Insulation of the walls of the house is a rather important issue that arises more and more often. It all depends on where the building is located. It is important to insulate the walls, because they make up almost 50% of the heat loss of the building.
All building materials that are used when insulating the walls of a house are divided into three groups. They differ in density:
efficient, density not more than 1450 kg/m3;
quite effective, density not more than 1600 kg/m3;
regular, with a density greater than 1600 kg/m3

Void materials are most effective, which can be used to improve the thermal performance of exterior walls. If we talk about bricks, it is better to use ceramic, not silicate, when the question of thermal properties arises.
If the walls are made of concrete, they should be plastered. Such a surface will be equal to the thermal insulation of ceramic bricks. There are also options for materials for wall insulation that are not wall. We are talking about mineral wool, which increases thermal insulation by 60%, andabout expanded polystyrene, which increases it by almost 100%. In these cases, a brick is used, regardless of whether it is hollow or solid. When the bricks are laid, the front rows are tied with bond rows and metal ties to the main wall. The outer side of the walls is plastered, this will help to avoid blowing.

As for metal bonds, it is best to cover them with bitumen, cement or epoxy to avoid corrosion. If the building is large, be sure to provide waterproofing and drainage for condensate.
Insulation of the walls of the house from the inside
There is such a phenomenon as the freezing of walls. In this case, it is necessary to insulate the walls of the house from the inside. The most popular here is "warm" plaster. It is applied to a special plaster mesh with a layer of 3 cm. It is best to do this procedure throughout the room to avoid dampness outside the treated area. Wall insulation is laid on the plaster.
You need to consider a vapor barrier that will prevent the moisture in the room from getting on the plaster. Insulation of the walls of a wooden house is also possible in various ways. Mineral wool is the best. The only thing you should pay attention to is that the walls of a wooden house are insulated from the outside.
The process of plastering consists of several stages. First you need to completely remove wallpaper, paint or old plaster from the walls, then attach the frame from the plaster mesh. For this purpose, they often usea network consisting of cells whose dimensions do not exceed 50 mm. Under it, you can put slats no more than 5 mm thick. They will more reliably hold the plaster, which is applied to the wall. The mesh must be stretched and attached with nails.
In some cases, they resort to additional insulation. You can improve the thermal insulation of the walls if the plaster is covered with a layer of insulation on top. For apartments, bas alt is best suited. It is necessary to fix the rails on the wall (wooden or aluminum bars). Then the insulation is laid in the gaps between the guides. On top is a waterproofing layer. It can be made using hydroisol, or it can also be made from ordinary roofing material or roofing parchment. The final step is finishing. For this, chipboard, GVL or fiberboard can be used. The floor and the slabs should be separated by a gap of one and a half centimeters, which will subsequently be closed with a plinth.

Insulation of the roof of the house is a question that may also arise. The so-called thermal roof will help best of all here. It is widely used in modern construction. If you want to insulate the roof without changing it much, then you can use expanded clay, sawdust, mineral wool or polyurethane foam.