Absolutely everyone dreams of a good comfortable home. And one of the main components of the dream is the right atmosphere in the room, that is, when it is warm in winter and comfortable coolness is felt in summer. At the moment, there are many types of heating systems, so there is a choice. Somewhere even now they heat their homes by burning wood, somewhere they prefer peat or coal, and someone uses natural gas or electricity for these purposes. Different types of heating and prices are different. There are problems related to the safety of the heating system, as well as environmental issues.

An alternative to tradition
Quite often you can hear that the best option for home heating is the use of natural gas. Hecheaper than other heat sources, however, there are certain problems here. Natural gas is not available to everyone, since gas pipelines have not yet been installed everywhere. The geyser needs constant monitoring and maintenance. In addition, safety precautions are required, as well as prior permission from special offices.
There is such an alternative as geothermal heating. Such an idea is based on the principle of physical transfer of thermal energy from the environment to the refrigerant. The most important advantage of geothermal energy is that it is completely independent of the environment, time of year and time of day, and almost inexhaustible. Even solar energy, which also belongs to renewable resources, is deprived of these properties. This technology was used quite successfully back in the eighties of the last century in the Soviet Union. However, in those days it was inaccessible and very expensive. At the moment, the situation has become completely different.

Russian developments in the field of renewable resources
At the moment, Russia cannot boast of having unique developments in this area. After all, they also require intelligence, certain studies. Geothermal heating, based on the use of the energy of the same name, has such a basic advantage as complete independence and practical inexhaustibility. Now one can speak about the incredibly huge possibilities of using the heat of the earth's depths only as a fundamental perspective. Water or a mixture of steam and water can be directed to the needs of heat supply and hot water supply, as well as to generate electrical energy intended for various purposes. It all depends on the temperature.
High-temperature heat should be used for electricity generation and heat supply. The station has a certain device, depending on what sources of geothermal energy are used there. If there is a source of underground thermal waters in the region, they can be directed to hot water supply and heat supply.
Geothermal heating systems are being used more and more every day, as such heating has many advantages, including safety, environmental friendliness and economy. One of the main problems is the need to re-inject water into underground aquifers. Typically, thermal waters contain a lot of s alts, as well as toxic metals and a variety of chemical compounds. This makes it impossible to discharge such waters into surface water systems.
So far, there are not so many geothermal stations in Russia. However, from year to year there are more and more supporters and users who prefer geothermal heating.

How does it work?
It is very difficult to state the principle of operation of such an installation in an accessible form, since it has a rather complex structure. It is easier to explain by resorting to some abstract example. Imagine a systemin the form of a refrigerator, but vice versa. Here, the evaporator, located in the depths of the earth, acts as a freezer. The condenser, made of a copper coil, brings the air temperature to the desired level. And the temperature of the evaporator is much lower than at the surface. In such systems, the energy of the earth is used not only for heating, but also for air conditioning.
Geothermal heating involves the use of reliable and durable compressors based on innovative technology of refrigerator systems, which allows you to create such unusual methods of transforming heat from the depths of the earth into high-quality heat, which is then used to heat the room. The heat pump in such a system is one of the most important components.

Basic System
As the basic principle of operation of such a system, the physical transfer of thermal energy to the refrigerant from the environment is used. This can be observed in any refrigerator. Geothermal heating of a private house assumes that more than 75% of the total heat volume released during the operation of such systems is the energy of the environment, which accumulates and enters the premises of the house. That is why this energy has such an excellent property as self-healing. It turns out that geothermal heating at home is safe to use and is unable to cause any damage to the energy or ecological balance of the planet.

Development of technology
Geothermal heating systems began to be developed after the energy crises of the seventies of the last century. When innovative installations first appeared, only not ordinary, but very we althy families could use them in their homes. However, subsequently the systems became more widespread, making their cost more affordable. Now even a family with an average income can use geothermal heating, the price of which is from 35-40 thousand rubles and has become affordable for many. Naturally, work is underway to improve equipment designed for these purposes. Every year more and more economical and convenient units appear.

Geothermal heating of a private house, the price of which is becoming more affordable every year, is based on a qualitatively different fuel, unusual for us. Heating and air conditioning of an individual dwelling is carried out using the energy of the earth, with the help of which it is possible to create optimal conditions for life. In addition, such heating is environmentally friendly, since its use does not lead to environmental pollution with toxic emissions and hazardous waste.
Operating safety
Geothermal heating installations operate without the use of combustion processes. It is thanks to this that any prerequisites for explosions or fires are completely excluded. The absence ofthe need to purchase and install additional hoods and chimneys, which is required for heating systems operating on other principles. During the operation of such a system, no harmful odors or fumes appear in the house. In addition, it is worth mentioning the noiselessness of the operation of such a heating system, as well as its compactness.
If we compare geothermal installations with solid fuel or liquid fuel systems, it is worth noting that they not only do not disturb the interior of the home, but also do not require time to solve the problems associated with the acquisition, delivery and subsequent storage of fuel, since the energy of the earth can be called inexhaustible.

Issue price
When it comes to the choice of devices and heating systems, one of the first places is always financial issues. Installation of a geothermal heating system will require significantly more costs than diesel or gas equipment. However, here it should be remembered about the significantly lower level of energy consumption. So in the long run, it is more economical to purchase and install such a system.
Space saving
There are several ways to significantly reduce the space occupied by heat pumps if you do your own geothermal heating:
- use special underground probes, for which a circuit filled with antifreeze is lowered into the well;
- application of warm groundwater, which requiresdrill a deep well, and the water pumped out by the pump will be driven through the heat exchanger;
- probes are laid horizontally at a level below the level of glaciation of the bottom of reservoirs in winter.