Repair activities in apartments require a lot of resources and, unfortunately, do not always live up to expectations. So that the result does not disappoint in the future, it is important to do serious preparatory work. It will include not only technical measures, but also the drawing up of a plan according to which certain actions will be carried out. Of course, building materials, equipment and craftsmanship directly affect the quality of the result. At the same time, a broken repair sequence can nullify the work of the best master. For example, a properly laid beautiful cladding will be distorted and lose its aesthetic properties if it is done before electrical events. And this is just one example of the wrong tactics for carrying out repair operations, and you still need to take into account the individual data of a particular apartment.

Planning as preparation for renovations
At this stage, it should be determined what, in principle, work should be carried out in the apartment. Even new buildings today are rented out to owners with different conditions, so the list of repairactivities may vary. In addition, the question of how much it costs to repair an apartment is significant. To date, this figure varies, on average, from 150 to 500 thousand rubles. depending on the same set of operations planned for the use of materials, equipment, etc. And this is not to mention the payment for the services of invited masters, without which some types of work cannot be performed.
When an approximate list of works has been drawn up, it is necessary to proceed to the preparation of the tool, the choice of building materials, consumables, etc. In this part, again, one should not forget about financial limitations, but at the same time strive to obtain the highest possible result in terms of aesthetic qualities, and durability. Now it’s worth considering in more detail how and in what sequence do-it-yourself repairs can be carried out? Where to begin? This question will directly depend on the current state of the apartment. In one case, it will be finishing, and in the other, it will be the renewal of a cement screed or the installation of windows. If the apartment is completely empty, then work begins with engineering.
Installation of engineering systems

In determining the order of work, a simple rule often works: the dirtiest and most troublesome operations follow first. It does not always work, but in this case it is worth using. Engineering systems require complex installation work that is simply incompatible with the finished results from other operations. Especially if you plan to do non-parallel repairs with your own hands. Where to beginin this part? It is recommended that the first step is to carry out the wiring of the sewer and water pipes. It also draws conclusions on the future installation points of the toilet bowl, sinks, bathtubs and other objects of operation in the kitchen and bathroom.
In principle, plumbing operations will not interfere with electrical activities. At this stage, closed wiring for power supply, telephone cables, signaling lines, etc. is laid. The installation of the gas pipeline depends on what the further repair sequence will be in a particular case. If, in addition to engineering, only finishing cladding remains, then it makes sense to deal with gasification at this stage. The only difficulty is that the installed equipment will require increased measures in terms of protection, and this may interfere with the repair process.
Laying plaster

Plastering surfaces is a rather important stage, since the quality of the coating will also affect the characteristics of the subsequent decorative layer. Laying is preferably carried out after all engineering work and provided that the temperature in the room does not fall below +10°C. That is, in autumn it is possible to lay plaster only after installing windows and doors with reliable insulation. The standard sequence of repairs in an apartment in the form of plastering is as follows: finishing starts from the ceiling, followed by walls and openings. This part of the work is completed with spot embedding and alignment of individual niches in the walls.
Central heating installation
Central heatingis organized together with the insulation work that was not completed at the previous stage. The combination of two events is important for the reason that the owner will be able to find a balance between different ways of warming the apartment. With regard to insulation, the first renovation in a new building, due to the lack of floor and wall finishes (with the exception of leveling primer and plaster), allows the widespread use of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene boards.
Even during the installation of insulating panels, you should also consider the layout of the heating pipes. Usually two layers of insulator are formed, and the heating circuits are laid on the second level. To do this, it is necessary to make grooves and grooves in the plates that are suitable in size for the pipes. The type of heating equipment planned for use can affect the repair sequence, since different units require a different approach. For example, small convectors and radiators can be connected at the very end, and communications from boiler plants and traditional boilers are made at the same stage.

The screed layer is the base layer in the floor structure. It will be the carrier for both the decorative coating and the floor heating system. Previously, the repair of premises in this part involved the installation of a concrete monolithic coating. But today, more flexible and environmentally friendly dry mixes are used for home screeding. By the way, to get an almost perfectly even coating, you should use self-leveling compounds.
Laying is done inseveral steps: preparing the mortar in accordance with the instructions of the mixture manufacturer, pouring the subfloor and leveling. The standard repair sequence in the apartment provides that the screed will be installed first. But if floor insulation and underground laying of communications are planned, then it is quite logical that these operations are carried out first.
Facing work

After completing the installation of pipes, electrical wiring and heating circuits, you can start decorating walls, ceilings and the same floor. Modern renovation and decoration of apartments require the observance of stylistic integrity in the cladding of different surfaces, which should be taken into account in the choice of materials. Work begins from the ceiling. It can be made using the technology of suspended or tension structures, which in the future will make it possible to profitably organize lighting systems in subceiling niches.
Next, the walls are drawn up. Depending on the room and its functional direction, the optimal material is selected - wallpaper, paintwork, tiles, decorative panels, etc. The recommended repair sequence assumes that the floor covering will be the final in the finishing work. Here you should also rely on the intended purpose of the room and choose the appropriate material. For a bedroom or living room, for example, wood flooring in the form of laminate, parquet or ordinary boards is optimal. In the kitchen and in the bathroom, it is desirable to lay a tiled waterproof coating.
Features of repair operations in a new building

Actually, the above sequence of operations is classic and suitable for most new buildings. If the apartment was commissioned in a completely draft version, then all of the above operations will be required. But repairs in a new building can be facilitated if the developer, after construction work, separately carried out part of the finishing measures. Often such apartments are rented out with plastic windows, engineering networks and leveled surfaces. All that remains for the owner is to complete the decorative finishes and organize the lighting.
Repair options in "Khrushchev"
Such apartments are criticized for combining a bathroom, low ceilings, small dimensions and generally inconvenient layout. There can be two options for repair: partial refreshment of the cladding with the replacement of electrical equipment or a final repair with redevelopment. It is recommended to start from a major redevelopment. This will be followed by a typical renovation of the premises, during which old communications will be replaced, floors will be leveled, finishes will be updated and walls will be insulated.

When choosing one or another strategy for carrying out repair activities, it is important to take into account the possibilities for future improvement of the characteristics of the apartment. For example, it is advisable to provide communication outlets for the installation of more modern equipment. Also, housing conversion almost always involves partial or completedismantling of existing coatings, communications and other obsolete structures and cladding elements. And such work is also reflected in the final estimate. For example, the question of how much it costs to repair an apartment with the destruction of the current layout involves adding another 50-100 thousand to the base repair price - as a result, the average amount will be about 300-400 thousand. If we are talking about a new building that was commissioned immediately after construction, the estimate may go beyond 500 thousand. And this is not to mention the purchase of engineering equipment - for example, heating systems for an apartment cost 40-50 thousand.