Gamma of colors: selection and combination. How to choose a color scheme?

Gamma of colors: selection and combination. How to choose a color scheme?
Gamma of colors: selection and combination. How to choose a color scheme?

The selection of colors is considered one of the most important tasks when creating an interior. Its decision should be approached very responsibly. The combination of colors deserves special attention. Shades in any case should not irritate or unnerve. The range of colors in the interior should contribute to rest and relaxation. Next, let's figure out how to use shades in the decor.

range of colors
range of colors

General information

As you know, this or that gamut of colors causes different sensations in a person. For example, orange is considered the hottest color. Blue is associated with ice and coolness. Passing from it through yellow and green shades, the colors begin to warm up. On red and burgundy, as well as brown, "high temperature" is kept. You can also feel it on some shades of purple and pink. After that, a cold range of colors begins again, turning to blue and lilac. But it must be said that such a gradation is rather conditional. This is mainly due to the fact that the boundaries between warm and cool tones are often subtle. So, for example, lime can be attributed to the yellow scale, but at the same time it is considered a cold color. A rich, deep purple can be filled with moreblue or red tint. Depending on this, it can be attributed to cold or warm colors.

cool range of colors
cool range of colors

Visual effects

Gamma (palette) of colors can completely transform a room. For example, light colors are often used in the interior. They expand the space. To enhance the effect, a light cold range of colors is used. Warm colors will help to make a room that is too spacious and therefore somewhat empty more comfortable. To create a festive atmosphere in the living room, it is better to use cool colors.


The range of colors that can be used in the design of this part of the apartment is particularly wide. Here, when decorating, a number of nuances should be taken into account. So, for example, a range of colors can increase or, conversely, moderate appetite. In the first case, warm juicy shades are used in the interior. These include egg yellow, herbal green, orange. White and blue will help curb your appetite.


This part of the room requires special attention. The bedroom can be just a resting place or a real romantic corner. In the first case, according to professionals, cool colors are more suitable (photos of some solutions can be found in the article). Such shades will help distract from pressing problems. To create a romantic atmosphere, red and its various variations are primarily used. However, it is not necessary to follow this tradition. The range of colors can be any. The main thing is that the shades arepleasant and not annoying.

selection of colors
selection of colors

Some rules

In each season, one or another fashionable combination of colors appears at the moment. However, design professionals recommend that you first of all focus on your own feelings. As the experts themselves say, there is no right one, there is a successful combination of colors. Next, consider the main approaches to their selection.

Easy option

Shades of the same primary color are used here. It gets lighter or darker. For example, you can choose dark blue, blue, blue. This design can be slightly diluted with minor blotches of another, but not too eye-catching color. For example, in a room with blue or blue decor, you can add light sand or white.

combination of colors
combination of colors

Harmonious decor

To add variety to the design of the room, but not too radical, not too contrasting, the selection of colors should be done as follows.

  • For purple: red - pink and lilac - blue.
  • For yellow: egg yellow - orange and light green - lime.
  • For blue: aqua - green and purple - lilac.
  • For orange: pink - red and yellow - egg yellow.
  • For green: aqua - blue and light green - lime.
  • For red: purple - pink and egg yellow - orange.

Playing with contrasts

This color combination is suitable forlovers of bright and original design. The following contrasts can be used:

  • Green - red.
  • Blue - egg yellow.
  • Aqua - orange.
  • Lilac - yellow.
  • Purple - lime.
  • Pink - light green.
  • gamut color palette
    gamut color palette

Unfavorable colors

Even if it seems to someone that this or that tone does not cause any emotions, any color messages are subconsciously fixed. There are some shades that have an adverse effect on a person. These include:

  • Red. It increases nervous tension, and in some cases can even cause hypertension.
  • Purple and black "take" the space, visually reducing it.
  • Brown, as well as woodgrain finishes, can cause apathy, melancholy, lead to depression.
  • Blue is associated with cold and makes a room feel less cozy.
  • Gray causes despondency and sadness.

Auspicious tones

An optimistic range of shades from yellow to green contributes to the removal of fatigue, calming. The feeling of freshness will give the room a shade of turquoise. Pastel colors from yellow to beige are considered very comfortable. Causes drowsiness and soothes light blue. It is considered ideal for the bedroom and recreation area. "Cools" the room dark blue color. He is considered businesslike and serious. Not suitable for a bedroom, but would look great in a kitchen or north-facing roomorange and yellow. White color can be associated with cold. But at the same time, it is considered an ideal background for the implementation of various design solutions. Terracotta or red accents will cheer up and invigorate. Blotches of black will add a special style to the interior. Combinations of light gray with other colors will create a businesslike atmosphere.

pastel colors
pastel colors

Special Harmony

The combination of related contrasting colors is the most extensive palette. These shades are located in adjacent quarters. These include yellow-green and yellow-red, as well as blue-red and blue-green colors. Special harmony is obtained by choosing shades located in the tone circle opposite each other. A double bond is established between such pairs: they contain the same number of primary and contrasting colors. As practice shows, quite rarely only two shades are used in the interior. The simplest combinations of 2 related contrasting tones can be significantly enriched by adding colors from the same series, only darkened or lightened.

Interior decoration

This or that combination of colors in the room conveys its energy to the owner. When "interacting" with a shade, a person can calm down, relax, forget about problems. So, for example, sand and white background, marble and stones will create the desired coolness. Bamboo-colored furniture will look spectacular in a patio-style room. In some way, you can "close" the world inside the house using red shades in combination with blue-white stripes. At the same time, walls designed in this way will catch bright lighting. Using terracotta shades, you can link indoor and outdoor spaces. At the same time, they can turn into the color of oak on the outside, and ceramics on the inside.

photo color scheme
photo color scheme

In conclusion

Someone finds monochromatic design boring, while others, on the contrary, like traditional and austere interiors. The choice of this or that decor, of course, primarily depends on the owner's own taste. However, it is necessary to take into account some coloring rules. The most important thing is to be comfortable in the room, because this is your own home, where you want to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle. The color scheme should be harmonious. You can emphasize certain details, focus on any elements using natural light.
