Since people had a need for writing, there was a need for paper making. I had to record my thoughts and pass them on to other people. When there was no paper yet, one had to write on anything. Stones, pieces of wood, animal skins, dried fish were used. But the need for writing and reading increased every day, people thought about a more convenient means and began to look for ways to make paper.

A bit of papermaking history
For the first time, a method of making paper was invented in China. Hemp, silk, defective silkworm cocoons were used. All this was finely ground into powder, mixed with warm water, and thoroughly mixed. Then it remained to put the mixture into special forms and dry. Society developed, various techniques appeared, and the paper machine was invented.

How to make paper with your own hands
Today, almost everything can be purchased in the store. But sometimes you want to do something yourself. It's interesting andfascinatingly. Take at least paper. It is sold any: colored, decorative, corrugated, dense, thin. But the original will turn out only if you make it with your own hands. Are you interested in how to make paper at home? Very simple. You will need any thin paper: toilet paper or blotting paper, or old newspapers. But it is better to take them only as a last resort. They have paint on them, and it will be a little more difficult to give a beautiful shade. You will also need a frame, a piece of mesh (a sieve is quite suitable), flannel or other dense cotton fabric, a small piece of sponge and a shallow container (you can use any container, cup, saucepan). Well, if you have a blender on hand.

Making paper at home
When everything is ready, there will be only one thing left - to start creating. Toilet paper, blotters or white napkins should be torn into small pieces and placed in a container of warm water. Then you need to mix everything thoroughly, and even better break it with a blender. You should get a mass that resembles gruel. We learn further how to make colored paper. You can use any dyes, paints, gouache. And before you start kneading the gruel, you need to tint the water itself. It is necessary to drip paints of any color into the water and give the desired shade. Next, you need to lay out the entire mass on a frame, under which there should be any container, since excess water must be allowed to drain. Many are interested in how to make paper yourself. At the next stage, when excess water drains, you need to take a sponge andthoroughly blot the entire mass. It should then be evenly placed throughout the frame. When the mass is well and carefully compacted on the grid, the resulting semi-finished product must be laid out on a cotton cloth, which is spread on a flat surface, and covered with it on top and left in a warm, dry place. The paper will be ready after complete drying. It usually takes three to four days.
Making different types of paper
The method described above is the easiest. Wondering how to make design paper? Bright, unusual. From it you can then create original postcards for friends. Materials and fixtures will need the same as for the manufacture of plain paper. Only in this case it is better to take white soft toilet paper or napkins, because we need to achieve a certain color. You can add some glitter along with the paint. To do this, cut foil, colored paper into small pieces. You can apply original colors. Lots of ways. You can not tint the water, but drip a lot of different colors of paint throughout the mass. The color scheme will be unusual. The only thing is that you must first plan what exactly will be made later from this paper. On a dark color, for example, the text will be poorly visible. Many will be interested in how to make a three-dimensional (decorative paper) craft or postcard. You can use the same manufacturing methods as for plain paper.

Other ways to make paper
As they say, "the work of the master is afraid." paperthey have already learned how to do it, and not only simple, but also decorative, now it remains only to master how to make corrugated. This is also easy. But it will take a little patience and accuracy. You need to take a sheet of paper, a ruler and a pencil. Draw stripes on the left side of the sheet, it is better if the distance between them is not large. Then, along the marked lines, you need to make folds alternately: either on the left or on the right side. When you have already mastered how to make corrugated paper, it remains only to figure out where you can apply it. You can make anything from such paper and be sure that the gift will turn out to be the most original. As folk wisdom says, a good gift is not one on which a lot of money has been spent, but one that has been made with soul.