PVC sewer pipe chicken feeders: types of designs and manufacturing tips

PVC sewer pipe chicken feeders: types of designs and manufacturing tips
PVC sewer pipe chicken feeders: types of designs and manufacturing tips

The standard option for feeding chickens has always been a metal or wooden trough. A feeder of such a plan is very inefficient and unprofitable, as the chickens constantly turn the container over and scatter grain. You have to constantly monitor cleanliness. There is an alternative to such a device - chicken feeders from sewer pipes.

The cost of the material is low, it is easy to work with it, the principle of arrangement helps to keep the grain from spilling and raking. Special systems allow you to dispense feed in portions without constant monitoring of the feed level.

Principle and features of the device

Affordable material is suitable for making chicken feeders from sewer pipes. The assembly process of the device takes little time. Since plastic pipes have a minimum weight, it is quite simple to mount such structures.

Feeders for chickens original ideas
Feeders for chickens original ideas

Feeders forchickens from sewer pipes are distinguished by their versatility, functionality and long service life. You can make such a device using basic tools. At the same time, the design looks neat and convenient to use. It can be cleaned, washed, filled with food, moved without any problems.

Additionally, it is recommended to use additional accessories that will help make the feeder more functional. These may be elements used when attaching sewer pipes.

Types of structures

Feeders for chickens from sewer pipes can be of diverse designs. Attachment types:

  • Vertical - the cabinet is placed perpendicular to the flooring.
  • Horizontal - the main part of the device is placed along the wall of the chicken coop parallel to the ground.
  • Bunker - allows you to adjust the supply of feed for poultry.

Sometimes the hopper feeder is combined with a vertical or horizontal type according to the principle of placement and manufacture. The choice is based on the number of birds, the design of the house or pasture and personal preferences.

List of required tools

To make high-quality chicken feeders from plastic sewer pipes, you need to choose the right tools and materials. The list will consist of only a few items. This is due to the fact that working with plastic pipes is not complicated by the hardness of the material.

For each feeder option, pipes withcertain diameter. Usually there are several options. Additionally, you may need tees, adapters, rubber bands to connect the elements.

Materials for the manufacture of feeders
Materials for the manufacture of feeders

To make holes along the entire length of the pipe, you should use a metal saw or a jigsaw. Marking is done by using a marker or felt-tip pen. A drill or a screwdriver is useful for fixing the mount.

Tightness in some parts of the device can be ensured by applying a special glue mass to the seams and cuts with a special gun. But it is better not to resort to using this option, as chickens can peck at the glue.

Making the simplest feeder

If there are no special restrictions and preferences in choosing a fixture model, then you can choose the most elementary one. You can make such a feeder for chickens from sewer pipes using the following materials:

  • A plug that will match the diameter of the pipe.
  • 2 pieces of plastic pipe with a length of 40 and 60 cm.
  • Knee to transition.
  • Felt pen.
  • File.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Screwdriver.
Plastic sewer pipe 110 mm
Plastic sewer pipe 110 mm

Step-by-step instructions for making a feeder:

  • First mark with a felt-tip pen.
  • On a pipe section 60 cm long, make several holes with a diameter of at least 60 mm. You need to place them along the element.
  • Close the hole with a plug, and on the other hand with a kneeattach the second part of the plastic pipe.
  • The vertical pipe can be attached to the wall using a screwdriver.

Operation is very simple. Grain should be poured into the vertical pipe, which will be evenly distributed in the horizontal part with holes.

Plastic pipe feeder option

This principle of operation is considered ideal for arranging a chicken coop, in which the owners contain many chickens or broilers older than two months. Do-it-yourself bunker feeder for chickens is done as follows:

  • You need to purchase a pipe with a diameter of 20 cm. Its length can be 20 - 30 cm. Put the pipe on plywood and fix it with building corners, screwing them with self-tapping screws. Corners should be placed opposite each other.
  • Take a narrow pipe 50-60 cm long. Make a longitudinal cut 15 cm high in it. Cut off half of the pipe along the cut.
  • Insert the cut end of the narrow pipe into the wide one. Place so that the elements are in contact with the walls. Connect them together with self-tapping screws.
  • Take a plastic container with a displacement of at least 5 liters. Attach the neck to the second end of the thin pipe. The connection can be made with electrical tape.
  • To install the structure, just attach the container to the wall.
PVC pipe diameter
PVC pipe diameter

The operating principle is elementary. Fill the container with grain. The hens will feed on their feed that is spilled out at the bottom of the feeder. The grain will gradually descend down the pipe. 30 chickens are enoughcontainers with a volume of 6 liters for one day. You can not use baklaga. Then the grain will be stored in the vertical part of the feeder.

Making a vertical automatic feeder

This bird feeder design can be made in 10 minutes if you have the right materials on hand. It is enough to purchase the base of the product. In this case, the diameter of the PVC pipes should be as large as possible. The height of the cut should not be more than one meter. Additionally, you need a flat part, for example, a lid from a plastic bucket.

DIY bunker feeder for chickens
DIY bunker feeder for chickens

On one side, cut several small holes along the edge, each of which will have the shape of a semicircle. Install such an element in the lid of the bucket exactly with the side down where the holes were formed.

Pour grain into the pipe. It will pour out into a flat lid through the holes. As you eat, the food will go down the tube.

Custom designs

Homemade chicken feeders are more relevant, cheaper and more functional. Having plastic pipes of different diameters and a saw for cutting in the arsenal, you can make a rather non-standard, but at the same time functional design. Original Chicken Feeder Ideas:

  • In a large diameter pipe, make 5 round holes at the same level. Insert pipe cuts of smaller diameter there.
  • Use clamps to pull together several pipes, at one end of which a knee is fixed. The design is installed vertically.
  • Lay horizontallypipe, the ends of which are closed with plugs. Cut several round holes along the structure.
Feeders for chickens from plastic sewer pipes
Feeders for chickens from plastic sewer pipes

There are many options for making simple but effective feeders. It is worth showing imagination and thinking through the details. It will take no more than 30 minutes to make some types of feeders. You can diversify design options by using several types of materials within one product.

Forming a horizontal structure

If the diameter of the sewer plastic pipe is 110 mm, it can become the basis of almost any design option. Additionally, you will need self-tapping screws, clamps, tools for cutting plastic. A PVC corner and end caps may come in handy.

Vertical feeder
Vertical feeder

The most common option for manufacturing a horizontal feeder can be a stand-alone horizontal version of the design. You need to take two pipes. In the first, cut out a part in such a way that a kind of "trough" is obtained. Close one end of this pipe with a plug. At the second end, fix the elbow to which to connect the second pipe. It should be perpendicular to the main part (with a "trough").

Depending on the length of both parts of the pipes, the amount of feed loaded into the main part of the device is calculated. You can make the same option, but for 2 parallel feeders, which will improve the efficiency of the design.