Schroeder - what is it? paper shredder

Schroeder - what is it? paper shredder
Schroeder - what is it? paper shredder

Shredder is a device that is very common today not only in private homes, but also in offices. If you are thinking about purchasing this device, then you first need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics in more detail.

General Description

shredder it
shredder it

Shredder is a device for shredding paper. Translated from English, the word sounds like a shredder, or a grinder. Depending on the variety, such devices are able to cut paper into pieces or strips. Today, these devices are used by government officials, as well as businesses and individuals who need to destroy confidential or private documents, credit cards, invoices, bank statements and other papers that could be used for identity theft or fraud.

History of Creation

paper shredder
paper shredder

The first paper shredder was created by a New Yorker and was a waste paper container that improved the recycling method. August Lowe applied for a patent in February 1909. In August of the same year, a patent was received, but the invention at that time never saw the light of day. Another similar device was based onmanual noodle cutter and made in 1935 in Germany. The person who created the device was Adolf Ehinger. Presumably, he needed to get rid of secret documents in order to avoid persecution by the authorities. After that, Adolf began selling his devices to government agencies and financial institutions by connecting an electric motor to the device. The company, owned by Ehingen, first made a slicing shredder in 1959 and continues to do so to this day.

Varieties of shredders

shredder paper shredder
shredder paper shredder

Paper shredder can be represented by a device that has different sizes and costs. On sale you can find the simplest devices that are designed to destroy several pages. If necessary, you can also purchase large enough machines that are used by representatives of special destruction enterprises. Such devices can cost up to several hundred thousand dollars, their productivity is one million documents per hour. There are also special shredder trucks. If we are talking about a conventional device, then it is an electrical device. However, even today you can find shredders for this purpose, which provide for manual control. Such units have many blades and special scissors. Cars are classified not only by shape, but also by size.

Separation by shape of elements

shredder repair
shredder repair

Schroeder is the device that can makedocument strip. Such actions are performed by means of rotating knives, the strips can be restored, so this type of destruction is less safe. Among other things, this method creates the largest amount of waste. A paper shredder - a shredder - can also be represented by a confetti device that has a pair of rotating drums in its design, they cut pieces that can look like rhombuses, parallelograms or rectangles. Crushers form round or rectangular pieces.

Maximum safety devices

shredder shredder
shredder shredder

Shredder is a device that is designed to destroy documents to those sizes that will not allow you to restore a sheet of paper. These include granulators and disintegrators. The principle of operation of such machines is based on repeatedly cutting the document until the elements are small enough to pass through the grid. Meat grinders-shredders can also be distinguished, they pass paper through a special screen, producing shredding.

A paper shredder - a shredder - can also be represented by a cutter that tears a sheet of paper using rotating knives in the process. The grinders will cut using a rotating shaft equipped with blades.

Industrial appliances

shredder photo
shredder photo

They are intended for grinding magnetic media, plastic cards, which after the procedure have a size that provides the third degree of secrecy. These types of devices include crushers,which grind wood, waste paper, car rubber, leather in large volumes.

Security levels

Destroyer - shredder - can provide varying degrees of security. If we are talking about the first level, then the result is stripes, the size of which is 12 millimeters. At the second level, the stripes become 2 times smaller. The next level allows you to get stripes of 2 millimeters, which is already considered confidential. The fourth level is particles, the dimensions of which are 2x15 millimeters. The fifth level provides the greatest secrecy, at which the particles have dimensions equal to 0.8x12 mm. Maximum secrecy is the sixth level, at which particles have dimensions equal to 0.8x4 millimeters.

For reference

Schroeder, the photo of which is presented in the article, can be made in an alternative version. Such a device uses the method of arson, composting and chemical decomposition in its work.

Varieties by area of use

For use at home or in the office, personal shredders are used, which are designed to destroy paper in small volumes. This ensures a low level of secrecy. Due to their small size, such devices can be placed even next to a desk. You can also find models that are installed on the wastebasket. Repair of shredders is not required if they are operated correctly. Most often, it is office devices that are used very often that fail. They are designed for collective use.and destroy a large number of documents, providing a medium level of secrecy. Archival devices are intended for the destruction on an industrial scale of a large number of documents, magazines and diskettes, as well as folders and disks, along with internal contents and metal inserts.

Data Recovery

Repair of shredders is carried out by specialists, it is best to entrust this matter to professionals. Since in some cases it is not possible to return the equipment to working condition on its own. Manufacturers emphasize that after the destruction of data, it may be necessary to restore them. If the elements were not mixed, then the remnants of the document are close to each other. Recovery can be done even manually. After 1979, US manufacturers added the ability to destroy documents by spraying and chemical decomposition to their devices. It is worth considering that such devices will cost more than those that ensure the destruction of not so high secrecy.


An interesting fact is that some companies today offer their services for the restoration of documents. The cost of restoring one sheet that has been cross-cut with blades is $100,000. For maximum safety, you should check that the document enters the machine perpendicular to the blades.
