The door is present in any room. Entrances are necessary not only to prevent the visits of unwanted guests, but also to protect the house from noise and bad weather. Interroom allow you to retire in your room. Improper installation of doors can not only not protect, but in some cases cause great harm, and sometimes even threaten people's lives. Before determining whether a left or right door opening is necessary for your apartment, you need to consider many factors that affect this.
How to correctly determine the opening direction?
First of all, when choosing a new door, you should pay attention to the country of its production. In Europe, the left and right doors are distinguished by the hand with which they open from themselves. The right door is considered to be the one that opens to the right of oneself with the right hand. This is how they will be marked. In Russia, the right door is called the one that opens on itself with the right hand. The left is the one that opens with the left hand.

Building codes and regulations prescribeprinciples of how to determine whether a left or right door should be installed in a room. In accordance with these requirements, all of them must be installed so that they do not overlap each other when opened at the same time. At the same time, the entrance doors are installed to open only outward, so that in an emergency they can be opened from the corridor by moving “toward yourself” and nothing inside the room could block them. Such an installation allows emergency services to easily enter apartments and evacuate people in it in case of danger.
Choosing a door in a store

Before you understand whether the door is left or right on the showcase, you need to mentally look at it from above and understand in which direction it opens:
- When choosing a door that meets fire safety requirements, it must be remembered that when viewed from above, the left one opens clockwise, and the right one opens counterclockwise.
- If a door is chosen to replace the old one and it is necessary to keep the previous opening scheme, then at home you need to remember which hand opens the door and which side the handle is located on. It is the left or right opening hand that will make it clear how to determine whether the door is left or right when buying.
Selecting the type of loops

In the world as a whole, universal hinges are more commonly used for doors, but in Switzerland and Russia, right and left are also used. They givethe ability to rearrange the door in places when necessary. Before determining the door opening - left or right, and what type of hinges are required, you must stand in front of the canvas. If it opens in the direction “toward itself” with the right hand, then the right loops are needed, and if left, then the left ones are needed.
Special attention should be paid to the manufacturer of loops. If they are made in Spain, Italy or Israel, then the opposite principle applies: with the left hand, the right door is opened “push” and the hinges will be marked as right, and the left hand opens “push” the left door and the hinges will be marked left.
Select door lock

The door lock also plays an important role. In addition to universal ones, which can be installed in door frames of various types of opening, there are many designs on sale that are built only in “their” type of door: the right lock in the right door, and the left lock in the left.
Entrance door

The choice of front door is an essential part of the security system of the premises. You need to know how to determine whether a right or left front door is required. It should not only protect against the entry of strangers into the premises, but also not interfere with the quick evacuation of residents in case of danger.
Before determining whether a left or right door is required for installation, you must make sure that when open it will not block the doors of neighbors andpassage through the staircase, otherwise their first complaint to the supervisory authorities about a violation of fire safety will cause an order to change the side of the opening to the opposite.
In addition, you need to think about the convenience of everyday use of the door, because it will have to be used every day and more than once. Not having thought through the side of opening properly, you will have to suffer every time when entering and leaving the house. When installing, you need to provide for the following nuances:
- the canvas should be fully open, allowing you to take out and bring in overall things;
- approach from the side of the stairs should be in the direction from right to left.
If the design of the landing does not allow opening the door to the outside, you will have to put the canvas so that it is in the open position located along the blank wall of the apartment.
Interior doors

When opening interior doors, the type of opening of the canvas affects the design of the opening. Therefore, before buying, you must first figure out how to determine the interior door. Left or right designs will greatly affect the usability. A door that opens into a narrow corridor will constantly interfere, take up extra space. In this case, it is necessary to provide for its opening into the room.
Before installation, it is important to determine which door is required - right or left. A careful approach will tell you how to determine the right direction so as not to acquire an option that, afterinstallation will be forced to open in the opposite direction. The first step should be the choice of the door opening side, on which the design of the box will depend. The opening direction should be safe, comfortable and easy to use.
Important to know
Statistics maintained by specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations suggests that most of the deaths in a fire occur due to the inability to quickly get out of the room. They draw attention to the fact that violation of the installation rules, ignorance of how to determine whether the door is left or right is required in each specific case, the wrong choice of the side of their opening leads to blockages of adjacent openings, when one open door does not allow the next one to open, leads to death of people. This issue is especially acute in relation to children. In extreme situations, they act intuitively, trying to open the door outward by pressing on it with their body. Therefore, when installing interior and exterior doors, you need to consider all the nuances and make the right decision to protect the lives of your household.
Which door to install in the opening - left or right? At first glance, this question should be solved by a specialist. But only the responsible approach of the owner of the apartment will lead to confidence that the installation will be carried out in accordance with all the rules.