For a successful fight against garden and garden pests, it is necessary to treat plants with various mixtures. Our grandparents used a broom for these purposes, which was dipped in the prepared solution. Spraying in this way is not the most pleasant experience. In addition to the large expenditure of time and effort, the quality of processing is far from the highest. The worker was the best "processed": the spray scattered in all directions.
Today the choice of atomizers is very large. For small areas, there are manual and pump-action garden sprayers, for large farms, models with electric drive or motorized sprayers are suitable. Let's take a closer look at devices for small farms.
Hand sprayer

The most simple and budget models are manual. They are capacitive and non-capacitive. The principle of operation of any type of manual sprayer is the same:the solution is sprayed using a movable handle.
Using the tankless model, the solution is prepared in a separate container, into which a hose attached to the sprayer is lowered. Such garden sprayers are not very productive and absolutely uneconomical: there is no way to adjust the size of the drops, because the liquid consumption is very high. In addition, these models are inconvenient: you have to carry a bucket or other utensils with a solution.
Capacitive garden sprayers are a completely different matter: they have a reservoir and jet power regulator (most often located on the handle). Such models are used for processing small areas or individual plants: the volume of the container is very small (from 0.5 to 3 liters). Hand sprayers are popular with flower growers. They are used for processing and spraying domestic plants, they are also convenient for growing seedlings.

Knapsack garden sprayer
To process large areas, a decent-sized container is required (from 7 to 16 liters). Carrying such a device in your hands is difficult and inconvenient, because most often they are produced in the form of knapsacks. Usually these are pump sprayers. They work on the principle of creating excess pressure. After filling the tank with the solution, tighten the lid tightly. With the help of a pump mechanism, increased pressure is created in the liquid reservoir. On the sprayer handle there is a special button (sometimes a valve), when pressed, spraying starts.
Garden sprayers of this type are more convenient and allow you to processlarge areas. The kit may include a telescopic handle, which allows high-quality spraying of tall trees.

So you can process the crown not only outside, but also inside. It is necessary to fill in the solution much less often: the pressure is created quite high, the spray torch is large, and the drops are small. The disadvantage of such garden sprayers is the need to constantly maintain pressure by pumping it up with a handle. To eliminate this inconvenience, garden sprayers with a built-in electric motor were developed. The battery can serve as a power source. True, there are devices that work from the network, but they have limited mobility, and therefore are not widely used.