The circular saw in the life of a modern person is an extremely necessary and useful thing. But how to choose it, because manufacturers offer dozens of different models. How not to make a mistake with the choice and at the same time not overpay for an unnecessary set of functions? You will find out the answer to this question later in our article.
The arsenal of cutting tools is diverse, but the circular electric saw has several main advantages over all other similar devices - accuracy, quality and cleanliness of the cut. For example, when compared to a chainsaw, it is lighter, more environmentally friendly (no exhaust gases) and does not create vibration during operation.
The electric circular saw has a lot of undeniable advantages. But we will focus on what important characteristics the tool should have, for what purposes it is intended and in what conditions it can be used.
Don't look at pretty packaging and labels. Even well-advertised companies can disappoint you with the quality of their products.tools. Therefore, it is better to trust the opinion of people who have already purchased such a unit or consult with professionals in this field.
Before asking questions, first decide what kind of work the circular saw is being purchased for, how often you plan to use it. And only after that, seek advice. So it will be easier for you and the specialist to choose instrument models based on specific wishes.

For example, there are electric saws intended only for domestic use, and there are devices that can be used even in the process of professional work. Why is this needed? Power, duration and frequency of use, disk diameter depend on this parameter. The larger the diameter of the blade, the more power is needed to cut. The rotation speed is between 1800-6000 rpm.
Conventionally, the power of circular saws can be divided into three categories:
- small (maximum 800 W);
- medium (800-1200 W);
- high (1200W or more).
Depth of cut. This parameter is determined by the outer diameter of the disc. On household models, the cutting depth is 50-70 mm. Such devices are quite light and maneuverable. There is also a manual circular electric saw with a smaller cutting depth, but these are already copies for craftsmen.

Professional circular electric saws provide a cutting depth of 100mm or more. Therefore, their weight can reach more than 10 kg. Here the possibility of a stationary installation of the instrument will not be superfluous.
The circular electric saw for wood is suitable for sawing any kind of wood: oak, linden, spruce, larch, alder, ash, etc.
The low vibration and noise level of the tool ensures comfort and convenience when working. Tool life is increased due to the lightweight design on ball bearings. There is a riving knife that prevents the blade from jamming during tool operation. The standard package includes the following items:
- saw blade;
- nozzle (for vacuum cleaner);
- rip fence;
- hex key.
Happy shopping!