Flexible toilet hose - an alternative connection

Flexible toilet hose - an alternative connection
Flexible toilet hose - an alternative connection

The correct installation of plumbing in the house is the key to the well-coordinated work of the entire plumbing system as a whole. The comfort of using the toilet room, the safety of operation, and the aesthetic appearance depend on this.

If the water supply to the toilet is incorrect, get ready for problems with the drain, and besides this, there is a high probability of a leak, which the neighbors below will not be very happy with.

To protect yourself from the problems listed above, the correct connection of water to the tank will help. We will talk in more detail about how to do this and what are the advantages of flexible toilet piping.

Flexible toilet hose
Flexible toilet hose

What is eyeliner and its options

At first glance it seems that connecting the toilet bowl to the plumbing system is not so difficult, but carrying out this kind of work always requires special attention. The features of connecting the eyeliner should be studied in detail, because to a large extent they determine the final result of the work being done.

Since we are talking about a flexible toilet connection, it is worth noting that this option makes it possible to connect pipes to holes,located:

  • side;
  • back;
  • bottom.

Features of the location of the inlet pipes

Since you are already familiar with the options for connecting the piping and the design of the toilet, it remains to be said that the choice of a particular option depends on the features of the plumbing fixture and the way the storage tank is placed.

Some cisterns are attached directly to the toilet itself, others are designed for concealed installation inside the wall or simply hung on it.

Anyway, the location of the flexible toilet inlet is important, as building structures often make it impossible to attach a hose.

Flexible water connection for toilet bowl
Flexible water connection for toilet bowl

What does the direct installation of the supply hose look like

The installation algorithm for water supply to the toilet consists of five main steps:

  1. Turn off the water in the apartment's plumbing system to avoid the possibility of leakage.
  2. Connect a flexible toilet hose or corrugated pipe to the cold water pipe outlet already prepared for installation. Here it is desirable to use shut-off valves - a faucet, which, if necessary, allows you to block the access of water to the toilet without turning off the entire engineering network.
  3. Seal the joint with a special resin tape and silicone-based sealant. Start the water only after the sealing gel has completely dried.
  4. Install the nozzle - a plastic sleeve fixed inone of the holes (right, left, bottom or back). Fix it with special nuts, which are usually included in the kit.
  5. Connect the flexible water supply for the toilet bowl to the inlet of the installed fitting. Please note that the kit is immediately supplied with a special gasket that ensures tightness. For safety reasons, experts recommend additionally treating the joint with plastic sealing tape.
Flexible piping for toilet cistern
Flexible piping for toilet cistern

What to do next

After following the recommendations described in the instructions, proceed further:

  • wait for all sealants to cure completely (this will take 2-3 hours);
  • open shutoff valve;
  • test the toilet cistern in action.

After that, check again for tightness the joints connecting:

  • eyeliner and water pipe;
  • hose and cistern outlet;
  • storage container and toilet bowl.

Use flexible piping for toilet cistern

Flexible eyeliner is an insignificant, but functionally very important detail. It is here that leaks are not uncommon, which, although not global in themselves, lead to subsequent large-scale problems. After reviewing the procedure for connecting the drain tank to the water supply and following the recommendations, you can not worry about the quality and durability of the resulting connection.

Flexible WC connection 1 2
Flexible WC connection 1 2

Thanks to modern technologies and developments in the field of plumbingvarious installation tasks become easier. This is explained by the high popularity of mobile consumables, which are actually more practical than traditional ones, for example, a flexible 1/2 toilet piping.

The use of this kind of components makes it possible to significantly simplify the replacement of plumbing, as well as its repair. The question of how to connect it to the sewer system disappears by itself. In addition, the use of flexible piping gave manufacturers the opportunity to diversify the range of toilet bowls. Now the buyer can choose not only between the functionality and design of the device, but also the option of connecting plumbing to the network.

We hope the information in this article will help you understand the details of using flexible piping and give you an idea of how to properly install it.
