To heat a private house or a bathhouse, to cook a barbecue, firewood is stored on the plot. They can be stored in the shed. However, in such a room it will be necessary to create special conditions for storing firewood. Proper ventilation will be required so that the natural material can dry out and not gain moisture again.
You can make a little effort and create a special design for this. The firewood shed will decorate the site if you create its project in accordance with existing recommendations. It will also be a functional building that allows you to store natural material in suitable conditions. How to build a woodshed with your own hands will be discussed in the article.
Location of the structure on the site
Do-it-yourself woodcutter in the country (photos of the building are presented in the review) can be built both in the form of a simple and rather complex building. The choice of design depends on the needs of the owners of the house, as well as the skills of the master. If desired, you can decorate the building with various decorative elements. Can be built anda very simple woodcutter.

Start this work with careful design. It is important to determine the correct location for the building. At the same time, they take into account for what purposes the woodcutter is being built. If it is needed to store heating material for the home, it should be located next to the cottage or cottage. Otherwise, you will have to carry firewood in any weather for a sufficiently long distance. But at the same time, you should not make a woodcutter in plain sight. It is better to install it on the side of the house.
Also, when choosing a place for a woodcutter, you need to take into account that a car should freely drive up to it. There should be enough free space in front of it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to carry firewood from the place where the supplier will unload it.
Wishing to build a woodshed with your own hands (the photo is presented above), you need to create a plan for the site and the house. Next, you need to choose the optimal location for this building. If firewood is needed for a bath, the building should be located next to this building. In some, a woodshed is created for the purpose of storing firewood for barbecues. In this case, you need to place it next to the hearth or resting place on the site. Perhaps a barbecue is done next to the gazebo. In this case, the lumberjack should be near this building, but not too conspicuous. Only when creating a decorative structure, it can be installed in a conspicuous place.
It is also worth considering that the woodshed can be attached to a wall or be built separately from any building.
Designing and building a woodshedwith your own hands (see the photo of the building options in the article), you need to decide on the type of its design. The first type is a building that adjoins the wall of the house. In this case, the construction of the structure will be much easier and faster. However, the wall-mounted woodshed has some disadvantages.

Not in all cases it is permissible to attach this structure to the house. If the cottage or cottage has wooden walls, this option is strongly discouraged. Even if the material of the building was treated with antiseptic compounds. According to fire safety rules, such a neighborhood is unacceptable.
However, it is much more dangerous for the structure of the bugs, which will definitely start in the wood. They will destroy the wall of the house.
If it is not possible to place the woodcutter in another place on the site, you need to process the wall of the house again with special protective compounds and nail a metal plate to it. This sheet should have dimensions significantly larger than the woodcutter itself.
If the structure is separate from the building, it can be open. It will consist of supporting pillars with several horizontal boards. On these pillars a roof should be installed, which should be larger than the interior of the woodshed. In winter, sheets of plywood are nailed to the bottom of such a structure, and in the spring they are removed.
Recommendations from experts
There is a simple instruction on how to build a woodshed with your own hands in stages (a photo of this design is presented below). At the same time, one should take into accounta number of expert recommendations. They argue that it is better to build a structure with lattice walls. You can also just leave gaps between the boards. This contributes to high-quality ventilation. Firewood stays dry during the entire storage period.

Boards need to be stuffed at an angle. This will prevent snow from getting inside the woodcutter. Also, sloping boards dry out faster. You can also use many small planks. They run in different directions. This creates a lot of gaps. They also provide good ventilation.
The size of these holes and slots should vary from 2 to 10 cm. They should not be too wide if the region experiences frequent heavy snowfalls. Otherwise, precipitation will be clogged inside the woodcutter. If the climate is temperate, you can save on building materials. In this case, the distance between the boards is made larger. You can even build a woodshed from pallets with your own hands. The process of building a structure in this case is greatly simplified. The boards will already be stuffed into the crossbars.
If you attach a door to the woodshed, it will be a full-fledged barn. However, much more often this design element is not used. The door is needed, rather, from attempts on firewood by thieves.
Arrangement of firewood
Considering how to build a woodshed with your own hands (see the photo of the process below), you need to take into account the location of the firewood. It depends on the dimensions of the structure. If it is small, firewood is stacked in one row. If the woodshed is large, it may containseveral branches. This allows you to arrange multiple batches of firewood.
In this case different logs are not mixed. The first batch has time to dry well. If the overall firewood shed will have a square shape, it is necessary to ensure free passage to dry firewood. To do this, you need to make a passage in the center. It should be deep, but not to the very wall (no more than two rows of firewood). The rectangular structure needs to be partitioned off. This will highlight the sectors.

You also need to choose the height of the structure correctly. If the woodshed is used in the country only in the summer, no more than 2 m³ of firewood will be stored in it. Therefore, its dimensions should be modest.
If the logs are required not only for gatherings around the fire or barbecue, you need to design a large building. The height in this case will be more than 2 m. In this case, the shape of the internal space can be both square and rectangular. At the top, you need to leave a gap above the logs for ventilation. In this case, it will be possible to store material for heating a house or a bath in a woodshed.
Preparation for construction
Do-it-yourself woodcutter in the country can be created from different materials. First you need to develop a plan. In this case, it is possible to provide for the presence in the building of a compartment for tools and other things needed in the household. In this case, it is recommended to design a full-fledged woodshed.

If the design is very modest in size, you cango without a plan. The size is chosen based on the characteristics of the material used in construction. If the building is large enough, it is recommended to create a drawing with a detailed layout and an indication of the exact dimensions.
The choice of building sizes is chosen in accordance with the needs of the owners of the house. If you need to heat a cottage, which has an area of about 100 m², in winter you will need about 2 m³ of dry logs. The moisture content of this material should be about 20%. This result can be obtained if the firewood was stored for about a year in a room prepared for them.
If the logs are wet, you will need to increase the stock by 2 times. In this case, you need to prepare firewood for two seasons. In this case, considering how to make a woodcutter with your own hands, you need to provide for a supply of free space inside the building.
When calculating the dimensions of the structure, it is also necessary to provide for their supply for heating a bath or organizing a barbecue. In this case, about 2 m³ of firewood is added to the resulting volume.
Selection of materials and preparation of tools
So, we are building a woodshed with our own hands. After creating a drawing indicating the exact dimensions, you need to prepare the necessary materials. It is best to build this structure from wood. It is easy to process. Even a non-professional can handle such construction.

There are no special requirements for the wood from which the firewood shed will be built. It is necessary to complete the drawing of the building in order to purchase a sufficient amount of material. Whereinit is quite acceptable to use materials that are on the farm for construction. For example, wooden pallets remained after construction. They bring building materials to the site. From pallets, you can quickly and easily assemble a high-quality woodcutter.
You can also use the boards that made up some old structure that was previously dismantled. It is advisable to clean the boards and treat with an antiseptic.
In the process, you can use a puncher or a screwdriver, a hammer and a hacksaw. You will also need to prepare pliers, twine and a plumb line, as well as a stepladder. After appropriate preparations, you can begin the assembly process.
Stationary structure
When building it, you should follow the instructions describing how to build a woodshed with your own hands.
It is mounted on a column foundation. In accordance with the prepared plan, markings are made on the selected site. First you need to dig holes. They should have a depth of about 70 cm (below the freezing line of the soil). If you just dig support posts into the ground, the structure will not be stable.

A layer of sand is poured on the bottom, and then gravel. Next, brick columns are installed, fastening them with a cement-sand mortar. If the shed is medium, it is enough to create 4 columns, and for overall ones - from 6 pcs. and more. Pieces of roofing material (2 layers) are laid out on their surface.
Next, the strapping is carried out with a beam. It is necessary to prepare a material with a cross section of 150x200 mm. Installation of a strapping barperformed using metal corners and self-tapping screws.
It is necessary to adhere to all stages of construction. Experts who give advice on how to build a woodcutter in the country with their own hands recommend installing vertical frame elements after creating the frame and strapping. Metal corners are also used for this. First, racks are installed behind the structure, then in the middle. The last are the front elements of the frame. After that, the upper strapping is performed with a bar.
Finishing installation
When studying the technology of how to build a woodshed with your own hands, you should consider the next steps. When the frame is assembled, two additional beams are mounted in the place where the door will be installed. This will be the entrance. The door is almost never hung on it.
The floor is laid on the horizontal bars of the frame. Boards should not be tightly mounted to each other. Slots are needed for ventilation and outflow of water. During the cleaning process, it will be possible to sweep away debris in them. The gaps should be small (3-5 cm).
Next, the roof truss system is mounted. You can also make a double-sided design. However, this type of installation is more difficult and requires more materials. The visor should be large enough to prevent water from getting inside when it rains.
After the installation of the roof, you can begin to sheath the walls. The boards are stuffed under a slope, leaving gaps between them. After that, the entire structure is treated with an antiseptic, fire-fighting solutions. It is recommended to open wood with varnish or paint. This will prolong its life.
Wall construction
You can build a woodshed with your own hands near the wall of the main building. It is best to create this design on the north side of the house. Firewood does not store well in the sun. In order for the logs to dry properly, they must be provided with adequate ventilation.
When planning the structure, you need to take into account that water will drain from the roof of the main building during rain, snow will fall. To prevent precipitation from getting inside, you need to either move the structure a few centimeters away from the house, or think over a high-quality connection using the appropriate roofing profile. The roof must be sloping. Its slope is chosen based on the climatic features of the area.
The construction technology of this design is similar to the woodcutter, which stands separately on the site. It is also desirable to equip a small columnar foundation. They are built in the same way as for a free-standing structure. Next is the strapping of the timber. It must also be fixed to the wall of the house.
After the construction of the main structure, the construction of the roof is carried out. For this, corrugated board is used. It is a cheap and durable material. The crate is carried out in the same way. Need to make ventilation holes, cracks in the floor.
Portable design
You can build a portable woodshed with your own hands. For this, various tools are used. For example, it could be an old wooden barrel. On it you need to draw markup. The hoop is shifted to the center with a hammer. It needs to be fixed with self-tapping screws.
According to the markup, a shape is cut out forwoodcutter. Saw cuts need to be processed with sandpaper. You can cut curly legs. For this, an electric jigsaw is used. You need to drill holes in the legs. A cutting is inserted into them. It needs to be fixed. Metal needs to be treated with paint. The wood is varnished.
After carefully studying the instructions detailing how to build a woodshed with your own hands, you can create a structure yourself. It can be not only functional, but also beautiful.