Each owner of his own house outside the city or within it seeks to make the heating system autonomous and independent of human work. It should be distinguished by easy handling and functionality, which will become a guarantee of comfort. Previously, a tap for all pipe lines was considered a convenience, today a thermostat for a heating radiator has become commonplace. It is with the help of this device that the system can be made more practical and flexible.
General Features

With a small and simple device called a thermostat or temperature controller, you can increase the flexibility of controlling your heating system. If you install this device, then the owner will have the opportunity to increase the efficiency of heating radiators, reducing the costs that go to pay for heating, among other things, you will endow the system with the qualities of autonomy. Whatever device a thermostat for a heating radiator has, it is able to analyze the temperature of the external environment and control the amount of heat given off. DesignIt consists of two main elements, among them a thermostatic valve and a thermal head. The modern market includes many models that are made by different manufacturers, but all options can be divided into two categories: electronic or automatic, as well as mechanical or manual.
Description of electronic thermostats

If you decide to purchase a radiator thermostat, you may prefer the electronic version, which is more modern and sophisticated. With it, you can make the heating system more flexible, control the temperature on a specific radiator and control various mechanisms of the system, namely mixers, pumps, valves and other components. An electronic thermostat for a heating radiator is more complex than a mechanical option. The first of those mentioned has a built-in or remote system that is able to measure the temperature of the external environment in a certain area where the device is located. This element of the thermostat is called a sensor and it is due to it that the correct operation is ensured.
Varieties of electronic thermostats

If you decide to choose an electronic thermostat, you should know that such devices are divided into two categories, the first of them is digital, the second is analog. The greatest demand among buyers is precisely digital models, which, in turn, can bedivided into two categories: with open logic and closed. Devices with closed logic are not able to change the functioning algorithm. They are not able to respond to changes in the external environment, to maintain the temperature set by the consumer. If you are looking for an open logic electronic radiator thermostat, you should be aware that such devices are quite rare on sale. They independently react to changes in the environment and have the ability to choose a control program. Such devices have numerous adjustable parameters that can complicate the operation of the device. As a rule, many of them require the user to have certain knowledge, which is why such units are used in the industrial field.
Recommendations from experts of choice

Before the thermostat is installed on the heating radiator, you should choose the right one. In addition to the type of device when choosing, you should pay attention to additional characteristics, namely liquid or gas, built-in or remote device in front of you. It is important to take into account the hydraulic resistance of the system.
Features of built-in and remote thermostats

The most popular today are devices that have built-in sensors. They are simple and compact. But these thermostats havea serious drawback, which is to respond to temperature changes only in the immediate vicinity of the heating radiator. For this reason, in recent years, thermostats have become quite widely demanded, which are equipped with temperature sensors located at some distance. Such devices operate on the principle of transmitting valve control signals. It makes sense to use a similar thermostat with an indicator screen for heating radiators in cases where the width of the window sill is more than 22 centimeters, and the heater is located 10 centimeters or less. It is advisable to use the thermostat described above when the battery is located in a niche. We are talking about a radiator, in front of which there is a thermostat. This statement is true for the case when the depth of the battery is more than 15 centimeters. Furniture and curtains may block the air supply to the thermostat.
Hydraulic resistance

If you want to purchase a thermostat for a heating radiator with a remote sensor, it is important to take into account the hydraulic resistance of the heating system, the latter of which can be two- or one-pipe. Replacement devices have the appropriate classification. The reason for this separation is the load in a two-pipe system, which is much greater than that present in a single-pipe system. Thus, a thermostat for a two-pipe line should have a more impressive hydraulic resistance. If ainstall a two-pipe unit instead of a single-pipe unit, then the heating system will work stably. Reverse replacement cannot be allowed, as the lack of hydraulic resistance will cause loss of power, reduced efficiency and premature failure of the internal mechanism.
Varieties of thermostats depending on the working environment

If you decide to choose a thermostat for an Oventrop heating radiator, then you need to know that such devices are divided into types depending on the working environment, so thermostats can be ready-made or liquid. In the latter case, the accuracy of the measured values will be much higher. Such devices are not capable of transmitting pressure to the controlled mechanisms inside the corrugated cylinder. But models with gaseous media have other significant advantages, among them one can single out a quick response to temperature changes, which increases the efficiency of heat supply. As an additional plus, we can highlight the fact that the gas condenses at some distance from the valve in the cooled zone of the device. This indicates that the reaction rate is increasing, because it is practically independent of the temperature in the coolant.
Manufacturer Reviews
If you need a thermostat for heating radiators, brands you should consider. In addition to the company that manufactures thermostats and was mentioned above, we can single out an equally popular companyDanfoss. It presents a range of thermostats for sale, their cost varies from 1400 to 5000 rubles. Among other things, you can choose a thermostat brand RAX, which has a liquid filling. Such devices are made of stainless steel, which eliminates corrosion processes and increases the service life. Another common thermostat supplier is Living, which makes electronically controlled thermostats.