Constructive schemes of buildings and structures

Constructive schemes of buildings and structures
Constructive schemes of buildings and structures

The load-bearing elements of the structure in the complex form a system. It is called the skeleton. This system must have sufficient strength and provide spatial stability and rigidity to the building. At the same time, the enclosing elements are designed to protect the structure from atmospheric and other physical and chemical negative influences. They must also have sufficient sound and heat insulation characteristics. Structural schemes of buildings are classified according to the type of the bearing frame. We will consider them in more detail later in the article.

constructive schemes of buildings
constructive schemes of buildings

What are the structural schemes of buildings?

The structure may include load-bearing elements. In this case, we are talking about frameless buildings.

There is another type of structure. In them, all loads are distributed to the system of columns (racks). These structures - frame buildings - also include horizontal elements. These, in particular, should include crossbars, girders.

There are complete and incomplete frame buildings. The constructive scheme in the first case assumes the presence of vertical elements both along the perimeter of the external walls and inside the structure. In the second casethe building has load-bearing outer walls and an inner frame. Its columns replace the main walls inside.

Such constructive schemes of buildings are used in the absence of significant dynamic loads. Frames with transverse and longitudinal - external and internal - load-bearing walls are presented in the form of boxes in which spatial rigidity is provided by ceilings and vertical elements. They form stable vertical and horizontal diaphragms. The rigidity of such cores depends on how reliable the connection between the floors and walls is, their strength.

frame buildings
frame buildings

Frame buildings: classification

There is a division according to the nature of the work. Structural schemes of buildings may include beams and poles connected by rigid nodes. They form longitudinal and transverse frames. Accordingly, such frames are called frame.

Knots accept all horizontal and vertical loads. Frameworks can be connected. Unlike the previous ones, the nodes of such skeletons have less rigidity. Therefore, it is necessary to include additional connections to accept the horizontal load. As a rule, they are overlaps that form diaphragms. They transmit horizontal loads to elevator shafts, reinforced concrete partitions, walls in stairwells, and more. Also in construction practice, a combined type of frames is used - frame-bonded. However, this option is not as common as the others. In this case, frames are placed in one direction, and connections in the other.

frame buildings structural diagram
frame buildings structural diagram

Features of construction

Constructive schemes of civil buildings with a bonded frame are quite popular. The building materials are reinforced concrete and steel. In low-rise construction, brick or wood is often used. Today, the construction of structures from three-dimensional elements is quite widespread. In this case, the skeleton of the building is formed from factory-made box-shaped parts. Frame technology is generally used in the construction of high-rise large-panel public and residential buildings.

Single-storey buildings

Constructive schemes of industrial buildings of this type include steel or reinforced concrete columns. Together with the supporting elements they form transverse frames. In addition, various kinds of longitudinal components are used in the structures. These, in particular, include such elements as crane, strapping and transverse frames, truss trusses, as well as various connections. The latter give both individual components and the entire frame as a whole spatial stability and rigidity.

A certain distance is set between the columns. It is called a step in the longitudinal direction and a span - in the transverse direction. The dimensions of these distances are usually called the grid of columns.

constructive schemes of civil buildings
constructive schemes of civil buildings

Frame one-story structures are quite common in agricultural and industrial construction.

Such buildings consist of steel orreinforced concrete frame and covering and walls. The frame includes vertical elements - columns and horizontal - trusses, beams, crossbars.

The first and second components are used for laying slabs and roofing. Also, on beams and trusses, if necessary, aeration and light lanterns are mounted. The skeleton takes all the external load from the coating and the weight of its structures, experiences horizontal and vertical crane, as well as wind pressure acting on the walls. For agricultural buildings, as a rule, reinforced concrete elements are used. In industrial buildings with spans of 30 meters or more, the frame is combined: steel trusses and reinforced concrete columns.

Multi-storey industrial buildings

Such structures are widespread in the instrument-making, chemical, food, electrical and similar industries. The skeleton of buildings includes crossbars and columns. They form multi-tiered frames with rigid knots.

constructive schemes of industrial buildings
constructive schemes of industrial buildings

These elements are placed across the building. In the longitudinal direction, the rigidity of the structure is provided by steel ties. They are installed along all rows of columns in the center of the reinforcement compartments. The number of spans can be different: from 1 to 3-4, and in some cases more. Their sizes are 12, 9 and 6 m.

Rafter beams cover the upper floors, the width of which is 18 and 12 m. Trusses and slabs are also used for these purposes, similar to coatings in one-storystructures. The height of the floors can be 3.6-7.2 m with gradations every 0.6 m.

Multi-storey residential buildings

These buildings can be of three types: with load-bearing brick walls, frame-and frameless-panel. The latter are especially popular. The spans in the frames of buildings have a size of 5.6 and 6 m. The distance (step) of the columns along the structure is 3.2 and 3.6 m. Depending on the purpose of the building, the floor height is set. For residential buildings and hotels - 2.8 m.
