You could go on and on about how good it is to have your own source of water. However, a lot depends on what we will use the water for. At present, summer residents are forced to think about themselves. This applies not only to water, but also to heating. Let's talk about what is the principle of operation of a well for water, how to equip it. Let's look at other important details.

General information
We will discuss the principle of operation of a water well with you a little later. Now I would like to say that it is necessary to plan the location of the future source in advance. It is desirable even during the design of the house. But we are all well aware that in most cases this is impossible. That is why a well is drilled long after a house has been built or bought. If you plan to organize water supply fromwells to the house, then it should be placed as close as possible to the foundation, but not back to back. If the well will be used for watering a summer cottage, then it is placed in a place convenient for you. In any case, no difficulties should arise at this stage. Now let's get straight to our topic.
Design of pumping stations and their principle of operation
There are several ways to raise water from a well to the surface. They depend on the depth of the source. If we are talking about 20 meters or more, then a deep pump with an intermediate tank is installed. In addition, there are a pair of sensors: upper and lower water levels. When the pump is turned on, the industrial tank is filled with water, and the check valve prevents it from flowing back. From there, the water enters the mains water supply, which is exactly what we need.
If the depth of the well is less than 20 meters, an automatic pumping station is installed. Therefore, there is no need to use an intermediate tank and an automation system. In this case, the carrier from the station enters immediately into the domestic water supply. As you can see, the principle of operation of a water well is quite simple.

Functional units of the well
Let's look at exactly what elements our construction consists of. There are quite a few:
- water intake with non-return valve and mesh;
- suction line - through it water enters the pump housing or station;
- centrifugal pump - works in such a way that on the one handa vacuum is created to suck the liquid, and on the other hand, pressure to lift it;
- pressure switch;
- hydraulic accumulator - needed to prevent water hammer in the plumbing system;
- electric motor and pressure switch.
You need to understand that all these nodes must work smoothly. This will make the operation of the equipment efficient and productive. It should also be borne in mind that there are single-pipe and ejector systems. The former are easier to install, while the latter allow, with relatively small station capacities, to raise water from great depths. So we examined with you what the principle of operation of wells for water is. Now let's move on.
We carry out installation work
And here we are getting to the most interesting part. The fact is that not everyone knows how to equip a water well. The problem is aggravated by the fact that specialists drilling a hole in the ground are not engaged in such work. At the end of the process, you will only see a siege pipe peeking a meter out of the ground.
There is quite a lot to be done. Protect the pipe from freezing, dig a trench from the well to the house, etc. In this case, the trench should be at a slight slope to the well, and the suction line should be without kinks and drops. If you follow these simple requirements, then you will surely succeed. But the water well, the principle of which we have considered, has not yet been equipped, so let's move on.

Works inside the house
At this stage we willcarry out installation work of the pumping station in the house. First you need to choose a suitable location. The basement should be the priority. In any scenario, a smooth rise is required, which will protect the equipment from flooding. It’s easy to think of something here, the main thing is that the station does not touch the pipes and the foundation of the house, since in this case the noise from the pump can spread throughout the dwelling.
After you have installed the station, you need to start laying the suction line to the well. If the trench is already ready, then great. First, we prepare the ejector and proceed to its assembly. We begin work with the installation of a strainer and a check valve. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that without these elements the system will not function. Bronze couplings are used for transitions. Pay special attention to the tightness of the connections, as this is very important. After everything is done, you can cut the casing.

Continue work
We have already done the hardest part. It remains to make sure that rain and surface water do not get into the well. There are two ways out: use a head or use a welding machine to weld a small metal box.
A full-fledged cap costs from 2,500 to 4,500 rubles, a metal box - no more than 1,000 rubles. Next, we immerse the vertical sections of the pipe into the well. To determine their length, you need to know the water level and add 1-2 meters to this value. Strongly not recommendedlower the tube too low to the ground. In this case, it is likely that the mesh will clog very quickly and will have to be cleaned. Next, the pressure in the hydraulic tank is monitored. Usually we are talking about 1.2-1.5 atm. If the pressure is insufficient, the air chamber has a conventional automotive nipple. Therefore, you can add air with a simple compressor or a car pump. Now you know how a well is put on water. We have considered the principle of operation, but now - a few more important details.

How to drill a water well with your own hands
Many summer residents are interested in this issue. I would like to immediately note that this goal is quite realistic and achievable. Moreover, if you do the work yourself, you can save a significant amount of money. True, on the way you will encounter a lot of difficulties. First, you will need to make a homemade drilling rig. There are several types of them: screw, cartridge and working on the hydraulic principle. The latter are automatic and manual.
In any case, the easiest way is to use an auger or a so-called impact chuck. That is, it falls to the ground at the point of drilling, then rises and falls back. Quite long, but cheap and cheerful. In this case, you need to take care of the frame and racks, as well as mount the engine, the power of which usually fluctuates within 1 kW or even less. In any case, this thing is profitable - independent drilling of wells. Principle of operationpumps, depending on the type of the latter, also differs. Vibratory pumps are not recommended for many reasons. They are noisy and murmur. Better use centrifugal.

How a well works and why it is filled
It is worth saying that the well is the same well. Only some nuances differ. But the essence does not change at all. We have a depression in the ground that is filled with water. It is taken, of course, from underwater rivers. In the case of a well, we can talk about groundwater, but it all depends on its depth. Everyone knows perfectly well that if the well is not allowed to replenish its strength, that is, the normal level of water, it will soon dry up.
The situation with the well is similar, but somewhat different. The fact is that underwater rivers are replenished much faster. That is why it is possible to operate the well for a long time. But even in this case, there is a risk that the water will stop at some point. It is also important to choose the right pump capacity so that it is not too small or, conversely, large. Of course, the more precipitation in your region falls annually, the richer the underwater river of the well will be, this must be understood. But even a severe drought does not guarantee that the water will stop. How lucky here.

So we figured out what a water well is. The principle of operation, types and arrangement - all this was discussed in the article. I would like toIt should be noted that before drinking water from a well, it is advisable to take it for examination. Usually, the deeper the source, the purer the water, but there are exceptions to the rule.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated about the device. You already know the principle of operation of a water well. Often you can find wells with manual lifting of water. Their device does not imply the presence of any stations, automation and sensors at all. But we live in a modern world, so you should always be aware of the pressure in the system, water level, pump condition, etc. If you decide to drill a well yourself, then with the proper approach you can save about 50% of your money. But this is a very painstaking business, and in one day or even a week you will not be able to do it. Although much depends on the soil and the depth of the source.