During repairs or during creative activities, there is always a risk of paint getting on clothes. However, you can put a stain on your clothes in public places by hooking on a painted door, wall or bench. Even worse, if a new thing turned out to be dirty, getting rid of which was not at all part of the plans. The only option left to restore it is to remove the stain. This article will help answer the question of how to remove paint stains from clothes.
Varieties of paint stains
To figure out how to remove paint stains from clothes, you need to clearly determine their nature and the material on which the stain "settled". Misdiagnosing the type of soiling will result in an inefficient way to remove it and may ruin clothing.
So, consider the types of paint, the stains from which can be removed:
- watercolor;
- acrylic;
- latex;
- aniline;
- silicate;
- alkyd enamel;
- oil paint.
Watercolor, water-based paint and gouache stains
Such stains will be the easiest to remove, as they are absolutely not waterproof and perfectlydissolve. To get rid of such a stain, it is enough to rinse it under the pressure of cold water or soak it for up to 30 minutes with the addition of washing powder. It remains only to wash a clean thing.

Acrylic and latex paint stains
You can remove both acrylic and latex stains from clothes in the same way. First, the place of contamination is washed in cold water under strong pressure.

After washing powder is rubbed into the stain from the wrong side with a toothbrush. Next, the treated area is washed in hot water. Below is a photo of a latex paint stain.

If the paint was on natural silk, then you need to act differently. Laundry soap is applied to the stain and wiped with denatured alcohol with a sponge. Alcohol must be preheated with water vapor. The procedure should be repeated until the stain completely disappears. At the end, the remnants are removed with a damp cotton swab, the place is wiped with a napkin and sprinkled with talc.
In case of soiled wool, you can also first use laundry soap, but then for a few seconds the fabric is placed in very hot water. After several procedures, the stain will completely dissolve. At the end, it is desirable to carry out a normal wash cycle.
Aniline dye stain
Since it is quite difficult to remove stains from this kind of paint from clothes, you will have to prepare a 10% solutionpotassium permanganate. To do this, 1 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. Dilute the manganese carefully so that there are no crystals left that can leave marks on clothes. Next, you need to dilute 2 g of oxalic acid in 100 ml of warm water. This is the difficult part of the stain removal procedure, after which you can take on the elimination of pollution.
First, the stain is wetted with alcohol, then a solution of potassium permanganate is applied, and finally, a solution of oxalic acid. The stain is removed by washing it.
Silicate paint stain
This paint is very afraid of acid. Therefore, you should not think for a long time how to remove a stain from silicate paint from clothes. The easiest way is to soak a toothbrush in vinegar, wipe the stain and wash with laundry soap.
Stains from alkyd enamel and oil paint
Such complex paint stains, like oil stains, can be difficult to remove from clothes. It is especially difficult to get rid of them on knitted and fleecy fabrics. With leather products or leatherette, this paint is removed much easier. But the difficulty of working with oil paint stains is associated with a certain risk of using a solvent, without which they cannot be removed. Work with the thing should be on cotton fabric. You need to start by treating the stain with a soft cloth dipped in solvent. You can use less aggressive substances with the addition of a solvent, such as white spirit, nail polish remover. The solvent can be replaced with acetone. When wiped, the paint will remain on the rag, thus being transferred fromclothes. This procedure is repeated until the paint stops taking on the rag. Wipe gently and effortlessly, without rubbing the paint into clothing even more. You should also try to use less solvent. Upon completion of the work, the treated area must be washed.

Oil paint on woolen clothes is wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. The affected area is also wiped until the paint remains on the swab.

Still mixtures of kerosene or turpentine with baking soda, as well as acetone and gasoline, are considered to be something that can remove a stain of paint or alkyd enamel from clothes. Stains are wiped with each product separately, and then the cleaned area is washed with laundry soap.
A stain on nylon or nylon is treated from the inside out with ammonia, followed by washing in s alt water.
But before taking on the application of aggressive substances on clothing, you should try their effect on an inconspicuous area.

Old oil paint stains
There are no guarantees here, but you should try the following ways to remove such stains:
- Initially, the stain should be softened by greasing with butter or margarine. Next, the stain is wiped with gasoline (kerosene can be used) and washed with detergent, followed by rinsing.
- You can try mixing different solvents.
- Diluted in equal proportionsgasoline, turpentine and alcohol. The stain is soaked in this solution for half an hour. If the stain has not completely dissolved, the residue can be removed with a plastic knife or the blunt side of a regular knife. At the end, the item is washed in soapy water.
How to get paint stains out of white clothes
Because white is inherently easily soiled, any "flaws" (such as abrasions or slight discoloration) of the stain removal work will be visible. Yes, and it is not always possible to completely remove the stain, and on white, its remnants will be as noticeable as possible. Given these color characteristics, the best solution would be to go to a dry cleaner, although even there you can not get guarantees of high-quality stain removal.

If it is still preferable to remove the stain yourself, then you need to stir the white clay and refined gasoline (aviation) to a pasty state. This slurry is applied in a thick layer to the contaminated area for 3-4 hours and cleaned with a brush. The second step of removal will be washing with stain remover.
Nuances when removing stains
- It's always easier to remove a fresh stain. It is better to start removing the stain immediately or as soon as possible.
- The use of solvent is always associated with the risk of damage to clothing. It is worth trying it on an inconspicuous area of clothing before starting to treat the stain.
- To avoid streaks, stains should be treated from the edges of the material to its middle.
- If gasoline is used to remove the stain, then you need to buy it inspecial economic points of sale. Under no circumstances should gasoline from gas stations be used, as it has a lot of impurities that can leave a permanent stain on clothes.
- Dyed fabric is very sensitive to solvent. Its use is especially dangerous for such clothes. In most cases, stains remain on it, which cannot be eliminated due to the loss of color by the product in the places affected by the solvent.
- Don't rush to use baking soda when removing stains from silk or wool.
As you can see, there are many ways to remove paint stains from clothes, even the most difficult ones. But the best way to keep your clothes clean is to be careful in public places, and use special protection when working with paint.