Stretch ceiling: pros and cons, reviews, pros and cons, environmental friendliness

Stretch ceiling: pros and cons, reviews, pros and cons, environmental friendliness
Stretch ceiling: pros and cons, reviews, pros and cons, environmental friendliness

Stretch ceilings, of course, it's beautiful, elegant and stylish. Those consumers who are just planning repairs in an apartment very often think about installing this “miracle ceiling” in one or more rooms. Their number determines the solvency of the consumer, since such pleasure cannot be called cheap. Unless, of course, we are talking about quality material.

Why is that? Why stretch ceilings have gained such demand and popularity? Everything is very simple! Manufacturers and distributors of this product professionally and confidently advertise it. Each canvas, in their opinion, is an ideal way and material for covering ceiling surfaces. The shortcomings of this or that material are either completely silent or mentioned in passing. So, stretch ceiling. What are the pros and cons, pros and cons? What properties does it have, what are its features and which one is better to choose. Let's take a closer look.

Varieties of all existing stretch ceilings: what are they

stretch ceiling pros and cons
stretch ceiling pros and cons

Each consumer is accustomed to consider beauty as indisputable advantages,durability, ease of installation, variety of options. What is a stretch ceiling? Pros and cons, properties, main characteristics and varieties will be listed below.

Most modern canvases are produced on the basis of a vinyl film. The coating is characterized by:

  • moisture resistance;
  • affordable, unlike other textures, cost;
  • easy to install;
  • variety of colors;
  • stylish and aesthetic;
  • durability;
  • ease of care and so on.
stretch ceiling pros and cons
stretch ceiling pros and cons

Varieties of designs

When talking about such a design as a stretch PVC ceiling, the pros and cons differ depending on the design features. The canvas is stretched on a specially mounted frame. Thanks to its elasticity and flexibility, it allows you to create design projects from the levels on the ceilings. Structures are attached to surfaces of any complexity and configuration.

Gypsum board tension structures. Mounted from sheets of this material. They create perfectly flat surfaces, allow you to create levels in projects where room zoning is provided. Lighting of any configuration can be installed on such planes, since the canvas allows the use of even powerful lamps due to its technical characteristics.

Whatever the design of such a ceiling, including the number of levels, it has excellent sound insulation.

Rack stretch ceilings are modular. The frame is made of aluminum profile. It is easy to hide communications behind its surfaces. As a stretch fabric, you can use even textures of rails with both a flat, smooth surface and with a relief (perforated).

Cassette structures are also classified as modular structures. Tiled material is inserted into the frame in special grooves. They are even and perforated.

PVC stretch ceilings: weighing the pros and cons

Perhaps most often users choose PVC stretch ceiling. The pros and cons of these designs will be given below.

The popularity of this particular design is explained by the fact that today it is the simplest and most affordable material for many consumers. It has a very wide range of colors, if desired, you can apply any pattern to it or choose a ready-made one. It has a high practicality, has a perfectly flat surface.

By design, they are distinguished by:

  1. Single-level.
  2. Multilevel.
stretch ceiling in the bathroom pros and cons
stretch ceiling in the bathroom pros and cons

According to the type of canvases, they are produced in the form:

  • PVC films.
  • Based on fabric.

Texture of canvases:

  • Glossy. A smooth, shiny surface can create a “mirror effect”, visually increasing the space by reflecting light and objects. Differs in richness of color schemes, great decorative possibilities.
  • Matte surface. A good choice for creating a classic style in the interior. The cost is the most budget option.
  • Satin. The surface is unique in its properties of imitation of natural fabrics. Thanks to these qualities, it is able to create an elegant, relaxed, homely atmosphere in the interior. Looks good with any lighting system.
  • Suede texture. The canvases look perfect on the ceilings, imitating the naturalness of the material. They are mainly used in offices, living rooms, offices.
  • Translucent. Used in exclusive projects that require the installation of decorative lighting.
stretch ceiling pros and cons pros and cons
stretch ceiling pros and cons pros and cons

Unfounded mythical judgments about ceilings

Today there are many firms and companies that install stretch ceilings. But not everyone is ready to abandon traditional materials. Therefore, myths about such material as a stretch ceiling are spreading. Pros and cons - what are they?

  • Cost. Many consider this pleasure only for we althy people. Today there are a lot of offers of both expensive canvases and the budget category. Everyone can choose the material within their ability to pay.
  • Care. There is an opinion that it is very difficult to care for such canvases. This is a deep misconception: PVC glossy, satin and matte are very easy to care for and easy to clean.
  • Strength. There is a category of people who consider canvases to be a fragile material, but dispelling this myth, we can say with confidence: modern stretch ceilings are quite durable material. If they are not deliberately cut with sharp objects.
  • What else does thisdesigns like stretch ceilings, pros and cons? Reviews of those consumers who have installed canvases in their apartments claim that the service life of such ceilings is quite long. And indeed it is. Therefore, the judgment that the material is short-lived is simply wrong.
stretch ceilings pros and cons environmental friendliness
stretch ceilings pros and cons environmental friendliness

What the buyer says about stretch ceilings

Customer reviews of stretch ceilings are mostly positive. There are also negative ones, but complaints to a greater extent either on the unscrupulous work of companies, or on poor-quality material. Therefore, if you decide to install such ceilings in your apartment, take this very carefully and seriously. Trust the work of a proven company that has experience, equipment and a true portfolio, read reviews about it. If the company has experience, then they will definitely be. As for the material, trust only trusted and well-known manufacturers. Only in this way will you protect yourself from a fake.

Choose the right ceiling

Problems with the material can only arise if the choice is approached frivolously and not seriously. Anyone who plans to install such a structure in the near future should clearly understand the possible difficulties and be aware of the likely problems. So, glossy or matte stretch ceiling? For and against you will find below.

Choosing this type of ceiling finish does not relieve you of the need to eliminate serious imperfections on its surface before installing the structure. Check the stability of the ceilingbeams, repair large irregularities, cracks and other imperfections.

  • Choose the material. Despite the fact that there are many types of paintings, you need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere which one can be mounted. For example, glossy canvases can be installed anywhere, which cannot be said about matte ones. They are not as waterproof as gloss. Therefore, it is not advisable to install them in bathrooms or kitchens.
  • Solidity. Seams on the surface of the ceiling canvas are of considerable importance. It is very difficult to disguise them in glossy coatings, but in matte coatings they are much easier to hide. This applies to large rooms.

What are stretch ceilings without heating?

Installation of any type of coating can relieve you of the need for cosmetic repairs for a long period. No need to rub cracks, plaster or whitewash the surface. A simple design of these materials has a long service life, approximately 50 years. The stretch fabric is also not afraid of physical wear: it will not crack, deform or shrink.

Vinyl coverings require heating during installation without fail. This is done using gas heat guns. Constructions are installed using harpoon mounting technology.

But there is also a method by which stretch ceilings are mounted without heating. What are the pros and cons of this method? And which canvases can be installed in this way?

This category of coatings includes fabrics. The installation sequence is similar to the cam method of installation or the glazing bead, andthe canvas is fixed with the help of special clips. After dismantling such material, it will not be possible to install it back, unlike the film.

glossy stretch ceilings
glossy stretch ceilings

What ceilings are installed in the bathroom

Both bathrooms and showers are those rooms that are characterized by contrasting temperature regimes with high humidity. Therefore, a waterproof stretch ceiling in the bathroom should be used. You will find the pros and cons of such a choice below.

Painted drywall coatings cannot withstand such extreme conditions, so tensile structures are a great alternative to traditional methods.

Understanding the benefits:

  • Floods. Despite the fact that the PVC film is too thin, in the event of floods (and they are a frequent occurrence in these rooms), it is able to retain water on its surface until removed by the craftsmen.
  • Condensate. It manifests itself, as you know, with sudden temperature changes until the finishing material warms up. Due to the fact that the stretch ceiling film is too thin, it both cools and heats up almost instantly. Due to this, there is simply no condensation on its surface.
  • Dampness. The stretch ceiling in the bathroom never gets damp, so fungal deposits on it are impossible.
stretch ceilings in the bathroom
stretch ceilings in the bathroom

Benefits of stretch fabrics

Today, all coatings in this category are made from two main types of material: PVC film and woven base. Since these materials are slightly different inspecifications, the advantages and disadvantages are also different. For such a design as a stretch ceiling, we have already listed the pros and cons. So, to recap:

  • Durability. This is one of the main advantages of this material. Manufacturers guarantee that such canvases will last about 15 years. However, these periods are much longer. At the same time, they do not lose their original appearance and color, do not fade, do not crack, do not require special care.
  • Speaking about the pros and cons of such a structure as stretch ceilings, environmental friendliness must be mentioned. The materials used in the production of coatings do not pose any he alth hazard. Therefore, analyzing the advantageous characteristics, we are convinced that these materials can be installed in any premises, including children's bedrooms.
  • Cost. There are many offers on the market for ceiling coverings today. Pricing policy, as well as the range of goods, varies. Each resident of our country can choose a canvas for himself according to his ability to pay. The opinion that all canvases are expensive is erroneous, there are budget coatings of good quality. Therefore, it is quite possible to buy an inexpensive stretch ceiling. The price starts from 450 rubles. for m2.


Finally, it is only worth adding that the installation methods and the type of material when choosing depend only on the consumer himself. As for installation, it is best to entrust it to specialists in order to avoid mistakes and damage to the coating. It is better to overpay a certain amount of money for installation than to buy material afteragain.
