Floor coverings have a wide range. But they are given special attention when choosing, because the products are subject to rapid wear. Laminate is one of the demanded finishing materials for today. Therefore, manufacturers are trying to create material that is different in external data and structure. It turns out that the choice is based not only on color, but also on the type of surface (glossy or matte look). What is better and why? Each option has its pros and cons. We will consider all the nuances in our today's article.
The main difference from matte can be considered the presence of an interesting shine, which is achieved using a special coating of the top layer. Therefore, a glossy laminate (there is a photo of it in our article) is suitable for small rooms and huge halls. Each finishing material has positive and negative sides. This information is useful to anyone who is going to go to the storeshopping.

There are two main types on sale:
- Brilliant. Its main advantage is the ability to reflect rays of sunlight. If we talk about visual differences, then this is a surface polished with a certain agent.
- Mirror surface. Even without light exposure, objects are reflected. This is a very interesting property of a glossy laminate in the interior is often used.

If there is not enough sunlight in an apartment or house, this flooring is the best solution. You can find a whole palette of colors on sale. But the choice must be made, taking into account the design solutions.
Gloss laminate is chosen for its benefits. They are enough to take a leading position in sales:
- Regardless of the chosen interior, this finish visually increases the area of the room, gives it a touch of sophistication and sophistication. Everyone who wants to transform a room should make a choice in this direction.
- Resistance to the rays of the sun. In addition, natural light transforms it and makes it brighter and more saturated. And the room gives a touch of uniqueness.
- Besides this, the 12 mm glossy laminate is an excellent soundproofing material. It is water resistant and antistatic, reviews say. For these qualities, it is used not only in the bedroom, hall, but also in the kitchen.
- For the manufacture of such flooring, an environmentally friendly antibacterialAllergy-free material.
- Large assortment. Regardless of the room and the available furniture, everyone will choose the right option.
Minuses are not excluded, one of which is vulnerability to damage. Reviews say that any scratches and scuffs are noticeable on such a surface. This means that you will have to take care of it in a special way. Dirt and dust are also the enemies of a glossy laminate. Cleaning of the premises must be carried out carefully and often to eliminate visible flaws. Experts say that there is a developed cleaning technique. So, never apply too wet cloth. The cloth should be soft and well wrung out from the water. Only then is wet cleaning done.

When dry cleaning is required, a vacuum cleaner with a carpet nozzle is used. To completely eliminate scratches on the surface of this material, it is worth making gaskets on the legs of furniture. Some consider such a coating as slippery as possible and do not recommend using it if there are small children or old people in the house. But this is not all the disadvantages inherent in the finishing material. Another disadvantage is the high cost.
There are recommendations for manufacturers who have been on the market for more than one year and have only positive reviews:
- Falquon/"Falcon". Made in Germany.
- Westerhof/Westerhof. Supplier and manufacturer - China.
- Glossfloor/"Glossfloor". China.
- Floor Step/"Floor". Coating is also done inChina.
What you need to know about species?
As noted earlier, there are various models available for sale. They have their own differences in shades, texture and patterns. All of them basically imitate wood, although there are drawings for stone or tile. It looks original and much cheaper in terms of price. Glossy laminate, according to experienced craftsmen, is a unique finishing material.

The difference may be stripes on the surface, namely their number. If the room is small, a three-strip laminate will be suitable. It looks like a parquet board. But of the two, like a simple floor, it will fit only with its own color scheme. If the room is large, then the single-lane view is more convenient to lay and it looks original.
What you need to know about the surface of the finishing material? This is a gloss, although sometimes wood imitation becomes appropriate in some rooms. When determining the service life, it is worth paying attention to wear resistance. Available on all models marking. You should be guided by it:
- The most reliable will be class 33 glossy laminate. Rarely is it lined in residential areas, because it is suitable for retail space, namely places with constant crowds.
- For offices, you can choose a slightly lower indicator - 32, although glossy 33 laminate is also used. It reacts well to water and does not lend itself to soaking, this is true.
- For a house or apartment, there is no need to select such a floor finish. The kitchen can be waterproofglossy laminate from 23 to 21 class. The latter should not be used in damp rooms.
So, before buying, an accurate calculation of the material and the determination of the appropriate type are performed.
How to style?
First, the surface is prepared - the old coating is removed (all the dust sometimes needs to be taken out to the base). Further, depending on the coverage, the main work is carried out. If it is a tree, then it must be completely repaired. Remove old insulation and soundproof gasket. If the lags are damaged, then they completely change. A full check is being made, and this step cannot be abandoned.
If a concrete floor is involved in the work, then small errors are overwritten. A full-fledged screed is made from a concrete mixture. To completely level the surface, a building level is used in the work. After the work is completed, the sand-concrete mixtures must dry. It is a little easier with wood - as soon as all the applied substances (primer or protective components) dry, the laying of the material begins.

There are no distinctive features of laying a glossy laminate. Depending on the lock, laying starts from the most prominent corner. It is better to make a diagram first. No one is wrong about her. If there is no experience in working with such a building material, there is no need to create serious structures. The purchase is made with a margin, because even experienced craftsmen can make mistakes.
Before choosing, many turn to the advice of people who have already worked with suchmaterial. The easiest way is reviews. Glossy laminate, judging by the comments, has many advantages and is often chosen for this. Even those disadvantages that classify the material as impractical fade into the background. The room takes on its color, and the small room visually expands.
Glossy white laminate looks good in the bedroom. So, the room becomes wide and as light as possible. The choice of colors is large - this allows not only to create an interesting interior, but also to choose any imitation: wood, stone, etc. Although many people refuse it due to the high cost.
How to care?
There are peculiar care moments. You should do the following:
- Clean up the dust in time. To avoid noticeable scratches in the future, it is removed with a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for carpets. There are special nozzles for such glossy surfaces. Do not give up on this, otherwise the external data will not be the best.
- When wet cleaning, wipe the entire area with a dry soft cloth. Microfiber or natural cotton is better.
- No need to add too powerful chemicals to the water. It takes a small amount of soap. You can purchase special products for washing glossy laminate.
Moving furniture on such a surface is definitely not worth it. Protective rubber or felt devices are put on the legs. If the room is often walked (for example, in the kitchen), you can throw a carpet or lay a carpet. This will extend the life of the material. For non-residential premises use a special laminate. The gloss on it is durable, but the cost is high. For the home, there is no need to purchase it. After installing the floor, you must follow the rules of care. Then the coating will last longer and will please the owner.

Gloss laminate on the market not so long ago. During operation, he shows himself from the best side. There are many advantages, so some disadvantages go by the wayside. When you want to change the interior of your home, laminate with a glossy finish is the best solution.

Will it wash?
The opinion that the glossy surface is erased is the place to be. Therefore, it is better to give preference to those manufacturers who have proven themselves from the best side, since unknown suppliers do not undergo testing of their goods. Glossy laminate can be laid on a warm floor, as it is resistant to temperature effects. Even hot water does not harm the surface.
How long can a glossy finish in a house last? Masters believe that with proper operation, nothing will happen to him for ten years. Therefore, the high cost is justified. If there are children or animals, then material with a high class level (up to 34) is purchased. Before purchasing, you should immediately decide which type is suitable (mirror or glossy), because sellers' recommendations are not always considered objective. It is necessary to make a calculation with accuracy so as not to overpay for excess material. Not everyone can understand which manufacturertrust. It is necessary to take into account not only the positive, but also the negative sides of each type. This information is useful for a potential buyer.