Fungus is an insidious enemy in our apartments. It spreads at lightning speed, bringing a lot of trouble to residents. In such a situation, only anti-mold for the walls will help. We will talk about how these funds cope with this ailment.

Where does mold come from?
As you know, the fungus loves humidity and heat. This is facilitated by the plastic windows common in our time. Performing their main protection - insulation, they thereby block the passage of fresh air into the apartment. Poor quality cladding in apartment buildings also contributes to mold growth. Under the influence of snow and rain, the walls get wet. For this reason, moisture enters the house, where it becomes an excellent breeding ground for various fungi.
When arranging furniture in small rooms, you need to be careful. If the battery is closed, for example, with a sofa, then warm air does not enter the window. Condensation accumulates on it, and then mold gradually appears and spreads. Getting rid of it is not so easy. She firmly sits onwalls, while surviving in a variety of conditions. Mold on wallpaper is extremely difficult to remove. But not everything is so hopeless. The presence of a huge number of different means to combat it will help you get out of this difficult situation.

Folk ways
Some people think that the anti-mold for walls sold in stores is poison. To some extent, these people are right. But with the necessary dosage, the harm from it will be less than from the fungus itself. However, here are some examples of ways to temporarily help get rid of mold:
- Bleach. Many of them not only clean the fungus from the walls, but also contribute to its disappearance. The active ingredient in these products is sodium hydrochloride. It emits rather caustic fumes, thereby destroying not only the mold itself, but also its spores. However, this method also has its drawbacks. Quite harmful vapors can be bad for your he alth, and the effectiveness and efficiency has not yet been proven.
- Vinegar. This liquid known in cooking is an acid that can destroy certain types of bacteria. Vinegar is not as harmful as chlorine, its fumes are harmless. But in order to get rid of the mold permanently, you will have to apply it several times a week to the damaged areas. This remedy for the fungus cannot be called one hundred percent effective, because with the wrong technology for its preparation and application, the situation with the humidity of the walls can only aggravate.
- Soda. This powder is familiar to many since childhood. A solution is prepared from it andtreat problem areas. It is believed that he copes well with the fungus on tiles and other hard surfaces. But on the wallpaper, it is considered not the most effective: after a while, the mold appears again.
Anti-mold "Teflex"
Not only folk methods can eradicate the problem, industrial options will also help to cope with it. For example, Teflex. The benefits of this tool can not be overestimated. It is used not only for domestic purposes, but also at the construction stage - in industrial ones. They impregnate any materials: concrete, brick, wood. Thus, even before the appearance of the fungus, prevention is carried out. However, the manufacturer does not exclude the possibility of its use at all stages of construction. It can be added to paint and surface treatment.

Anti-mold for walls called "Teflex" has a number of advantages:
- Easy to use.
- The ability to carry out not only the fight, but also the early prevention of the fungus.
- Can be overcoated with water-based paint without losing effectiveness.
- Hypoallergenic. Suitable for use in apartments with children, pets.
- No strong odor.
- Preserves gas exchange in rooms where access to fresh air is difficult.
- Has a fairly prolonged action.
This is not all the advantages that Teflex anti-mold has. The form of its release is also pleasing: it can be purchased in the formaerosol, as well as concentrate in a special canister for preparing a solution. In addition, consumers indicate that the consumption of this product is very low, which will significantly save your budget.

Mold Prevention
As a rule, we buy anti-mold for walls only when there is already a problem. But this can be avoided if you worry about preventing the appearance of fungus in advance:
- To begin with, ventilate the room well: all rooms, even in severe frosts. And in the warm season, it is better to keep the windows open all the time.
- Do not force radiator batteries with furniture. They are located under the windows for a reason: in the cold season, their purpose is to remove condensate from the windows through heat.
- A fungicide should be applied to problem areas from time to time.
- Try to avoid humidity in bathrooms. To do this, it is better to keep the doors open or install fans in the opening for the hood.
If mold has nevertheless entered your home, immediately purchase a proven remedy in stores. Folk methods are not always effective and can only aggravate the situation.

Anti-mold has become widespread in our time. The price of such funds is relatively low. For example, you will pay about 200 rubles for a bottle of Teflex aerosol. The result after its use will not keep you waiting. And if you took care of it at the construction stage, then this toolwill help prevent mold growth. The main thing is not to delay the process of the struggle, even when you saw only a small fungal speck on the wall.