Which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot: signs of our ancestors

Which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot: signs of our ancestors
Which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot: signs of our ancestors

Many believe that some of the trees should not be planted in the yard. There are certain folk signs, focusing on which you can choose the best plants for your home garden. So do trees and bushes really carry positive and negative energy and human perception?

Physical and emotional state tends to change, and green plants, as our ancestors say, are directly related to this. That is why it is so important to know which trees can be planted near the house.

With such knowledge, you can easily determine what is best for you, and recreate such an energetic atmosphere on the site that will not negatively affect any tenant. This is very important, especially if there are children in the house. Do you often get sick and your children suffer from reduced immunity? Pay attention to what you are growing in your backyard.

which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot be planted by law
which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot be planted by law

Energy influence on a person

There are more than enough sayings describing the magical properties and energy of trees and bushes growing around us. No wonder there is a saying: "In a birch grove - have fun, in a pine forest - pray, in a spruce forest - strangle yourself." This is what indicates that the energy of trees affects people.

Such an influence can be easily explained not only by physical laws and principles of interaction with the environment, for example, the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen, but also by the ability to transform the energy of a person nearby.

what trees can be planted near the house signs of our ancestors
what trees can be planted near the house signs of our ancestors

Classification of energy trees

People who are aware of this topic speak out about the fact that all living plants, depending on the effect on humans, are divided into donors and energy vampires.

The first ones transform the negative energy component of a person into a positive one. These natural healers quickly drive away sadness, melancholy, improve mood, and sometimes even relieve physical pain.

which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot
which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot

The second ones act in the opposite way, feeding on positive human energy. Close to a vampire tree, a person may feel tired, and with a long stay with such a green plant, even exhaustion.

Each tree has its own peculiarity, therefore, first of all, it is worth figuring out which trees can be planted near the house, and which green inhabitants are betterrefuse.

What to plant in the garden

It is recommended to choose those trees and shrubs that take away negative energy, turning it into positive radiation. Magical and healing properties have long been attributed to such trees, and such plants were planted not only near the house, but also made furniture and utensils from them.

Let's figure out which trees can be planted near the house. It is recommended to stop at these types of ornamental plants:

  • Juniper - a tree-amulet, protects from evil forces, if planted near the house.
  • Larch - a tree that provides a good mood.
  • Acacia - a plant that is considered the guardian of women, especially those who have problems with women's he alth. Ancestors have repeatedly mentioned that acacia helped get rid of infertility.
  • Rowan, which preserves youth and positively affects the hormonal background. Are you wondering what kind of trees can be planted near the house? Choose a mountain ash that will not only decorate the yard, but will undoubtedly benefit the inhabitants of the house.
  • Maple deserves special attention. Our grandmothers believed that this tree in the yard promises the family material we alth, strengthens the he alth of the household and helps resolve any quarrel.
what trees can be planted near the house and what signs cannot be planted
what trees can be planted near the house and what signs cannot be planted

Neighbour fruit trees

The following can be planted from fruit trees and shrubs:

  • a pear that helps couples reach mutual understanding, and mothers enhance their feelingstowards the child;
  • cherries, bringing we alth and considered a symbol of fertility;
  • rosehip, which ensures peace in the family and helps relatives to quickly find a common language, relieving them of the accumulated negativity;
  • an apple tree that brings good luck to young unmarried girls, but only if it grows in front of a beauty's window;
  • viburnum, which positively affects the physical and emotional he alth of the owners.

If you do not know the signs of which trees can be planted near the house, then this issue should be given special attention. After all, the future well-being of residents depends on the careful choice of a green neighbor.

Ancient signs that have come down to us say that some of the green plants have a negative effect on humans, for example, oak. There are concepts that even modern science cannot explain. It remains only to believe that nature is alive and its connection with man is inseparable.

Which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot: the laws of nature

Not all energy trees carry negativity and adversely affect a person's aura. But still, they are not recommended to be planted in their yards or in personal plots. Although sometimes such communication is beneficial.

Wishing to get rid of all the negativity and relieve tension, the Old Believers advise to sit at the roots of a tree - it will remove all blackness from you, clearing and in return giving the energy message you need.

So, you already know almost everything about which trees can and cannot be planted near the house.

Birch and willow

Birch, which, although considered a symbol of purity and innocence, is still not recommended for planting in your yard. Popular belief says that a spirit lives under the roots of this tree, which can harm a person. But if you plant a tree behind the fence, then this blond beauty will save the house from evil spirits.

Willow, symbolizing misfortune and death, is also not recommended to be planted. Although it is given religious significance, this shrub has a negative effect on the human aura. It is better not to plant such a tree at home, unless you believe in bad omens.

what trees can be planted near the house
what trees can be planted near the house

Pine, spruce, arborvitae

Pine and spruce are not recommended to be planted because of their properties of energy vampirism. These trees feed on positive energy, bringing only discord and disease in return. There is another more compelling reason - the powerful roots of plants, growing over time, begin to undermine and destroy the foundation of the house.

Thuyu, associated with grief and sadness. Many nationalities associate with the cemetery and the dead. It is forbidden to plant thuja near the house, especially if a young girl lives there. This plant, according to legend, scares off suitors, bringing on unmarried longing and loneliness.

Weeping Willow

Weeping willow - a harbinger of sadness and longing. Since ancient times, tree branches that descend to the very ground have been associated with tears. Our ancestors had a saying: “Weeping willow under the window, preparing a spade for the funeral.”

Aspen, poplar,oak

Aspen is a tree that has earned the fame of an energy vampire, sucking out not only negative, but also positive energy, weakening a person, weakening him, bringing infirmity and illness. Place this plant in the forest. Although they say that the tree fights evil spirits, and in folk medicine it is used to get rid of pain in the joints.

What trees can be planted near the house, the signs of our ancestors will help to understand, because a lot of wisdom is hidden in these legends. It’s just worth remembering and understanding that oak or poplar are harbingers of misfortune.

According to beliefs, there are more plants with positive energy in nature, so if you have a great desire, you can easily create a beautiful garden on your site.

what coniferous trees can be planted near the house
what coniferous trees can be planted near the house

Fern near the house: do or don't

This issue is associated with many topics that are developed both in a positive and negative way. It is said that the fern removes all negativity and prevents quarrels. With frequent conflicts in the house, you will have to forget about quarrels by planting a fern in a flower bed. In addition, it is believed that this plant is able to bring money and good luck. Safely protect your family. The fern is a mysterious and unique plant that has become the central character of many fairy tales and legends.

In relation to the fern, opinions are divided, and along with its positive properties, some people note that this plant is a vampire, a bait for diseases and will not bring anything good to the house.

Features of living plants:he alth effects

Donor trees and some of the vampire trees have amazing healing powers. By choosing the right one for energy and planting such a tree at home, you will protect your home from misfortunes, evil forces and an evil eye.

When planning to surround your home with many plants, you first need to figure out which trees can be planted near the house and which cannot. The signs of our great-grandfathers will help to understand this issue, especially since you already know which plants to pay attention to and which are better to bypass.

which trees can be planted near the house and which not
which trees can be planted near the house and which not

Some of the "vampires", drawing life energy out of a person, contribute to:

  • decrease in the body's immune defenses;
  • drowsy;
  • often tired;
  • depressive state;
  • headaches, as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs.

When wondering what kind of coniferous trees can be planted near the house, please note that they are not recommended to be planted near the dwelling. Of course, dwarf and ornamental species do not fall under this ban. Here we are talking about those types of plants that sprouted in the wild.

The presence of living plants on the territory of the site, the essential oils emitted by them, the resins of coniferous trees, of course, have a positive effect on the human body. The only contraindication for growing landscape decorative conifers at home is hypertension. High blood pressure is a common occurrence among those residents in the neighborhood with whomrepresentatives of the coniferous family grow. Therefore, before planting anything, it is worth thinking a few times, and perhaps even studying some information.

which trees can be planted near the house and which not
which trees can be planted near the house and which not

Now you know which trees can be planted near the house and which not, so choosing a seedling will not be a problem for you, and a young tree will not only decorate the site, but also benefit people around you.
