Do I need doors to the kitchen: pros and cons

Do I need doors to the kitchen: pros and cons
Do I need doors to the kitchen: pros and cons

Do I need doors to the kitchen? New fashion trends in modern design have almost supplanted the presence of a canvas that makes this area isolated from other rooms in the home. Of course, the kitchen-living room is the height of comfort and coziness. However, it is worth recognizing that all the same doors have a number of advantages. After all, it is no coincidence that they were originally conceived, and some of the apartment owners cannot imagine their life without them. In any case, you need to understand this issue, weigh the pros and cons. In the course of our article, we will try to find out all the pros and cons, to find an alternative solution to the problem.

What do design architects say?

The main argument of professionals in favor of free doorways is the ergonomics of space. The emphasis is on the efficient use of each square meter, the quality of the premises. Euro-living room becomes an integral part of new buildings, where itimmediately combined with the kitchen area. Housewives are already starting to get used to the fact that you can communicate with your family members and cook dinner at the same time. Cultural foundations are changing and, at the same time, the layout of the space of the premises. And if there are no prohibitions on the part of technicians, then the supporters of the popular design trend no longer think about whether it is necessary to put a door in the kitchen. They are looking for the most original ways of how best to finish the resulting opening. All sorts of design solutions in different styles and a huge range of materials for decorating interior spaces come to their aid. If so, is it necessary to have a door in the kitchen?

Do I need to make a door to the kitchen?
Do I need to make a door to the kitchen?

There are other opinions among professionals. Some designers are in favor of an isolated option. They believe that doors are needed so that, if necessary, you can hide the kitchen clutter from other eyes, since not always and not everyone succeeds in keeping the work area perfectly clean. It is especially difficult to maintain an aesthetic appearance in the kitchen in cramped living conditions. After all, the realities of many tiny rooms dictate their own rules. The door is sometimes the only way to share personal space between family members.

Modern room layout
Modern room layout

Opinion of tenants

As one would expect, the opinions of residents about whether to make a door to the kitchen, of course, are different. Everything here is very individual and, in particular, depends on established habits and the layout of thepremises. For example, apartment owners, who often receive guests who have a toilet behind the kitchen wall, categorically disagree to live without a door leaf. This opinion is also shared by those who have a large family and living space with small rooms. In fact, this is very inconvenient, because everyone wants to relax or do some work in a relaxed atmosphere. And without interior doors, this is often not possible. In view of this, the advantages of this attribute can be distinguished.

Do you need a door in the kitchen?
Do you need a door in the kitchen?


Here are a few reasons why it would be inappropriate to tear down the door leaf:

  • The presence of a door prevents the spread of food odors around the apartment.
  • If there are animals in the house, then a barrier that does not allow them to enter the kitchen is simply necessary. This is the only way to save food that was left in a hurry on the table by the owners.
  • When there are school-age children in the family, having a door will help create a calm environment for them to learn their lessons on time.
  • Some people have a washing machine in their kitchen and turn it on late. Here, too, a door is indispensable.


Let's see what the owners who decide to get rid of the door think, what disadvantages they find in such an element. This is undoubtedly the type of people who like all kinds of design transformations, supporters of style and comfort. Many of them believe that there is absolutely no need to isolate themselves from other parts of the room. After allgetting rid of the canvas, you can decorate the original arch, visually expand even a small room. A passage is freed up for bringing in furniture and other household items.

Do you need doors to the kitchen if there are children in the house? Think about this: as soon as the baby is behind the screen, he will immediately have a lot of temptations to do something forbidden. When there is no door, parents have a great opportunity to control their children, protecting them from all sorts of dangers.

Do you need a door in the kitchen or not, all the pros and cons
Do you need a door in the kitchen or not, all the pros and cons

What does the law testify to?

You can't ignore such formalities. First, you need to find out if the standards of your apartment and the area where you live correspond to what is indicated in the laws. You should not try to avoid such details, as there can be serious obstacles when selling a home.

Secondly, if a gas stove is installed in the kitchen and the square is twelve meters, then it is forbidden to remove the door leaf according to fire safety regulations. Even if you do this, over time, the employees of this service will ask you to put it back again. The only way out in this situation is to change the gas stove to an electric one. If you have everything in order with these questions, then it's time to raise the issue of comfort, analyze the pros and cons. Whether you need a door in the kitchen or not is up to you. The following are arguments in favor of an open opening.

Do I need to put a door in the kitchen?
Do I need to put a door in the kitchen?

Arguments for freespace

In solving this problem, it is noteworthy that for all aspects you can find rebuttals. The opinion of some designers and housewives comes down to the fact that if there is a long corridor, odors do not spread too much around the apartment. It was also noted that in the presence of powerful hoods, the wooden sheet does not save from the aromas that are felt even in the entrance. Then the question arises: do you need a door in the kitchen or not? Again, it all depends on how often you have to cook and how developed your culinary activity is. And there is a type of people who associate the smells of food with home comfort and they are important to them.

And what can be cited as an argument regarding the order in the room? Even the best housewives have "force majeure" when they have to leave their work area uncleaned. However, designers advise for such cases to separate a technical corner in which it will be possible to process raw materials for cooking, and then continue the culinary process already in a beautiful kitchen. Then cleaning and other household debris will not be too conspicuous. If you do not take such emergency situations, then the open kitchen, on the contrary, helps all residents of an apartment or house to organize themselves and learn how to keep order. Agree, this is a big plus.

If you are one of the housewives for whom the kitchen should become a private area, this is a different matter. Checking yourself in this preference is quite simple. Whether doors to the kitchen are really needed can be determined by how often you leave them open. For for many it isthe canvas is just a formal design element that is rarely used. If this is the case in your case, then it is better to decorate the opening beautifully and visually expand the space of the room.

To put the door to the kitchen or not
To put the door to the kitchen or not

What will you face?

If you rush to remove the door and don't think it through, the first thing you'll have to deal with is regret. After all, in many ways this element contributes to the normal development of relations in the family. This fact should always be taken into account when it comes to whether or not to put a door in the kitchen.

Problems may arise with space heating. Perhaps the radiator, which was enough to heat the kitchen area, will no longer be able to cope with its function. In this case, you will need to buy a new one.

If you are used to spending time in the kitchen with family or friends when the rest of the family is already sleeping, then you will have to readjust to the new conditions.

Even if your decision is considered, do not forget that you will encounter an aesthetic problem. An ugly opening will appear before your eyes, introducing a significant effect of incompleteness. It will be necessary to do something as soon as possible: buy materials for finishing, choose the time for its design or hire workers. All this also needs to be weighed.

Is it necessary to have a door in the kitchen
Is it necessary to have a door in the kitchen


So, do we need doors to the kitchen? Let us first list the reasons in their favor:

  • they are a barrier to pets;
  • protect against the spread of all kinds of fragrances;
  • provide reliable sound insulation;
  • allow you to feel comfortable when going to the toilet;
  • make it possible to hide the working environment.

Now note the reasons in favor of a free opening:

  • stylish and modern room design;
  • freer opening;
  • freeing up extra space;
  • opportunity to save on door purchases.


As you can see, the presence of an insulating sheet does not always depend on the wishes of the owner of the premises. However, by applying some tips and our article, you can come to the right conclusion. What do you think, do you need doors to the kitchen? You may also have experienced similar issues and would like to share your experience with others.
