Few people in modern apartments have a large bathroom. That is why, equipping it, it is necessary to choose the right interior items - they should look beautiful and perform a sufficient number of functions. The corner shelf in the bathroom is ideal for a small area, so it is better to use it than a lot of overall cabinets.
When buying, you should pay attention first of all to the material. It must be not only durable, but also resistant to temperature extremes, humidity, and withstand various mechanical influences. Thanks to this, the furniture will last long enough and will please the owner more than once.
Perhaps the best option in a too small room would be a corner shelf in the bathroom hinged or telescopic. It will save considerable space and allow you to store a lot of things. For more spacious rooms, shelving or racks should be selected.
Assignment of shelves
Usually onshelves place the most necessary things that should always be at hand in the bathroom. Among the entire list, gels, creams, shampoos, razors, toothbrushes, and various cosmetics can be distinguished.
All shelves on the furniture market are resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. Also, their indisputable advantage is their small size. For better performance, manufacturers make the surface smooth and cover it with special paints that repel water.
It is unlikely that any buyer will not be able to find the model that really suits him. Now the assortment is literally exploding with new products, each of them is magnificent in its shape, accessories, material, color.
How to choose a shelf?
In order to choose the right shelf, not to be disappointed in it after a month of use, you immediately need to look at all possible options - in magazines, on the market, in stores. There you can find information in full, learn about all kinds of modifications. We will consider a selection of the main points in this article.
Angular shelf in the bathroom can be made of wood, plastic, glass, metal. When buying, you need to pay attention to this. As a rule, not only the service life of the product, but also the overall interior design depends on these nuances.
Hanging shelves are suitable for those who do not plan to clutter them with a lot of unnecessary items, but will use them only for the most necessary things that fit perfectly into the chosen style of the room.

Corner shelves
It is unlikely that anyone will say that the corner shelf installed in the bathroom is an extra element. A universal piece of furniture - this is how you can characterize this furniture. It will save space in a small room and enliven the space. Moreover, the corners, as a rule, are practically not used in the bathroom, therefore, by installing shelves there, you can significantly expand the functionality of these places. Such a solution will rationally use every centimeter of the room.
The bathroom shelf is often installed with suction cups, so there is another plus of this item (no need to drill into the wall surface).
The advantage of telescopic shelves is that they expand between surfaces. The suction cups help them hold on tight. However, it must be borne in mind that such furniture will not be able to withstand heavy loads, because this fastening is considered fragile.
Standard shelves
All standard shelves can also be corner. They have the following dimensions: a height of about 1 m, a width of 0.3 m or more, a depth of 0.5 m on average. Thanks to these dimensions, the capacity of the product increases significantly. Shelves are more suitable for medium-sized bathrooms. It is here that they will become the best decoration of the room.
Hanging shelves
A lot of space is occupied by a bulky corner shelf in the bathroom, which has a hinged structure. That is why it is rarely used in small spaces. However, unlike standard models, it can still beplace in a small bathroom. But before doing this, it is necessary to think over its location to the smallest detail.
A good option for hanging a hinged corner shelf is a place above the washing machine, toilet, bathroom. In order to determine the desired mounting height, you need to figure out what will be on it. In the event that the shelf is intended for shampoo, gel or cosmetics, then its placement should be at such a level that a person bathing or taking a shower can freely take what they need. As a mezzanine, a shelf is used, which will be a place to store towels or some kind of boxes. For the latter option, it is better to choose furniture of massive and wide dimensions, then you can avoid accidental falling of things. But for cosmetics, narrow and compact models with a depth of about 30 cm are suitable.
Outdoor shelves
In spacious rooms, a floor corner shelf is suitable, it will take up a sufficient amount of space. However, it fully pays off with its benefits.
Firstly, all models differ in height and size. Secondly, the lower shelves, as a rule, are reserved for storing clean things, the upper ones for hygiene products. It is advisable to install floor shelves in such a way that the topmost surfaces are at or slightly above the sink. Then ease of operation is assured.

Built-in models
A very interesting option would be shelves built into the wall. The downside can beonly that the installation should be entrusted to specialists, and this is an extra waste of money, but it is not worth saving here.

In order for professionals to do exactly what the owner wants, you need to start by building a drawing that will help hired people orient themselves and direct the work in the right direction.
Telescopic shelf
Few people can imagine what a telescopic corner shelf in the bathroom is. It is worth saying that this is a design that looks expensive, uncomplicated and original. It will make the space more functional and comfortable. The shelf differs little from the models described above, as it is also installed in the corner of the room. Its main advantage is the transforming components. The base, which is made of metal or plastic, is placed down and fixed in this way. The shelves themselves move freely, move, facilitating operation. In order to position a cosmetic bottle that is too high, it will be enough to increase the size of the space between the top and bottom surfaces.
In order to avoid loosening the mechanism, you need to take the selection of fasteners seriously. It will be good if the shelf is equipped with backstops, then the surface will not slide down under the pressure of things that are on it.
Glass shelves
Corner glass bathroom shelves are the face of a classic style that is not accentuated by bright colors or catchy accessories. Evenat the same time, we can say with confidence that the furniture exudes luxury, weightlessness, it attracts the eye, leaving no one indifferent. In addition, the shelves fit perfectly into any stylistic direction.
Glass shelves will give grace to the room, their dimensions are somewhat massive. But this does not negate their elegance. One of the main advantages is the visual expansion of space. Below you can see a photo with the optimal dimensions of such models of shelves.

Mirror shelves
In fact, mirror shelves are an analogue of glass shelves, but with some different features. Now technology is advancing, so glass processing reaches the highest level, allowing it to become one of the most durable materials. Sophistication and beauty are their middle name.
If we focus on the appearance, then due to the quality of the processing of the pattern and the material itself, mirror shelves freely occupy a leading position among all available. Matte shade, discreet colors complement the design. It will easily expand the room and complement the interior.
The dimensions of such shelves do not have any special restrictions: height varies from 50 cm to 1.5 m, width - 30-60 cm, depth - about 30 cm.
Plastic shelves
The plastic corner shelf for the bathroom is suitable for those who love minimalism and are not ready to spend too much money on such a piece of furniture. This material will never be damaged by moisture, high or low temperature, mechanicalimpact, par. Among their advantages, one can also highlight the convenience and long service life. Such furniture will decorate any design, not as good as glass and mirror options, but it will not look much worse.

Corner shelves in the plastic bathroom on the market are represented by a huge assortment. They differ from each other due to the format, size, shape and color. They are also convenient because they do not require special care, just wipe the surface several times a month.
Metal shelves
The highlight of any design will be furniture made of the most durable material - metal. The corner shelf in the stainless steel bathroom is rarely used, but if you still choose just such a model, the result will be stunning. Its main advantages are strength, reliability and long service life.

But unlike glass or plastic, this material is susceptible to corrosion, so it requires special care. The fact is that in some cases even chrome plating does not help. Rust and faded color will definitely not impress guests. That is why it is better to give preference to stainless steel. It can be combined well with glass and mirror coating. Recently, metal frames have become popular, in which there is a fragile surface.
Stainless Stainless Bathroom Shelf Benefits
Worth itnote that, unlike glass and plastic, metal prices are much higher, so shelves will cost a rather large amount. The high cost fully pays off with the many advantages of stainless steel.

- The material is not subjected to mechanical stress. It is difficult to leave a dent or damage the surface. Scratches are also rare. However, the person himself should be careful, as the consequences may not be the most pleasant when struck.
- The surface of stainless steel has the property of being hygienic. There are no pores or microcracks on it, due to which the amount of accumulated dirt is minimal.
- Water resistance is an important advantage. The material is completely resistant to water procedures, withstands temperature extremes, the appearance of steam and high humidity. The corrosion process is completely excluded even with prolonged contact with water.