pencil for marking.
Need to purchase sanitary sealant. It contains special substances that prevent the development of bacteria and fungi on the material. Sealant will be smeared with joints between the wall and the bathroom. Therefore, if you want to install a bowl in the center of the room, you can not purchase this material. Fixing to the wall occurs with the help of special fasteners. These can be hooks or other special items.
If brickwork will be created, cement mortar will be required. It is necessary to prepare a trowel and a container for mixing the solution. Bricks, polyurethane foam should be prepared.
If the bathtub is small, it can be installed on special legs (sold with the bathtub).
Start of installation of acrylic bathtub 70
Firstassembled metal frame. It is applied to the bottom of the bowl. Attachment points are marked with a pencil. Under the back of the bath you need to put cardboard. According to the created designations, holes are drilled. The depth must be at least 6 mm, and the diameter must be 3 mm. In order not to drill all the material, a mark is made on the drill. Do not drill deeper.

After that, adjustable legs are installed on the frame. It is necessary to screw the fixing nut onto the support studs. Next, the adjusting element (nut) is screwed on. After that, a plastic protection is put on. With the help of locknuts, the assembled legs are fixed at the same height. Next, the frame is attached to the bowl.
Completing installation
The appropriate markup is made on the wall. Holes are drilled through it. Next, special hooks are installed on the wall. They are given a bath. The product is substituted against the wall, exposing it strictly in a horizontal position. To do this, use the building level and adjust the legs.
If a brick frame is built, there must be a distance of at least 1 cm between it and the bottom of the bath. This gap is filled with mounting foam.

After installation, you need to connect the drain, install the faucet. Next, a decorative side is created, a panel that will give the product a complete look. It is necessary to provide access to communications. This will allow you to quickly respond in the event of a leak. The edge between the bathroom and the wall is covered with a decorative rim,filling gaps with sealant.
Having considered what acrylic bathtubs are, their features, advantages and disadvantages, you can make the right decision about the advisability of choosing such a product for your home or apartment.