Do-it-yourself door decoration

Do-it-yourself door decoration
Do-it-yourself door decoration

In the interior of any room, the interior door plays a far from last role. Not only is it a good noise canceller, it has other functions as well. Doors delimit space, allowing privacy. And also it is a piece of decor, which is always in sight. However, if the repair was completed a long time ago, then it is this element that begins to deteriorate faster. It is not always possible to carry out the next restoration front of work due to various circumstances (lack of funds, time, etc.) and it is not always rational. In this case, decorating the doors would be the best option.

Reasons for change

What can inspire you to decorate doors in your apartment or private house? There are several reasons for this. First of all, many stores offer a wide range of similar products. Moreover, the number of models depends on the reputation of the tradingpoints and their locations. Shops with friendly staff make customers feel at home, so sales go faster and in greater volume, thanks to which the assortment is significantly replenished.

door beauty
door beauty

With such a variety, it is sometimes difficult to make a definite choice. Sometimes, looking at the models of doors, they seem almost the same. One is similar to the neighbor's, the other is an exact copy of the one installed at work, etc. But the soul asks for change.

Decorating an old door would also be appropriate, because it served faithfully for many years, and sometimes it's a pity to take it to the trash. What does it mean to replace a door? In any case, the door frame itself also changes, since it forms one whole with the door. And this is dust, dirt, it is necessary to close up the cracks, change the wallpaper near the door. In other words, at least local (and sometimes major) repairs are almost inevitable.

In this regard, some people find it easier to renew the doors without completely replacing them. How can I do that? There are certain ways to return a second life to doors, not only interior doors, but also entrance doors, as well as in neglected cases.


This is the simplest restoration process that will quickly get the doors in order. To begin with, it is worth removing it from the hinges, and then walk along its surface with a construction spatula to remove the old coating. Then smooth the surface with sandpaper. Cracks and scratches are sealed with wood putty. After sanding, apply a layerprimers.

After a small preparatory stage, you can proceed to the staining process itself. But when decorating interior doors, you should not rush; a variety of materials with a metallic or marble effect are sold in stores. With their help, you can imitate cracks or, for example, skin. This is a matter of taste, so before you start work, you should go through the outlets in advance and look for the right option for yourself.

DIY door decoration
DIY door decoration

First you need to lay something on the floor (a piece of kissing, oilcloth, newspaper, etc.) so as not to stain the flooring, then position the door horizontally - so the paint will lie evenly and smudges can be avoided. If there is glass, then tape should be glued around its perimeter.


To give a highlight to the doors, you can paint it in several colors. The procedure will be somewhat more complicated - you need to form a pattern of various geometric shapes. To make it easier, you can pre-create a stencil or purchase a ready-made template from the store.

Before you start decorating interior doors with your own hands, you should also carry out preparatory work, as indicated above. Only now masking tape will be needed in any case, even if the door does not have glass. She will just create a pattern or ornament. The exception is the presence of a ready-made stencil (majorly simplifies things).

To translate an idea into reality, you can buy several cans of paint of different shades. But there is a rational option - take one can of paintwhite (1 liter is enough for a door) and several dyes of a suitable range.

Wallpaper not just for walls

Several years ago, wallpapers deservedly enjoyed great popularity in interior decoration. Now, most designers are unanimously inclined to consider such decor bad manners, which the property owner can argue with. But who said that wallpaper is only suitable for walls?! Residents of Sweden, the USA, and Canada love to glue paper and vinyl material. What's not a highlight?

You can hide the entire door under the wallpaper, or you can noticeably highlight the moldings, which looks more attractive. But this is also a matter of taste. You can give originality to the doors with the help of cork wallpaper. Only after pasting them should be varnished. The unusual texture of the material will give the surface originality. In addition, you can use one type of wallpaper or add variety in several pieces.

A photo of decorated doors in different ways is presented in the article.

Fascinating decor
Fascinating decor

This method is well suited for those who do not like to mess with paints. Only without the preparatory stage is still not enough. The door is cleaned of stains, its surface is leveled, then it is polished and degreased with a solvent. Ordinary wallpaper glue is suitable for gluing decor, but it is still better to use PVA - a more reliable option.

The advantages of this finish are the availability of the material. It makes no sense to buy two or more rolls, one is enough, and with a margin. In addition, they can remain after repair, so they will quickly find a use. In thethere is nothing complicated in the work and a few photos of decorated doors (made by yourself) posted in this article are a clear confirmation of this.

At the same time, after a while, at the joints, the wallpaper begins to peel off, tear and wear out quickly. In addition, this option is not suitable for entrance doors.


This option is not suitable for everyone, because here you can not do without the talent of the artist, and certain skills in working with a brush will also come in handy. The roller is already superfluous! It is worth imagining that the door is another blank canvas, on which something beautiful and memorable will soon appear.

And here everything just depends on the imagination of the artist. What images do he see in his head? What exactly is his soul striving for? And why does the heart begin to beat faster than usual? You can draw a whole landscape, and again on the whole door or in some of its zones. Or get by with beautiful various elements - flowers, voluminous figures, patterns, in other words, everything that pleases the eye.

Fine filigree work is always highly appreciated! And such an effect can be achieved with your own hands, while spending a minimum of money - just buy some paint.

Fabric decor

This door decor idea will be a great option to make the doors look cute, tasteful and homely. The final result will be able to please with its originality. Is it possible to see such a work of art in every house?! But at the same time, this door finish has its drawbacks.

Imitation stained glass
Imitation stained glass

First of all, it concerns the choice of fabric - the glue should not leave stains on the material. All edges need pre-treatment, otherwise the whole look is spoiled due to protruding threads. Also, the type of fabric on the doors is not combined with every interior.

But lovers of patchwork (creating a canvas from different pieces of material) will be able to bring something new and no less original, creating a unique appliqué. A small curtain is appropriate if there is glass on the door. It can be secured with fishing line and small nails.

Mosaic decor

This option will look great on the bathroom door. However, the entrance metal sheet also makes an indelible impression. Decorating doors can be done not only with ceramic pieces, in which case they will become too heavy. A good mosaic can be made from wooden elements or veneer, but there are also ready-made glass ones that are easy to find in the store.

As for fastening, for this you should use special adhesives (for example, "Moment") or liquid nails. The surface of the door should also be prepared - clean well and remove all unnecessary.

It is first necessary to consider the pattern, not losing sight of all the details. To facilitate the work, it is worth drawing the entire diagram with a pencil on the door. As an option, elements can not be applied to the entire surface, but to decorate only some fragments. In addition, the mosaic is perfect not only for decorating the door, but also for the opening itself.or even the entrance arch.

Stained Glass Art

This option of decorating a door with your own hands can give it a bright personality. To do this, a stained glass window can be purchased ready-made, but it is easy to make it yourself. Children can also be involved in this process, which will benefit them by developing useful skills in them.

For example, a stained-glass window drawing technique using paints is suitable. To do this, you need to get a piece of glass of the right size or carefully remove it from the door (if it is present on it).

stained glass art
stained glass art

All work can be done according to this scheme:

  • Clean and degrease transparent material.
  • Come up with some kind of drawing by drawing it on paper, and in the smallest details, which will greatly simplify the whole work.
  • On the reverse side of the glass, fix the created pattern and, using stained glass paint, transfer it to the material until its contours.
  • Wait three days - that's how long it will take to dry completely. After that, you can paint over the rest of the drawing and also give them time to dry.
  • Apply another contour, which will give the picture final completeness and allow you to hide minor flaws. Leave the stained glass to dry for another three days.
  • At the final stage of decorating doors with your own hands, apply a protective varnish, which should dry for at least a week.

When the coating is completely dry, the artwork is ready. And now all that remains to be done is to install the stained-glass window in the door leaf.


In some apartments, interior openings do not have doors. What to do in such cases and is it possible to somehow decorate the arch? All of the above methods will work in this situation. At least, if not all, then some of them will definitely come in handy, but there are other options.


You can go the other way. You can well ennoble the doorway with the help of curtains. To implement such an idea, not only fabric is suitable, other materials will also be appropriate - bamboo, cords, beads, wood, plastic. In a word, everything that your own imagination is enough for.

However, you should not opt for curtains with a horizontal opening type. In this case, there will be a serious obstacle that will prevent you from freely entering the room. To decorate doorways, it is better to stop at curtains with a vertical opening. This is the best option, if necessary, they can be tied to the wall.

Curtains in the doorway
Curtains in the doorway

All you have to do is fix the cornice well over the entrance passage. Curtains effectively hide the opening from view, do not interfere or clutter up the space.


From this material you can make an arch, which will be appropriate in almost any room. In addition, the sheets are inexpensive, they are easy to cut, and installation is not difficult. Only for the arch, it is first necessary to make a frame, for which a galvanized profile is used. Moreover, the structures should be given the necessary shape, after which they are sheathed with plasterboard fragments by means ofself-tapping screws.

After the arch is treated with a primer, a perforated corner is glued, the surfaces are puttied, and after they dry, they are polished.

As a last resort, instead of building an arch, you can simply clad with drywall. At the final stage, you can paint them with water-based compounds or stick wallpaper.

Decorating the front door

Creating decor for interior doors is different in that you can use almost anything, from simple methods associated with staining to the manifestation of your own imagination. All originality can be appreciated only by guests. With regard to the front door, everything is a little different. This detail requires a special approach.

Unusual fittings
Unusual fittings

Stencils with paints will obviously not help here. But the door knocker will immediately give the door not only mystery, but also a little antiquity. But besides improving the aesthetic appearance, it is also a completely functional element. The design of the front door will look ergonomic when both the handle, the hammer and the lock are made of the same material and adhere to the same style.

Other good ideas

Besides this, you can take note of other ideas for decorating doors:

  • Individual brightness - many are afraid of such experiments with the front door, which is in vain. Stairwells in many homes already look rather dull, so why not bring in some cheerful shades. From the inside, the door leaf may have a neutral tone, but in relation tothe outer part of it is worth letting your imagination run wild.
  • Painting - this method can be applied not only to interior doors, but also to the entrance group. Abstraction, plot drawing, ornament, art painting - you can list indefinitely, but all this will also give the door an interesting look.
  • Slate paint - by covering the outer or inner part of the door leaf with this material, you can thereby provide yourself and all household members with a rich expanse for creativity.
  • A wreath - but not simple, but decorative - it can be made from green or dry branches. With the help of this traditional decor, you can endow the front door with a certain charm, which from the threshold will symbolize a sign of home comfort. At the same time, it can be decorated thematically or left in a neutral shade.

The front door is not only a locking element, first of all, it reflects the character of the owner of the home.

Nice idea for a front door
Nice idea for a front door

For this reason, she must be hospitable and be able to interest her person. But do not look boring and faceless. Decorating the doors, combined with your own imagination, is the best way to eliminate this shortcoming by adding a bit of originality.
