Wood shredder: production

Wood shredder: production
Wood shredder: production

If from time to time you are faced with the need to trim trees, then you should be faced with the task of storing thin branches. They can take up a lot of space. Some chop them by hand or use special grinders. The second option allows you to achieve results much faster, and the wood turns into small chips. The factory-made unit is too expensive, so you can create similar equipment yourself.

Manufacture of disc crusher

wood shredder
wood shredder

If you decide to make a wood shredder, then you will need the following materials:

  • high carbon steel;
  • steel shaft;
  • fasteners;
  • steel sheet;
  • pipes;
  • two bearings.

When choosing a steel sheet, you should prefer one with a thickness of 5 mm, as well as from 10 to 16 mm. The first version of the workpiece will go to the hopper and casing. High carbon steel is essential for knives, use forthis can be a car spring.

To weld the frame, stock up on round or shaped pipes. If you want to make a wood shredder, you will need a 20mm steel shaft. Bolts with nuts will act as fasteners. The belt drive may not be installed if the crusher is equipped with an electric motor with a speed of 1500 rpm.

Making a shredder

DIY wood shredder
DIY wood shredder

Using thick metal, you should cut out a circle with a diameter of 400mm. Holes are made in the center where the shaft will be inserted. The shaft and pulleys are machined on a lathe, while threads are cut at the ends of the shaft to install the pulley and flywheel.

If you need a wood shredder and decide to make it yourself, then you can make knives at home. If you are unable to cope with this, then you can entrust the job to the milling machine. A protective casing is welded from a steel sheet at the next stage, which is connected to the bunker. The same material is used for the clip.


wood shredder drawings
wood shredder drawings

Homemade chopper is a cutting mechanism that is fixed on the frame. The latter can be done in an arbitrary design. The drive motor is located in a convenient location, which will depend on the length of the belt. The fixation of the motor must be made sliding so that the belt can be tensioned.

When making a wood shredder, you must install the mechanism shaft on the frame. Attached to itpulley and flywheel. The knives are screwed to the flywheel so that their angle of inclination is 30°. To do this, you need bolts. Additionally, steel linings are being prepared.

Features of manufacturing a chopper with a matrix of saws

If you decide to make a wood shredder with your own hands, then you can use a working matrix, which will be based on saws. The assembly of the unit is much simpler than the previous one, because there is less welding work here. For assembly, you will need carbide saws for wood. Prepare 2mm steel sheet, 5mm spacer washers and pipes to make the frame.

Assembly Features

After looking at the drawings of the wood shredder, you can understand which design to choose. From the above parts, it is necessary to assemble the product, which is obtained by tying the washers and saws on the shaft. On the sides, the elements are pressed with nuts. The washers are laid between the saws so that the thick cutting parts do not press against each other and do not move. Bearings are pressed onto the shaft and clips are installed.

In closing

When a lot of trees grow on your garden plot, the chopper can be a good help on the farm. Buying a factory model is quite expensive, so you can do it yourself. It will save you from pruned branches that take up a lot of space. The area of use of the obtained sawdust and wood chips is wide, because they can even be used for heating a house.
