An indicator screwdriver allows you to determine whether power is supplied to a particular wire. To understand the principle of operation of the device, you should be guided in the power supply circuit. In general, all the wires located in the house are powered by a switch that supplies current to the apartments.

To get electricity to the outlet, you need a phase wire that is constantly energized.
The return of the electric current to the switch is carried out through the neutral wire, which is dangerous only at the moment the device is turned on, the rest of the time it remains unoccupied.
The indicator screwdriver is used to determine the phase wire. Before you start working with the device, you should test it for serviceability. To do this, it is necessary to test the device on a powered source, for example, by inserting its sting in turn into a socket. If the light bulb is on, then everything isorder, otherwise the tool must be replaced. Touching the sting during this process is strictly prohibited!
Indicator screwdriver: how it works
The simplest design can only detect a phase contact, while more modern models can also detect a zero contact. There are devices on the market that can find voltage even in hidden wiring (for example, under a layer of plaster), but they have low accuracy.

In appearance, indicator screwdrivers are practically the same as ordinary ones, but their transparent plastic cases contain a neon light that lights up when a live wire is touched, and a small resistor.
In the operation of the phase determiner (the second name of the device), one of the links in the chain can be a person. In order for the bulb to light up, it is necessary to attach the tip of a screwdriver to the phase wire and touch the second one - zero with your finger. Due to the high resistance of the resistor, the current passing through the human body will be safe and invisible.
Indicator screwdriver allows you to solve several basic tasks. It is often used to test outlet faults. In addition, using the device, they check the grounding of the extension cord by touching its contact with a sting. If the light does not come on, then everything is working properly. Using a screwdriver, you can determine the phase located in the chandelier cartridge.

The current must go through the internalcontact, not thread. Care must be taken in this case, as touching both contacts at the same time will cause a short circuit in the network.
In addition, an indicator screwdriver is used when installing sockets and switches, because when installing them, it is important to correctly connect the neutral and phase wires. The tool will also help if you suspect that there is a voltage leak in any electrical appliance. To fix this fact, you need to plug the device into a power outlet and touch the sting to its body. If the light bulb does not light up completely, then a small leak still exists. If the indicator is lit at full power, then the phase wire is in direct contact with the housing. In both cases, the device must be repaired.