Tomato Duckling: variety description, characteristics, cultivation features

Tomato Duckling: variety description, characteristics, cultivation features
Tomato Duckling: variety description, characteristics, cultivation features

The duckling tomato got its interesting name because it loves moisture very much. It was bred by Russian breeders. Distinctive features of the variety are low bushes and juicy fruits with a healing effect.

The fruits of this variety of tomatoes contain beta-carotene in large quantities, which brings many benefits to our body. That is why Duckling is often used for baby food.

variety Duckling
variety Duckling

Characteristics of tomato Duckling

Stamp form bushes, undersized. The plant reaches a height of 55-70 cm. If the plants are grown in film or polycarbonate greenhouses, then the height of the bushes can reach up to 1 meter. There are not many foliage on the bushes, the leaves themselves are a rich green hue. Plants do not need a garter and pinching.

This tomato variety is not particularly capricious and demanding of care, and also tolerates temperature changes well. Therefore, it can also be grown in regions where the climate is quitecold.

Tomato Duckling is suitable for growing both in greenhouses and in the open field. The variety is practically not exposed to late blight, and is also resistant to other tomato diseases. At the same time, the Duckling is demanding on the soil, it needs to be grown in highly fertile land.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits of the Utenok variety are oval in shape and have a small nose at the edge. Fruit color is yellow. From a distance, they look a little like a heart. Tomatoes are not large, the average weight of one piece is 60-80 grams. Their scope is wide - both fresh consumption, and canning, and s alting as a whole.

This variety is well transported, even over long distances, without spoiling the appearance of the fruit. Also, these tomatoes keep well.

tomato variety Duckling
tomato variety Duckling

Pros and cons

Yellow tomato Duckling has many advantages, while it has almost no disadvantages.


  • The compactness of the bushes, which means that the Duckling does not take up much space, but the harvest will definitely please.
  • The fruits ripen together.
  • The composition of these tomatoes is rich in vitamins and nutrients, which means that it can also be used for medicinal purposes.
  • The variety has excellent immunity, which means it is resistant to major tomato diseases.
  • The plants do not require special care, only plentiful and frequent watering, which means that even beginners can grow it.

As mentioned above, the variety has practically no shortcomings, one can only note not too highyield per bush.

tomato duckling
tomato duckling

Sowing seeds

Seeds for seedlings are sown at the very beginning of April. This procedure begins with the preparation of the soil. You can buy a special soil mixture in the store, you do not need to prepare it additionally. If the soil is taken from the garden, it must first be fertilized.

Seeds are planted at a depth of 1.5-2 cm, then the box must be covered with foil and put in a warm place until the first shoots appear.

After the sprouts appear, the film must be removed from the box, and the box itself should be placed on a light windowsill. If there is not enough light in the house, then you will have to illuminate with a lamp.

At this time, you need to monitor the temperature regime, and especially for drafts. Drafts can kill tender, not yet strong sprouts, as the soil cools quickly.

You also need to monitor soil moisture - you should not allow waterlogging. The topsoil in the boxes can dry out very quickly, while still being damp inside. Even if the sun shines strongly during the day, there is no need to additionally moisten the ground, since there will be no sun in the evening, and the seedlings will remain all night in damp and cold soil.

Seedlings should be watered moderately, after germination, they are watered for the first time in about a week. It is also important that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the container. Watering is carried out using warm slop water.

When the first true leaves appear on the plants, the seedlings can dive, that is, transplanted into a larger container. Well, if eachthe plant will be in a separate container. Here the plants will become strong and gain strength.

Growing seedlings and aftercare

Two to three weeks after seed germination, seedlings need to be fed for the first time, subsequent feeding is carried out every 7-10 days. The frequency of feeding will depend on the quality of the soil mixture.

Instead of top dressing, you can use a peat tablet - it will add nutrients to the soil and additionally add air permeability to the soil, which is very important for the proper formation of the root system.

If you take care of the seedlings correctly, then in two weeks the gardener's eyes will be pleased with strong stocky plants of bright green color. This is confirmed by reviews of the Duck tomato.

Plants are planted outdoors in mid-June, but can be planted earlier in the greenhouse.

Further care of the Duckling is timely and plentiful watering, loosening, weeding and pest control.

The variety is not susceptible to various tomato diseases, but despite this, the soil can be treated with a weak solution of manganese before planting.

Tomato Duckling is an early ripe variety, the first harvest can be obtained as early as 100 days after seed germination. It is important to water the plants abundantly, especially during flowering, a lack of moisture leads to a decrease in yield.

tomato duckling
tomato duckling

Possible variety problems

Despite the fact that the Duckling tomato has many positive characteristics, gardeners may encounter some difficulties when growing it. This isbecause growing conditions are different everywhere.

One of the problems is that flowers and ovaries can crumble in plants. If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, then this problem may be due to insufficient ventilation. To fix the problem, you need to open the doors and windows in the greenhouse after watering.

The variety practically does not get sick with tomato diseases, but for prevention, plants can be treated against late blight, the most common disease.

tomato duckling
tomato duckling

As a result, we can say that this variety has proven itself, so it has become quite popular among gardeners. Because of their taste and beautiful yellow color, these tomatoes are very popular with children, and they also look great in jars in winter. The duckling took all the best from good varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse, and reviews of the variety confirm this.
