The number of known varieties of apples is constantly increasing thanks to the efforts of breeders. Every year they create new hybrids and improve the quality of existing species. The foreign variety of Modi apples was bred relatively recently, but managed to gain popularity throughout Europe in a fairly short time.
Peculiarities of culture
Modi - a hybrid of Liberty and Gala varieties, is a winter variety. The apple tree itself is medium in size with a wide, cone-shaped crown. The flowering period is in late spring. At the same time, the flowers are quite resistant to spring frosts.
In the characteristics of Modi apples, it is noted that the fruits are easily tied and grow very large. The average weight of one fruit is about 200 grams. The apple is slightly elongated, has a rounded shape and is slightly truncated in the lower part. Remarkably bright color: apples are evenly colored in rich red.

The pulp of the fruit is very dense and juicy, which makes the variety suitable for making juice. The characteristic taste is sweet and sour. On the pulplarge white subcutaneous dots can be observed. The dense shiny skin of apples protects them well and makes transportation much easier.
The variety was bred in 1982 in Italy, where Modi apples are grown to this day. But over time, the culture spread to Europe, and relatively recently it began to be successfully grown in Russia.
Pros and cons
Against the background of other fruit crops, the variety has several advantages. The following positive qualities are noted:
- high yield;
- increased resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew and scab;
- frost resistance varieties;
- property to maintain quality parameters during transportation;
- aphid resistant;
- long storage period.

Significant disadvantages of Modi apples were not found.
Planting technique
The favorable period for planting this crop is early spring and autumn (a month before the onset of frost). It is recommended not to delay the deadlines, as they directly affect the survival rate of the apple tree.
For a seedling, you will need a pit 80 cm wide and about 60 cm deep, at the bottom of which a mixture of soil with humus and mineral fertilizers is laid out. The roots of the tree are carefully spread over the surface of the recess and covered with soil. Immediately after planting, the apple tree needs to be pruned for the first time. The branches of the seedling are shortened by a third. Subsequent annual pruning is needed only to remove diseased or weakenedbranches.
Also, after planting, the plant should be watered with three buckets of water. In order for the apple tree not to experience inconvenience, it is important to keep a distance: there should be at least 6 meters to other trees.
Modi apples are highly adaptable and undemanding to soil selection. And therefore do not need a special approach. The care routine includes the following items:
- timely weeding and soil loosening;
- regular watering during the dry season;
- fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers;
- disease and pest control.

The Modi variety has a high yield, which means that agricultural technology involves annual thinning of fruits and ovaries. Otherwise, the likelihood of underdevelopment and fracture of branches increases.