Having a multimeter in the tool arsenal of a generalist or electrician is not an optional addition, but a prerequisite for efficient operation. This device belongs to multifunctional measuring instruments, allowing you to determine several characteristics of an electrical circuit at once. A professional multimeter is distinguished by its versatility and high quality of measurement, the handling of which, however, requires some training. Using such a device, you can not only measure the current strength with voltage, but also determine the location of the hidden line.
What is the difference between professional models and regular ones?

The border between professional and home measuring equipment is being leveled in many ways. On the one hand, models for specialists are becoming smaller, more ergonomic and more convenient in physical handling, which brings them closer to household devices. On the other hand, conventional devices are endowed with new functionality, and also offer a wider range of measuring operations.
However, the question of how a professional multimeter differs from conventional modifications,largely determined by the appointment itself. For example, for laboratories and service centers, stationary devices are more often purchased, which are distinguished by a multi-digit display. But this segment is still specific and narrow. Generalist specialists mainly use portable versions. Unlike household multimeters, such devices are provided with a number of special options. In particular, a professional instrument can automatically select search ranges, perform calibration, and generally provide more efficient measurement workflows.
Key Features
The key performance characteristic is the search range already noted. This is a measuring spectrum within which the device will be able to determine one or another indicator of the circuit. So, professional models allow you to fix the current strength in values from 0.1 μA to 10 A. Further, it is important to take into account the resolution, which is expressed in the capacity of the multimeter. For the convenience of finding the desired value, the user switches the digits depending on the current tasks. Regardless of the model, any professional multimeter is also characterized by high measurement accuracy. To evaluate this indicator, the error value is used. In the case of electrical devices, it averages from 0.025 to 3%. For comparison, cheap household appliances in some versions allow deviations of 10%, which, of course, will not suit the master performing complex and responsible electrical installation operations.
Varieties of the device

Until recently, one of the most noticeable features of professional multimeters was expressed in belonging to the segment of digital devices. Models with LCD screens quickly won the trust of users due to high measurement accuracy, ease of use and stylish design. Today, household models are often found among digital devices. At the same time, analog versions do not leave the market either. Although they lose to digital models in accuracy, they are cheaper. Such devices are divided according to their purpose. Today, a professional automotive multimeter is quite common, which is used in evaluating the characteristics of the on-board network. The universal multimeter-tester, equipped with current clamps, has become even more popular. It is easy to handle as it eliminates the need for the user to perform ancillary activities during site maintenance.
Reviews about the CEM DT 916N

Typical representative of an inexpensive multimeter with filling designed for professional use. According to the owners, the model allows you to perform high-quality continuity of circuits, testing actions, as well as fix the main values, including voltage and current. Although the DT 916N professional multimeter cannot be attributed to high-precision representatives of the segment, skillful handling of the range settings before work greatly increases the chances of obtaining reliable information. At the same time, many users of the modelnote a very worthy equipment. The device is supplemented with measuring probes and a thermocouple. At the same time, the modification is inexpensive, which could not but affect the performance in a negative direction. For example, there are complaints about the easily soiled case, which, in harsh conditions of use, does not guarantee physical protection of the sensitive filling.
Reviews of Fluke 179
If the previous version can be attributed to professional multimeters with some reservations, then Fluke, with its modification 179, demonstrates an example of a full-fledged high-precision device for specialists. This is confirmed by the practice of operation. Even experienced electricians note that the device works effectively with the determination of capacitance, frequency, voltage and current in the circuit. In addition, a professional multimeter from Fluke allows you to ring the line, analyze the state of transitional sections, check diodes, etc. But this model also has a serious drawback. On the Russian market, it is available for 17-18 thousand rubles. This is a serious amount even for a professional device, but the functionality and sufficiently high measurement accuracy justify it.

Reviews about the MAS838H model from Mastech
If you need to get wide functionality, while giving the minimum amount of money for the device, then it makes sense to turn to Chinese products. Under the Mastech brand, inexpensive devices are produced, but quite professional in their capabilities. Specifications for the MAS838Hin many ways similar to Fluke technology, which, again, is confirmed by the users themselves. There are no special claims even to the error indicators. But there are also critical reviews that Mastech multimeters receive. The professional qualities of this model in terms of measurements can satisfy a specialist, but the quality of the device itself is questionable. The fragility of the case and the unreliability of the batteries are just some of the negative reviews addressed to this device.

Reviews about the Testo 760 model
It can be said that this multimeter is balanced in all qualities, which is suitable for users with different needs. As for the measurement capabilities themselves, they are average by the standards of professional equipment, but supported by a minimum error. Users also indicate a wide range of values allowable for measurement in various parameters and the presence of additional functions. At the same time, professional digital multimeters from the Testo brand are mostly characterized by a well-thought-out design implementation. The 760 version is no exception. The model is equipped with a dustproof and waterproof housing, so even electricians working in harsh conditions on construction sites speak flatteringly about its operational properties.

How to choose the right multimeter?
To begin with, you should outline the range of tasks that the device will have to perform. It could bea narrow range of functions - for example, determining the same current strength with voltage, and a wide range of actions that involve fixing capacitance and frequency indicators in a specific electrical circuit. Then you can proceed to the selection of the optimal form factor. For example, for production, a stationary electric tester is often chosen. A professional pocket-type multimeter is suitable for mobile specialists working at different sites. The choice of performance depends entirely on specific requests, but most modern models, even in basic versions, offer fairly wide measuring ranges, so it will be difficult to miscalculate this criterion.
Recommendations for use
Immediately before work, you should evaluate the condition of the multimeter. The correctness of the display of indications in the display, the location and suitability of the batteries, as well as the appearance of the case are checked. After that, the operating mode is set - manual or automatic. It is advisable to use a professional multimeter in automatic mode during the acquaintance period - this is not only convenient, but also justified in terms of obtaining accurate readings. With the help of the working parts of the device, it is necessary to ensure close contact with the electrical circuit, after which the readings can be monitored. When data logging is complete, you can turn off the instrument. By the way, in automatic mode, the device can turn off automatically without user intervention after 15-20 minutes of inactivity.

Assessing the performance of a multimeter, you may be faced with the question of the appropriateness of its use as an alternative to special measuring instruments. After all, in fact, it repeats the functions of an ammeter, ohmmeter and voltmeter, and in some cases noticeably losing them exactly. How does a professional multimeter tester justify itself? First of all, its versatility. If a comprehensive survey of an object is required for the condition of the power grid, then a more convenient device simply does not exist. Using the same ammeters and voltmeters separately will be more troublesome, which often leads to errors in the data recording process. Another advantage of multimeters is the economic benefit. Still, buying one multifunctional device is always cheaper than several specialized devices.