Black cockroaches in the apartment: how to get rid of

Black cockroaches in the apartment: how to get rid of
Black cockroaches in the apartment: how to get rid of

Black cockroaches are very unpleasant neighbors, they suddenly appear in your apartment from nowhere and immediately consider themselves full-fledged inhabitants of your house. They are ubiquitous, you can see them both in very unexpected places at home, which, it seems, should not interest them somehow, and in their traditionally beloved kitchens and bathrooms. There is hardly a person who will be happy with an unusual neighborhood.

black beetle
black beetle

How to get rid of black cockroaches in the apartment? They carry a real danger to the human body, being carriers of many unpleasant diseases. And it is quite difficult to destroy them, insects are reborn, one has only to get to the water that revives them.

Over the years and even centuries of living together with cockroaches, humanity has found a lot of different ways to get rid of this scourge.

If a black cockroach wound up in an apartment, the fastest and most effective way to solvethe problem is the call of a special service, which will process the premises in a fairly short time. The chemicals they use are completely safe for humans. But the hated black cockroach will die.

How to get rid of an insect on your own? We offer several ways.

how to get rid of black cockroaches
how to get rid of black cockroaches

Best method is boric acid

If a black cockroach has wound up in an apartment, the most popular and safest way to get rid of it is to destroy it using boric acid powder. It can be freely found in pharmacies, it is inexpensive, and to process an ordinary apartment, it is enough to buy only 50-150 grams. This method, unlike many modern and super effective chemicals, is completely harmless to humans and various animals. The tool does not leave sharp unpleasant odors, and the effectiveness is great - for cockroaches, poison is unlikely to be found worse.

big black cockroaches
big black cockroaches

Black cockroaches in the apartment: how to get rid of?

You can sprinkle powder on all approaches to water present in the dwelling. Black cockroaches are extremely fond of water, and if, trying to find access to it, they touch their antennae or paws to the murderous powder, their fate will be sad. If an insect already under the influence of boric acid interacts with uninfected pests, then they will die after such contact.

But big black cockroaches are quite cunning, they can quickly sense danger. As a result, it is better to showhuman cunning and make delicious bait for insects.

Another method

Still wondering how to get rid of black cockroaches in the apartment? We offer another proven method.

You will need raw egg yolks, they must be mixed with a mixture of boric acid to a state of gruel. Such a consistency will allow you to form anything from the mass. Make small balls out of this gruel and let them dry thoroughly. Then lay the balls in the places where insects are most likely to appear. The innate curiosity of cockroaches will guarantee the effectiveness of this remedy. They will not stop exploring the interesting, delicious-smelling balls, and thus your goal of contacting the insect with the venom will be achieved.

Those who are looking for a way to get rid of black cockroaches quickly, this option is unlikely to work, as it will take 3 or maybe even 4 weeks to kill insects.

how to get rid of black cockroaches in the apartment
how to get rid of black cockroaches in the apartment

Store remedies for black cockroaches

How to find a quick way to get rid of cockroaches? It is worth reading the reviews of those who have already managed to solve this problem. Consumers often share opinions about which pest control is the most effective and gives the fastest results.

Poison gels

So, if there are black cockroaches in the apartment, how to get rid of them? Special poisonous gels, which are usually sold immediately in large syringes, have an excellent reputation among consumers. They are readyto use, and it is only necessary to apply the poison in small drops to the baseboard around the perimeter of the room with a distance of 10 cm. Black cockroaches will disappear in about 3-7 days.

Manufacturers producing gels "Raptor", "Liquidator", "Killer", "Dohlox", "Global" know perfectly well how to effectively get rid of cockroaches, and provide an opportunity for everyone affected by a similar problem to do it.

black cockroach in the apartment
black cockroach in the apartment

Insect traps

Another fairly effective way to control pests are traps for cockroaches. They are square or round boxes with special entrances for insects.

A poison is in the center of the trap, cockroaches come into contact with it, and after that they go to spread the poison among their own relatives, infecting them through touch. Such boxes are fastened in the necessary places with the help of special Velcro. According to consumer reviews, the products of the Raptor, Kombat and Raid brands give the greatest performance.

Sticky Traps

When a big black cockroach has started up in an apartment, you can also use traps of another variety to destroy it - small cardboard houses, as a rule, are sticky inside. In the middle of such a house there is a bait that is seductive for cockroaches, they confidently move towards it, not knowing that they will remain inside forever, because they stick firmly to the walls.

The production of sticky traps is possible for all manufacturers, so you can safely purchase any boxes -the use of any of them gives a good result, and does not pose a danger to humans and other animals.

black cockroaches
black cockroaches

Can this problem be solved once and for all?

Now you know what to do when a black cockroach appeared in the apartment. How to get rid of these insects forever? This question interests many. Unfortunately, if you live in an apartment building, then this is almost impossible. All the same, a “unfavorable” apartment will be found, from where pests will develop other habitats.

An efficient way is to talk to the neighbors and ask them to kill the cockroaches. There is a chance that they will leave your entrance forever. If this fails, process your apartment and hermetically seal all possible ways these insects enter your home. So you will be able to ensure that the time of existence without cockroaches will be quite long, and their sudden appearance in your apartment will be short-lived.

Many, regarding the question of how to destroy red and black pests, think that modern aerosols are considered the best tool, which are designed to spray areas of the most frequent accumulation of insects, in particular, door jambs, holes between walls and baseboards, and so Further. Among such aerosols, Baygon and Reid performed well. However, you need to know that cockroaches adapt relatively easily to the influence of such drugs, get used to them, and after that the effectiveness of poisons deteriorates sharply.

If you are completely desperate in vaintrying to get rid of these insects with folk remedies or using modern chemicals, you can resort to the services of professionals and invite pest control experts.

Private companies will charge 300-450 rubles for processing an ordinary two-room apartment. Within an hour there will be no trace of pests. After that, for a year, you are guaranteed not to see a single cockroach in your home.

how to get rid of black cockroaches in the apartment
how to get rid of black cockroaches in the apartment

Who is more harmful: a black cockroach or a red cockroach?

In domestic apartments there are two types of so-called domestic cockroaches: black and red. However, they rarely get along with each other, as they claim the same food, which causes competition.

And it seems that the Prussian (red cockroach) will win in the interspecific struggle.

The more carefree attitude of female black insects to their own offspring leads to the fact that a certain part of the eggs that are left unattended will be eaten by representatives of their own or another species. For such pests, cannibalism is a completely natural phenomenon.

Besides this, while the black cockroach lives to puberty, the Prussian already has time to grow and breed. As a result, the number of black insects is growing more slowly than red ones.

So, maybe you shouldn't be afraid of their appearance? But you must admit that large black cockroaches growing up to three centimeters in length, slightly gleaming with a chitinous shell and exuding an unpleasant odor, are still unnatural for ordinaryapartments. Seeing such an unpleasant giant running around the kitchen, studying the bathroom or (oh, horror!) crawling into bed, you will involuntarily shudder and remember Chukovsky's "Cockroach".

The presence of any kind of cockroaches in an apartment is extremely undesirable for a person. This living creature pollutes any home with waste products, disables electrical wiring and all kinds of household appliances.

The presence of black cockroaches in the apartment, carrying an incredible amount of harmful microorganisms on their bodies, is a sign of a poor sanitary condition at home and a real threat to human he alth.
