Raspberry is a favorite berry crop of many gardeners. Its pleasantly sweet taste and medicinal properties are valued. It has long been known that it strengthens the immune system. But the period of consumption of fresh berries in the summer is short. How to extend it? To do this, you need to take two separate sections in the garden, plant ordinary raspberries on one and remontant raspberries will grow on the other. Cultivation and care are quite simple: fertile soil, watering, weeding and fertilizing, mulching between rows. But there are some features that are of interest to those who first began to breed such a culture as remontant raspberries.

Care and cultivation
This one differs from ordinary raspberries in that it is capable of yielding a crop 2 times in a season. The first harvest ripens on last year's shoots, and the second - on young ones that have grown this summer. Due to the fact that the second fruiting occurs at the end of summer or even in autumn, the berries often do not have time to ripen and fall under frost. Therefore, many avoid such a culture as remontantraspberry. Growing and caring for all the rules guarantee a good harvest. To do this, follow simple rules. Firstly, you need to choose a sunny warm place for planting - where the snow melts fastest in spring (preferably on the south side of the fence or buildings). Secondly, the site should be the most illuminated in the garden. If shading is acceptable for ordinary raspberries, then even a slight shadow will delay the autumn fruiting of its closest relative, which is remontant raspberries.
Growing and care in central Russia
Often in the middle lane remontant raspberries are grown as an annual crop with one autumn harvest. To do this, after picking the berries, all shoots are cut off - both old and young. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, all the strength of the plants is spent on the growth of new shoots, which grow powerful, an abundance of flower buds form on them. The berries grow large and clean, the bush bears fruit from August until the snow. If a simple raspberry is harvested every other day or every day, then this one will hold firmly on the branches and look great even after a week.
Do not forget about the separate placement of plantings, as the repair can be drowned out by a taller simple raspberry. Growing and care are similar, but the first is more moisture-loving - water more often and plentifully.

For the middle lane, the most early-ripening varieties showed the best results: Indian Summer, Hercules, Nadezhnaya. In the south, you can grow varieties of later maturation - Zeva, September, Lyulin, Heritage. During hot summers andwarm autumn, these varieties realize their full yield potential. For regions of Siberia, good results are in varieties such as Brilliant, Apricot, Elegant, August miracle, Dawn Vechernyaya. By planting a raspberry bush in the remontant spring, in August-September of the same year you will harvest a good harvest of tasty and large berries.

Reproduction of remontant raspberries
One drawback - most varieties have very few shoots and such raspberries are difficult to propagate. To grow cuttings in the 3rd year after planting, all shoots should be cut from the center of the bush in the form of a circle with a diameter of 15 cm. From the roots remaining in the ground, 10-20 shoots will develop, which can be used for breeding.
Raspberry propagation can be done in spring with green cuttings. It is necessary to choose those sprouts that have an etiolated zone - the part that grew underground. The best shoots for cuttings are those with an aerial part of no more than 5 cm and a powerful rosette of young leaves with a bronze or dark crimson color. Such shoots are called "nettles".
Do not dig up the cutting selected for rooting, but cut it with a sharp knife at a depth of 5 cm, carefully remove it from the ground. It is impossible to transport and store this planting material in water; it must be wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag. Harvesting of such cuttings is done in the morning in cloudy or rainy weather. Rooting soil - a mixture of equal volumes of washed coarse sand and peat. A layer with a thickness of 10 cm is enough. The bottom of the cuttings in frontplanting powder with charcoal dust. The landing site should be watered immediately. Pull the polyethylene over the arcs over the cuttings. Cover with a newspaper or non-woven covering material on top to prevent overheating. Green cuttings take root in a maximum of 3 weeks. After 4 weeks, they are transplanted either to a permanent place or to containers.
Raspberries are also propagated by green root suckers - they are transplanted immediately to a permanent place or to a greenhouse, making shading over them for two weeks.