For those who have difficulty growing and breeding indoor plants, unpretentious flowers are best suited. This is exactly what sansevieria, or "pike tail" is. Caring for him at home is absolutely no problem.

Description of the plant
Sansevieria is a stemless evergreen plant that belongs to the Agave family. These flowers ("Pike tail" - their popular name) have xiphoid dark green leaves. They grow from a rhizome located underground and form a rosette.
Sansevieria leaves have an interesting color - on a dark green background there are lighter strokes, framed by a bright gold border. The dense pulp of the above-ground part of the plant accumulates moisture, and a layer of wax coating does not allow it to evaporate.
It is for the leaves of interesting color that the "Pike tail" is valued. Care and care allow, in addition to chic greenery, to achieve flowering from the plant. Despite the fact that the flowers of sansevieriasmall and inconspicuous, and they open only closer to the night, they are very fragrant. The tart vanilla scent will enchant any grower.

"Pike tail" has a practical use. In India, its leaves have long been successfully used in the manufacture of ropes, ropes and coarse fabrics. The juice from the leaves of sansevieria helps relieve ear pain, and bandages with the juice heal ulcers. In the room where this flower stands, the air contains practically no harmful fumes from furniture and plastics.
Rules for caring for the Pike tail flower
Care at home for this plant is not difficult. It's very hard to kill him. Sansevieria feels great both on the shady side of the apartment and on the sunny side, easily tolerates drafts, dry air and drying out of the soil. However, "Pike tail" is not good for excessive moisture.
Sansevieria is not too demanding on the temperature regime. She excels in both warm and cool environments. It is best if in summer the air temperature in the room where the "Pike tail" grows is within + 18-25 degrees, and in winter - not lower than + 14.
It is also important to observe the watering regime: excess moisture can lead to leaf rot, and its lack can lead to loss of elasticity of the leaves of the Pike tail flower. Care at home for him is simple, it is important to remember that for sansevieria it is necessary that the earthen clod dries through and through between waterings. Responsive "pike tail" and rubbingleaves with a wet cloth.

Replant the flower as needed when the roots begin to protrude from the ground. The pot should be chosen wide, but not high, as the roots of this flower grow in width. It is important to place enough drainage at the bottom.
You can propagate sansevieria in two ways - by dividing the rhizome or rooting the leaf. In the first case, in the spring, when transplanting, a part of the plant with a growing point is cut off with a sharp knife. After that, the Pike Tail is planted in sandy soil until it is fully rooted. When choosing the second option, the old leaf is cut off, cut into pieces 4-5 cm in size. Such petioles are planted in shallow grooves, and after rooting - in a permanent place in pots.
I would like to note that flower growers very often use "Pike tail" to make chic flower arrangements. Home care for such a group of plants is usually very simple, since unpretentious plants, such as cacti, are the most popular as partners for sansevieria.