With the New Year holidays approaching, not only children, but also adults are waiting for miracles and gifts. Everyone can create a magical atmosphere in their home, and for this you do not need to go to the store for New Year's decorations, you can create them yourself.
Toy Snow Maiden and Santa Claus can be seated not just under the Christmas tree, but in a sled made of cardboard. In addition, Santa's sleigh can be an original idea for gift wrapping or a stand for sweets and fruits. They are easy to make and take very little time to make.

Make a sled out of cardboard with your own hands
This craft can be made together with the child, he will be delighted with New Year's preparations and spending time together. There are many workshops on making cardboard sleighs. Some of them are suitable for working with younger children, and there are others that can be suggested for older children.
Grandfather's cardboard sleighFrost: step by step
To create crafts, the following materials and tools are useful: multi-colored thick cardboard, foil, scissors, paint, glue and various decorative elements.
First you need to cut out the details from which the child will later collect Santa Claus's sleigh. The template for such crafts in most cases has a standard look.

Make two identical parts from blue and white cardboard and glue them together. After that, the paper blank is folded along the marked lines and the sled is glued together.
Crafts can be decorated with foil. From it you just need to cut out two parts in the shape of the sidewalls, only a little smaller, and glue them to the base on the sides. You can decorate the sled with paints, stickers in the form of snowflakes, etc.

Such a sleigh is not the limit, a beautiful fruit stand can be made using thick cardboard, corrugated paper and synthetic winterizer.
First you need to find a suitable template, circle it on cardboard and cut out two parts. Glue corrugated paper to one of the copies and cut off the excess along the contour. In the same way, two parts are glued on both sides.

The next step is to cut the bottom of the sled. A rectangle of the desired width is cut out of cardboard, adding a centimeter on each side for indentation. The part is bent, divided into three parts: the base of the sled and two backs (small and large). The indents also need to be bent,smear with glue and stick to the side parts.
Two strips should be cut out of the synthetic winterizer and glued on the sides, imitating snow and covering the non-glued edges of the cardboard. You need to wait until the sleigh is dry and fill it with sweets or fruits.
Sweet Christmas sleigh
It's easy to make such a Santa Claus sleigh with your own hands. This little candy gift will be a hit with any child. It is easy to create a sweet souvenir, and its cost will be low, so you can please all your friends with such a New Year's surprise.
To make one sweet gift, you will need two caramel candies in the form of a cane, one flat chocolate bar, sweets, a glue gun, a ribbon and a bow for decoration.

Step by step instructions
Following the instructions, Santa's sweet sleigh can be made quickly and without any problems.
- The first step is to create the base of the sled. To do this, a large chocolate bar is glued to caramel canes with a glue gun. It should be noted that very little glue is used in this work.
- Four flat sweets are glued in a row on top of the chocolate.
- The next layer will consist of three candies.
- Next, two more candies need to be glued on top. One candy completes the resulting "pyramid". To make the sleigh neat and beautiful, you need to pick up sweets of the same size, while the wrappers should be bright and varied.
- At the end of the work, a sweet gift needs to be decorated with a ribbon and a gift bow.
Original packaging enhances the effect of gifts. Santa's Sleigh is an original idea for New Year's sweets and souvenirs. It is not difficult to make them, the work will take little time, but the effect will be irresistible and will surprise everyone. You can complete this craft with your child to present a joint gift to loved ones for the New Year. Moreover, creativity has a positive effect on the development of babies.