Soil acidity and moisture meter: principle of operation, popular models

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Soil acidity and moisture meter: principle of operation, popular models
Soil acidity and moisture meter: principle of operation, popular models

Video: Soil acidity and moisture meter: principle of operation, popular models

Video: Soil acidity and moisture meter: principle of operation, popular models
Video: 3 Way Soil Meter Test For Moisture, Light, And PH/Acidity Gardening Tool 2025, January

If you have a summer cottage and you enthusiastically start gardening in the spring, then you are interested in getting a crop from your own beds. There are many articles on the Web devoted to the rules for growing a particular crop, and everywhere it is written that you need to choose a site with the required level of acidity and, if necessary, adjust it. But how do you know how acidic the soil is? Soil acidity meters will help with this. What are they for?

Why do I need a meter?

Every summer resident is sure that it is very important to know what are the main parameters of the earth, and these are Ph, humidity, temperature and light. If there is a desire to get a good harvest, then the crop must be planted and grown in the soil intended for it. Let's say your land will be ideal for cabbage, but carrots will no longer be born on it. To know exactly where and what crop to attach, what fertilizers and additives to apply, you need to purchase a metersoil acidity. They are liquid, and there are also plastic, which is more convenient for use. Such a device does not require a diploma from an agricultural institute to use, it is quite easy to use.

soil acidity meter
soil acidity meter

Today, a lot of specialized meters are sold, which are suitable for a huge industrial economy, and for a small area near a country house. We will talk about the most popular models, rules of use in this article. Just to begin with, we will learn about how our ancestors managed in their gardens and grew a decent harvest. They had their own tricks, so in the absence of a soil acidity meter and other soil parameters, you can easily use the knowledge of grandparents.

People's advice

We decided to provide some of the most popular methods for measuring the acidity of the earth with improvised means. After reviewing them, you will understand that using a professional device is much more convenient. We hope that people's advice will be useful to you if the meter is not at hand or its battery runs out. Anyone who already uses a specialized soil acidity meter knows how inaccurate its readings can be when it's time to change the battery.

soil acidity meter 3 in 1
soil acidity meter 3 in 1

So what will help us?

  • Vinegar and soda are in the house of every housewife, and these products are often in the country. So, to measure acidity, take two soil samples from a hole 25 deep.centimeters, place in different containers. Pour vinegar over one sample. If there is a hiss and bubbles appear, this indicates an alkaline reaction. Now dilute a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water and pour the second sample with this solution. The presence of bubbles and hiss indicates sourness. If both samples performed well and there was no reaction to watering, you have good soil, with normal levels of alkali and acid.
  • Chop the red cabbage and boil it in water until you get a purple broth. Place the soil taken from the hole (depth 25 centimeters) into it, shake it. If the broth is lightened to pink - acidity is increased, if it changes color to green or blue - alkali is increased.
  • Place a few sheets of cherries and currants in a small amount of boiling water for 15 minutes. After that, pour soil into it. The solution is green - neutral soil, blue - acidified, red - alkaline.

All these readings will be correct, but you will not be able to know how acidic the soil is, or how alkaline it is. It is for accurate readings that a soil acidity meter is made. In addition, it will show the temperature, illumination and other parameters.

How to use the appliance?

As mentioned earlier, no specific knowledge is required to operate the meter. For each device, detailed instructions are mandatory attached by the manufacturer.

soil pH meter
soil pH meter

But we still decided to suggest methods in which the readings will be more accurate:

  • if you have applied fertilizer, then take measurements no earlier than in three days;
  • don't forget to water the area you'll be testing;
  • the soil around the probe must be well compacted;
  • it is necessary to take three measurements, and then calculate the average;
  • Measuring rod must be kept clean and wiped with a tissue after each check.

When buying, ask the seller if the soil acidity meter is calibrated. If not, you need to purchase a buffer solution and calibrate yourself. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular and inexpensive models.

Green Belt soil acidity meter

Gardeners liked this device for its ease of use, accurate measurements, affordable price tag. A 3 in 1 soil acidity meter will help you find out not only Ph, but also the humidity and illumination of your soil. The main advantage of the device is the absence of batteries, which allows you to find out more accurate parameters and provide the plants on the site with the most comfortable growing conditions. This will only affect your harvest in a positive way.

green belt soil acidity meter
green belt soil acidity meter

To use the moisture, soil acidity and light meter, no skill is required, even a child can handle it.


If you have purchased this product and have lost the manual, we will help you remember the rules of use. Measuring illumination:

  • Set the switch to Light mode.
  • Place the probe in the ground near the plant.
  • The solar battery built into the device is directed towards the light source.
  • Don't block the light.

Soil acidity (Ph) meter:

  • Turn the switch to Ph, dip the probe into the soil sample from which the slurry was previously made. The dipstick should be polished with a piece of sandpaper and wiped with a tissue.
  • The meter is placed vertically to the base of the case. The soil should be slightly moist.
  • Read the readings on the screen in a minute.
soil acidity moisture meter
soil acidity moisture meter

Measuring humidity:

  • Switch to Moist, insert the probe into the ground.
  • The indications are as follows: red - dry or slightly moist soil, suitable only for growing thorns and cacti; blue - waterlogging, do not water the plants until the soil dries out a little; green is ideal hydration.

Using all measuring devices is exactly the same. We suggest considering other models.


This is also a 3-in-1 electronic soil acidity meter. With the KS-300, you can also measure humidity and light. What are its advantages and disadvantages? This device has a fairly wide range of action. It is also important that it has a rather long service life, as gardeners note.

electronic soil acidity meter
electronic soil acidity meter

Of the shortcomings in this model, it was found that the batteries do not last for a long time,even the most expensive and high quality. If the power is low, then the measurement error will be very large.

Megeon 35280

This device can also measure light and humidity. The model has a rather light body made of plastic, but very durable, which is important when working in the garden. The great advantage of the meter is that it does not require battery replacement. Of the shortcomings, a small range of action is noted. Also, its solar panels do not allow light measurements in protected ground or in a shady area.


This electronic soil acidity meter is not so popular. With it, you can find out the humidity, but you will have to forget about the illumination. The advantages include durability, no need to change batteries, strength and a long probe (30 centimeters).

soil acidity meter reviews
soil acidity meter reviews

The disadvantages of this model were the high price and too small range of work.

Soil acidity meter: reviews

Many gardeners who have purchased devices for personal use have left their comments online. They write that they did not regret the purchase, as they managed to increase the yield thanks to it. Plants now feel more comfortable, and do not have to "puzzle" over what fertilizer to apply to the soil. There were no negative comments, definitely all summer residents recommend using such devices, they write that working on the site is now much more interesting, becauseyou know that the work will not be in vain.
