Dishwasher s alt: composition, how to choose, rating

Dishwasher s alt: composition, how to choose, rating
Dishwasher s alt: composition, how to choose, rating

If you have a dishwasher at home, then you should be serious about choosing cleaning products and detergents. This is required so that the equipment serves for a long time and does not break. S alt for the dishwasher is an effective remedy. Its composition allows you to protect equipment from scale. The best products and their properties are described in the article.


What's in dishwasher s alt? This product contains 99% sodium chloride. It turns out that this is the usual table s alt, which is much cheaper. This statement is true, but the special tool has the following advantages:

  1. Comfort. S alt is presented in the form of small granules that are not able to stick together. This eliminates the problem of the appearance of "lumps", and the maintenance of the device is noticeably simplified.
  2. Safety. Dishwasher s alt contains no extra particles, grains of sand and small stones that affect the operation of the device.
  3. He alth. Ingredients of dishwasher s altinclude antibacterial ingredients. This ensures hygiene when using the equipment.
dishwasher s alt
dishwasher s alt

Why is it required?

The problem of the modern city is hard water. This means that the level of acid s alts in it is exceeded. As a result, the soap does not lather well. After heating hard water, scale appears on the elements of the machine.

Why do you need dishwasher s alt? This is due to the fact that hard water is purified using sodium ions. And they can be replenished with regenerating s alt.

midea dishwashers
midea dishwashers

The dishwasher has an ion exchanger - a reservoir with resin in the form of granules (balls). And they have sodium ions. These substances retain acid s alts of magnesium and calcium during hard water filtration. But sodium ions are gradually "washed out". S alt can replenish their supply in the Midea dishwasher or any other.

It turns out that this tool has a regenerating effect. And if the water in the region is not very hard? Some part of the metal impurity is still present in it. If no s alt is applied, the scale in the machine is not very fast, but it will still eventually appear.


This remedy is granular and tableted. Each species has its own characteristics.

The first remedy is presented in the form of small particles - although there is also coarse-grained s alt. This is a handy tool option.

filtero dishwasher tablets
filtero dishwasher tablets

S alt tablets for the dishwasher are also in demand. But they should not be confused with 3 in 1 tablets. The latter have both sodium chloride and rinse aid, as well as dishwashing detergent. Put them in the dirty dishes section. According to the manufacturer of 3 in 1 tablets, with the use of this product, an additional descaler is not required. But in regions with high water hardness, it is still necessary to use a regenerating s alt together with a 3 in 1 product. The difference between tablets and granules is ease of use and ease of dosage.

Where and how much to pour?

How to put s alt in a Midea dishwasher or another brand of dishwasher? First you need to read the instructions for the device. In most cases, the s alt compartment is located at the bottom of the machine. If a granular product is used, it is better to use a funnel to prevent spillage.

s alt finish 1, 5 kg
s alt finish 1, 5 kg

How much s alt should I pour? This is individual. The harder the water, the more funds are needed. In addition, the hardness of water depends on the season, weather, region of residence. Therefore, the amount of chemistry used will also be different.

Some machines have a hardness indicator. S alt should be poured to the top of the compartment. It is advisable to follow the instructions in the instructions, but usually the technique is able to hold about 1 kg of product.

Rating of the best funds

If you have a dishwasher, be sure to purchase special s alt. Then the dishes will be sparkling, and a long service life of the equipmentwill be provided.

The choice of funds depends on the budget. If you want to save money, you should choose products from a Russian manufacturer. But you can buy a reliable tool from a European company.

The best products are the following types of s alt:

  1. Finish Calgonite. This is a popular brand. The product does not contain phosphates. Finish s alt packing volume - 1, 5 kg. It is enough for 25 cycles. This s alt perfectly softens water and serves as a protection against limescale. The cost is from 190 rubles. You can buy the product at a household chemicals store.
  2. Filtero. Tablets for the dishwasher, as well as granules of this brand, have an anti-corrosion effect. This is a domestic remedy. The cost for 1 kg starts from 140 rubles.
  3. Somat. The base is sodium chloride. S alt purifies water from s alt impurities and protects the elements of the machine. The cost for 1.5 kg is from 120 rubles.
  4. Toperr. The agent protects the equipment from scale and provides an antibacterial effect. Of the shortcomings, uneconomical use is distinguished. The price is from 150 rubles.
  5. Sodasan. It is an organic regenerating s alt. For 2 kg you will have to pay 400 rubles.
  6. Top House. S alt is produced in the form of large crystals, which are used sparingly and provide high-quality cleaning. For 1.5 kg you will have to pay 250 rubles.
  7. Bravix. S alt costs from 100 rubles per 2 kg. According to buyers, the properties of the product do not differ from expensive types.

All s alts listed are suitable for modern dishwashers. With them, it will be possible to extend the life of the equipment noticeably longer.

Are there harmful impurities in s alt?

Regenerating sodium s alt preparations are specially made for dishwashers. They are required for the correct and safe operation of the equipment. S alts contain only NaCl, which is used in cooking.

coarse s alt
coarse s alt

S alt supplements containing sodium chloride are harmless to the body. This is table s alt, which is considered a common food product. Dangerous are only surfactants that are not washed off the dishes during rinsing. But these substances are only in tablets with detergents.

If a pure tablet or powder preparation is used, it is safe. During the washing of dishes, it dissolves and is washed off. It is not advisable to use ordinary edible s alt for these purposes. But if it is qualitatively purified and does not include impurities, then use is allowed. It is important that the s alt is boiled down.


Before falling asleep food s alt, you should read the information on the packaging for the product. Ordinary edible s alt cannot become a substitute, since the content of iodides, carbonates and fluorides in it is over 0.5%. And the level of purification of s alt acceptable for use should be equal to 99.9%.

Sea s alt with iodine present in it cannot be used. In this case, the presence of additional components only worsens the situation with scale. You can use only NaCl, which is purified from impurities by evaporation. Only then will hesafe for the car.

dishwasher s alt tablets
dishwasher s alt tablets

Do not use other household chemicals. In them, sodium s alt is present in small quantities and always has many additional components. If the “Extra” option is selected as a replacement, then it is not advisable to pour it into the ion exchanger. It is necessary to fill in a water-s alt solution (1: 1). This helps to prevent the appearance of a compressed lump inside. If it occurs, then the water will not soften and flow into the ion filter.


Thus, the service life of the dishwasher depends on the attitude towards it. Therefore, it is necessary to perform high-quality and timely maintenance of the device, to choose effective chemicals. Then the equipment will delight with long-term work.